Chapter 122

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
With a flash of light, Wei Suo, dressed in a humble transformed robe, stepped out of the transmission array in the mountainside closest to Qingfengling.

Looking at Wei Suo, who was alone and swept out of the mountain, the two tianyimen disciples who were in charge of guarding the array showed disdain in their eyes.

These two tianyimen disciples have high accomplishments among all the outer disciples who are responsible for guarding the array. They are the four fold accomplishments of Shenhai realm. Wei Suo has suppressed one layer of cultivation with the hidden formula, but he also has the five levels of Shenhai realm. In normal times, the two Tianyi disciples could not have seen Wei Suo in this way.

But when he appeared in Qingfengling, two tianyimen disciples didn't need to think about it. Wei Suo came for mitiangu.

With the increasing rarity of the colorful poison miasma in Mitian Valley outside the sky, there are more than 600 or 700 monks who come out of the sky just from Qingfengling. Qingfeng mausoleum, which is usually inaccessible to people, has been swept by the passing friars. Now it is estimated that there is not even one monster of two levels.

Not to mention some of the ancestral gates of Lingyue City, there are more than a dozen cities near Lingyue City, and many monks of the sect have already gathered in mitiangu.

Most of these friars are above zhoutianjing, and there are even friars above fennian state.

Some friars of shenhaijing, even when they arrived, were in groups. Under the guidance of friars from zhoutianjing, they were preparing to enter mitiangu.

There are not no monks like Wei Suo who come alone, but at least in the eyes of most people, the chance of a monk who goes to Mitian Valley alone to fall is probably more than 50%.


At this time, many monks were waiting outside the valley, waiting for the increasingly thin colorful miasma to finally dissipate.

There are even many monks who have strong anti-virus ability or have strong anti-virus magic weapons. They have entered the Mitian valley. There are even faint roars of monsters and beasts, and the sound of casting techniques and magic weapons.

But there were also many monks who were on their way. When they passed through Qingfeng mausoleum, Weisuo saw a lot of DaoDun lights and drove to mitiangu from all directions.

Seeing such a situation, Wei Suo was not worried at all. He didn't even sacrifice the white jade crane. He just walked with the wind and cloud.

After all, from time to time there are monstrous monsters that do not exist in the sky from time to time. Even standing on the top of the highest ancient wood, you can only see the extremely mottled color and the continuous wasteland and mountain forest without any end at all.

Inside the sky is the world ruled by monks, while outside the sky, most places are still dominated by monsters.

A cloud of blue light is coming from the distance near a valley where many ancient trees with iron black bark grow.

It was a green jade leaf fan with a square of two feet, on which stood three monks who had been rebuilt in zhoutianjing.

In the middle is a dignified middle-aged monk wearing a bright yellow dragon pattern robe with a white jade belt around his waist. On the left is a plump beauty in a pale green palace dress, while on the right is a Taoist priest in a light soap robe who is about 30 years old.

In the twinkling of an eye, the green jade leaf fan like flying escape magic instrument flew over the valley, and then fell down.

Seeing that the three men were about to fall into the valley, a green light flashed below, and a green curtain appeared.

These three extraordinary appearance of zhoutianjing friars changed their faces, stopped the falling momentum and left the top of the valley quickly.

In the Green Valley, however, there was another world. An old man with a very proud face and a white robe emitting white clouds was sitting on a big stone.

In front of him, there were more than 40 monks.

Among the 40 or so monks, more than 20 were wearing various kinds of robes, while the other 20 were all wearing the same kind of green robes with wood aura.

These 40 monks are at least five level monks in Shenhai realm, and there are even some double or even triple masters in zhoutianjing.

And this old man with a very proud face is the amazing existence of the five fold cultivation of the heaven and earth!

"You're wise." He raised his head slightly and felt that the three friars of zhoutianjing had fled in a hurry. The old man gave a slight sneer and turned his head to look at the entrance of the valley on the left.

Under the flash of the green light, a girl with green clothes who had been renovated in the surrounding world came in and said to the old man respectfully, "elder Bai, the people of tianyimen and juxingzong have begun to enter the Mitian valley. The people in Dongyao Resort have not made any big moves yet."

"Hum! Now that tianyimen and juxingzong have entered, you can also set out! " The old man sneered at the more than 40 monks waiting in front of him, and said: "disciples, I repeat that although we Yuehua sect does not want to be enemies with these schools which are equal to ours in principle, we Yuehua sect is not afraid of these sects. If they are hostile, you can do your best, but you should do better under your hands If they are left behind and have the exact evidence, they will have to end it by themselves. As for other sects and forces, if anyone dares to stop them, kill them. As long as you can collect the miraculous medicine during this trip, you will be rewarded with a miraculous elixir, and you can enter the Tibetan scripture hall to select a high-level xuanlevel skill. If you can collect the elixir on the master's list, you will be rewarded with a lower level skill! And ten thousand lower grade spirit stones"Disciple, take the order!" As soon as the old man's voice fell, more than 40 monks in front of him all cried out with blood, and then two or three groups of monks flew towards the mountain forest behind him.

The old man of Yuehua sect stood up after watching all his disciples disappear in the mountain forest in front of him, and seemed to be ready to follow him into the Mitian valley where the sun has been seen again.

But at this time, he saw a row of escapist lights flying towards the east of Mitian Valley in a very arrogant manner.

That row of escape light, all is a frame carved with thunder clouds and lightning patterns of gold chariots.

"Lei Xiao Zong, Xiaocheng, Ming Dynasty?" Six words from the old man's mouth some cold spit out, even a door does not seem to put in the heart of the old man in white, at the moment, the pupil is a little bit of contraction up.

"Even so far away? It seems that Lei Xiaozong is determined to get some miraculous medicine this time. "

In a valley on the west side, more than 30 monks in various kinds of animal fur and leather armour gathered and immediately noticed the arrogant escape light in the sky.

Although there is no magic method around Mitian Valley, basically all the monks will not fly in like this. Because this swaggering into it is easy to become the target of some powerful monsters.

Outside the sky, there are many monsters of level 6 or above that are hard to deal with.

"Even if their accomplishments are high and they are not afraid of monsters and become the targets of other friars, there are also many places in the sky above Mitian valley where there are rotten gods. If there is no peach God jade in their hands, they certainly would not dare to fly directly into this arrogance." The head of a middle-aged monk with a scar on his face said darkly, "after they are scattered, we will try to kill several of them and take the peach God jade from them!"

"Good!" The vast majority of the friars wearing various kinds of fur and leather armour all laughed and took out one or two slave animal bags at the same time.

These friars also seem to be a major sect specialized in controlling animals. , the fastest update of the webnovel!