Chapter 120

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
An alluring fragrance filled the whole day level residence of Weisuo.

In a large copper pot heated with flint, the fragrant golden thick soup bubbled with bubbles, and the pieces of "dog meat" cooked so crispy that people could not help but stir their fingers.

After three days, this pot of "dog meat" hotpot is really delicious. And the dog meat of the two headed dog is very delicious to tell the truth.

If there is such a small pot of "dog meat" and two pots of old wine, then the taste must be too beautiful to say.

But now Weisuo's throat was straight and he was swallowing in agony.

I can't help it. No matter how delicious the food is, it will be unbearable to eat for three days. What's more, although the monk can not eat for ten days and a half months after he reaches the second level of Shenhai state, his digestion ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people. For example, ordinary people may not be able to digest a kilogram of meat in a day, but a friar like Weisuo may be able to digest it in one or two sticks of incense.

So during the three days, Weisuo was eating almost like a duck.

Fortunately, there are still some fruit trees in lingguo orchard that haven't been killed by Han Weiwei. There are some fruits on them that can make Weisuo eat some seasonings from time to time. Otherwise, Weisuo will definitely vomit while eating like this.

The cow like two headed dog is really some big, Weisuo ate three days down, still left such a pot did not finish.

How can this not make Weisuo want to cry without tears.

However, the effect of this "dog meat hot pot" is really good. After three days, Wei Suo obviously felt that his Qi and blood were much stronger than usual, and his constitution was also enhanced a lot. He absorbed and refined his aura, which was faster than usual.

The speed of absorbing and refining aura is fast, that is to say, the speed of cultivation will be faster, which is equivalent to improving some of their own talents.

All the monks have different talents. In the spiritual world, there are many "spiritual roots" monks. For example, the "fire spirit root" monks will be faster than ordinary monks in practicing the fire system technique, and after they have completed the fire system technique, their power will be much greater than that of ordinary monks. Similarly, for the "water spirit root" and "wind spirit root" monks, they will practice the water system technique and the wind system skill The most gifted "heavenly spirit root" friars are those who have amazing talent in all kinds of skills and absorb and refine aura faster than ordinary friars. These people with spiritual roots are all the targets of the search of major schools. Once they are enrolled, they are all trained as elite disciples.

Like shuiling'er, who is known as the first beauty in Tianxuan land, is a monk of shuilinggen.

Weisuo's talent is not bad, but compared with the spiritual root of these monks, or worse.


Although Weisuo was really sick, he did not stop because he was afraid that once he stopped, he would never want to eat this pot of "dog meat hot pot".

Finally, after a full hour, Weisuo finally wiped out the remaining pot of "dog meat hot pot".

After gnawing several fruits, he finally relieved his feeling of vomiting. Wei Suo first went to the Lingquan pool outside and sighed that he had really done it before returning to the room where he tried the power of the technique.

As soon as he walked into the room, Weisuo immediately saw that the heart eating insects in the light green demon cultivation liquid had grown again.

It is obvious that his heart eater is bigger than Han Weiwei's and looks more powerful.

After stepping forward to examine carefully, Weisuo's eyes appeared some surprise look.

In addition to the size of a circle, the heart eater now seems to have become slightly transparent.

That is to say, the most crucial stealth ability of heart eaters is now slowly emerging.

If after more than ten days, my heart eating insect can be completely invisible, and strong enough to walk safely in the sun with murongchen's kind of medicine liquid, maybe it can play a great role in bringing yourself into Mitian valley.

After carefully observing the heart eating insects and Peiyao liquid, Weisuo was mixed again.

There is not much lost in the light green Peiyao liquid, which can make the heart biting insects grow rapidly recorded in the chapter on slave animals. The drug power of this kind of liquid is only slowly infiltrating into the body of the heart eating insect. The heart eating insect does not absorb the spirit of the yellow as it does. However, after three days, the color of Peiyao liquid has obviously faded a lot, and obviously there is not much medicine left in it.

A dose of Peiyao liquid refined by Jiuye Zhuguo, bingdinghua, hongchongcao and a third-class water demon Dan is worth 100 lower grade spirit stones and can last for five days.

Now the color is obviously lighter. The medicine in the demon culture liquid should still be able to make the heart eater soak for another two days. However, after this kind of medicine is scarce, the growth speed of the heart eater will obviously slow down.

