Chapter 123

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Lei Xiaozong's more than 30 golden chariots flying in the air, Weisuo was carefully walking through a thick forest full of thorns.

"Damn it! What kind of door is this? " Seeing that row of arrogant escape light, weisoton had a little cold sweat.

Now Weisuo's direction is southeast of Mitian valley. When he saw that all the gold chariots were going to the East, he was relieved.

After a little further advance, Weisuo suddenly heard the roar of fighting methods in the dense forest ahead of him on the left.

Weisuo's heart moved slightly, and after confirming that there was no one around, Weisuo's hand appeared a slightly silvery cloak like robe.

A bag to the body, after the real yuan penetrates into, Wei Suo miraculously disappears from the original place.

This is the invisible robe made by murongchen for Weisuo. Before leaving, Weisuo had applied that kind of medicine to prevent sunlight. Now, once used, it can be completely invisible.

Wearing this invisible robe, Weisuo approached the place where the fighting voice came out.

Soon, Weisuo saw a friar of zhoutianjing with two friars of Shenhai kingdom. They were fighting fiercely with two friars of Shenhai realm. All of them had never seen before. They were all magic weapons above half spirit level, and they could not tell the victory or defeat for a moment.

A moment later, Weisuo reappeared in the distance from the fight, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

The five men all looked grim. It was obvious that at least one of them wanted to kill people and steal goods, and then they started fighting.

It seems that this kind of mutual calculation between friars, killing and seizing treasure, has been thoroughly launched outside Mitian valley.

Weisuo didn't want to cause trouble now. After a little meditation, he directly approved the invisible robe and marched soundlessly towards the southeast of Mitian valley.

Less than 50 li away from Mitian Valley, Wei Suo grasps a towering ancient tree which is determined to be uninhabited. From the top of the tree, he looks at the legendary Mitian valley. When he looks at it, he feels a cold breath.

At the moment, the colorful poison miasma on the periphery of Mitian Valley has completely dispersed, revealing the whole picture of Mitian valley.

The whole Mitian Valley can only be described as big and extremely wild.

From Weisuo's position, he could only see most of the southeastern part of the valley, and his sight could not reach the whole picture of the valley. In the valley, there are still several towering mountains. At the moment, there are still many places in these mountains where the multicolored poisonous miasma has not been dispersed. It looks colorful and shocking.

It may be due to the fact that all the trees in Mitian Valley seem to have a kind of gloomy color, and most of them are covered with many vines. Some even grow many long plants, which give people a feeling of hair.

This even gives people a kind of legendary devil like feeling.

At this time, there were at least seven or eight hundred monks who entered it, but Wei Suo didn't seem to see any figures at all. Scattered in such a broad valley, these monks are just a drop in the ocean. Only occasionally can we see some shining lights in some places. It seems that some monks have already started their hands.


At an entrance to the southeast of Mitian Valley, a white faced scribe wearing a yellow shirt and a thin bamboo pole Taoist priest wearing an apricot colored Taoist robe are flying forward.

Just a few miles away from the outside of Mitian Valley, the white faced scribes and the thin bamboo pole Taoist suddenly stopped.

Five young monks, who all looked less than 30 years old, appeared in front of them.

All the five young friars were wearing moon white robes with water marks. Behind them, there were two "Tianyi" characters composed of talismans. They were all disciples of Tianyi sect!

In Lingyue City, the number of outer disciples of Tianyi gate is also large. However, the status of outer disciples in Tianyi gate is equivalent to chores and labors. They can't get the attention of the inner gate and can't get the real inheritance of Tianyi gate. However, once you become an inner disciple, your status and status will be quite different. Not only will there be a certain amount of spirit stone allocated every day, but also the powerful friars in tianyimen will be admitted to the sect. They can not only get powerful skills, but also be protected by Tianyi sect.

If there is a fight outside on weekdays and kills several tianyimen's disciples, tianyimen may not be investigated. But if you kill the inner disciple, I'm afraid that you will be chased by tianyimen as soon as Weisuo and others killed that young monster friar.

After all, any large amount of investment in Inner disciples and even elite disciples is quite different, and they all hope to get a big return from these disciples. Moreover, if even these disciples can not be protected, the prestige of this major sect will be greatly reduced.

"I'm sorry, there are some severe prohibitions set by our elders. Please take a detour to enter Mitian valley."

After stopping the white faced scholars and the thin bamboo pole Taoist, a graceful tianyimen disciple in the center of the temple smiles and says.The white faced scribe and the thin bamboo stick Taoist priest looked slightly ugly. After a look at each other, they went south without saying anything.

After the five tianyimen disciples were far away, and they were sure that they would not be able to hear them, the thin bamboo pole Taoist priest was the first to angrily scold, "tianyimen is clearly bullying others. Relying on their great power and large number of people, they have occupied this place and prevented people from entering, so that their people can collect it from this position It's the elixir. "

The white faced scribe shook his head helplessly, laughed bitterly and admonished him: "what's the way? These large doors occupy a relatively easy access position one by one. It's impossible for us to have such confidence to change the Lei Xiao Zong whose strength is still above them. They just swagger and fly directly from the top, and they dare not stop them. It's no use being angry now. It's better to find another safe place to enter. Don't run into the rotten light as soon as you enter. It's lucky that we can collect some miraculous medicine safely. "

The thin bamboo pole Taoist priest's face looked a little better, but he still couldn't hide his anger and said, "depending on tianyimen's practice today, if we can have a chance and make a success in the future, we must give tianyimen some hardship. At that time, no one in tianyimen can leave the City from the southeast and northwest of Lingyue city and open another dog hole for them Don't go out of town. You can only get out of this dog hole

As they said this, they disappeared into the dense forest on the south side.

Just a moment later, the silver light flashed, but Weisuo appeared behind a tree not far from the two men.

"It seems that if I don't use Zhenyuan, I will deceive a monk in zhoutianjing within five Zhang of his side, and the other side will not be able to detect it."

Some of them looked at the robe in their hands with satisfaction and muttered this sentence. After that, Weisuo looked at the place blocked by tianyimen gate. Then he glanced directly to a nearby tree with thick branches. He closed his eyes and breathed quietly.

Entering from the area blocked by tianyimen gate should be the closest to the area where purple fox flower is likely to grow. However, the five inner disciples of tianyimen are all masters of zhoutianjing, and there may be some severe restrictions in it. Only like the two zhoutianjing monks just now, can they go in from other places.

Other friars want to enter in the daytime as much as possible. But now Weisuo has the true vision liquid which was bought by the old man in green robe when he was shopping in the dark. In the evening, the old man in green robe can also come out to help Weisuo feel the divine sense. Compared with ordinary monks, Weisuo will be more friars at night.

Now tianyimen has occupied the southeast corner of Mitian Valley, so Weisuo decides to take a detour in the dark. Anyway, if Linghu flower is easy to find, it may soon fall into the hands of tianyimen. If it is not so easy to find, or tianyimen just wants to go deep into mitiangu from this direction, Weisuo still has some opportunities.

Moreover, according to Wei Suo's judgment, the possibility of tianyimen's continuing to go deep into Mitian Valley takes up more than 80%. Because over the years, when Mitian valley was unsealed, the more people went inside, the less monks entered. Therefore, the more peripheral, the less good things, and the more inside, the more good things.

For a large sect like tianyimen, there are many disciples who are dedicated to meritorious service. It is absolutely impossible for them to be ready to leave when they gain some benefits like Wei Suo.

Not long after Weisuo had just hidden himself on the common tree outside Mitian Valley, a huge black shadow suddenly fell from the South sky. When it flew down, it brought a terrifying pressure to Weisuo, who was hundreds of miles away, a little frightened.

The dark shadow is obviously not a magic weapon, but a monster that is many times more powerful than the two headed dogs on level 5!

Now, there are also powerful monsters in Mitian valley!

It made weissou more patient and more careful.

With the passage of time, the sky outside Mitian Valley finally slowly darkened.

When the last sunset finally disappeared below the horizon, weisseau jumped out of the tree and swept south.

Just a few hundred feet away from the periphery of Mitian Valley, Weisuo put away his invisible robe again. After a period of trial, he found that the invisible robe would still leave a transparent shadow when it moved a little faster.

In addition, the robe itself did not completely isolate the monk's breath, so it is likely to be found by other monks during the movement.

Therefore, the best way to use this robe is to use it with the hidden secret formula and the invisible bone stab tool when necessary. , the fastest update of the webnovel!