After slightly pondering for a while, Weisuo let the heart eating insect climb out of the jade basin, and then use several jade bottles to put up the Peiyao liquid in the jade basin. Then pour a new dose of demon culture liquid.The first batch of him prepared a total of six doses of Peiyao liquid. Now he wants to let the heart eating insect grow to a certain level before he enters the Mitian valley. Anyway, the medicine which has not been consumed up will still be able to give the heart eating insect a bath without so much time grabbing in the future, which is not a waste.

After that, Wei Yu went back to the room where the two heads of the snake possessed the most power, and then he went back to the room where the two headed snake devoured.

He was not interested in eating the heart eaters. Anyway, just go back in three days and see what happens to the heart eater.


Three days later, Weisuo, who has mastered the dance of the Golden Snake, once again enters the room where the heart eating insect is.

The two heads of the two headed dogs have been eaten up by the heart biting insects as dry food. Although the body of the heart biting insect, which is sleeping in the demon cultivation liquid, is only slightly longer, the whole body is more hazy and transparent.

Then every three days, Weisuo came in to change the Peiyao liquid.

Nine days later, by the time the fifth part of Peiyao liquid was used, although the body size was not grown up, many heart eating insects actually shed a layer of skin. After the skin was molted, the whole heart eating insect was almost completely invisible except for a little silver fluorescence on its outer skin.

This let Weisuo greatly encouraged, continue to replace the sixth Peiyao liquid, Weisuo out of the door again.

When he came back, Weisuo stirred up again in the oven.

A few hours later, Weisuo took a large bottle of earth yellow liquid into the room where the heart eating insects were bred, and then replaced the already pale color of the Peiyao liquid.

Has been like a group of silver light shadow of the general heart eater, jump into the yellow liquid, suddenly gulp up.

Feeling the excitement of the heart eating insect controlled by his soul control technique, Weisuo was overjoyed, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This kind of earth yellow medicinal liquid is the better one recorded in the chapter of slave animal remnant.

Now it seems that the prescription recorded in the chapter of slave animal remains is really effective. This kind of medicine should make the heart biting insects grow faster.

However, the material used to refine this medicine was three times higher than that of the original Peiyao liquid, which cost Weisuo 300 lower spirit stones.

At this time, there are only five days left before the miasma of Mitian Valley is completely dissipated.

Some anxious Weisuo prepared a total of three doses of better earth yellow liquid, directly once a day, until the last dose, the heart eating insect finally began to molt again!

This time Weisuo watched nervously the whole process of the heart eater molting again.

When the heart eater's skin first splits from the top of the head, and the heart eater with a new skin comes out, Weisuo can't help shouting, "grandma, bear, it's done!"

The heart biting insect, finally, is completely invisible. Even Weisuo can only feel that it is there, but it can't be seen at all!


At the direction of Weisuo, the heart eater, which he had cultivated to be completely invisible, stabbed at the thousand refined silver in the room. With a light sound, there seems to be a small pit on the thousand refined silver.

This kind of power can be said to be unsatisfactory, even the power of the green water blade released during the two times of the restoration of Weisuo Shenhai realm is not as powerful as that of the green water blade. Even the defensive magic weapons that cannot reach the half spirit level can not be broken.

Now, this heart eater can't be shocked by divine sense at all. It can be said that it is still very weak. But Weisuo was not disappointed. After all, he was only a one month old heart eater. He was very satisfied to be completely invisible. And this degree of power, already enough to pierce the skull, should also be able to be used at some critical time, surprise attack.

After testing the general power of the current heart biting insect's bone sting attack, Weisuo let the heart eating insect continue to soak in the earth yellow demon cultivation liquid. Then he returned to the quiet room and began to write on two palm sized blue Rune papers with a special silver Rune liquid.

This kind of talisman is a special record of events, which is specially used to record some secret. The handwriting written by silver Rune liquid will disappear for 15 days automatically, but after 15 days, the handwriting written by silver Rune liquid will appear automatically.

Wei Suo wrote a lot of things on two pieces of Rune paper carefully, then put these two pieces of Rune paper into nabao bag, and then walked out of his heaven level residence and walked towards Han Weiwei's heaven level residence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!