Chapter 130

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weissou stood quietly at the entrance of a canyon.

In fact, it can be described as a pit, because Mitian valley itself is a huge valley with sunken terrain.

According to the simple map in Weisuo's hand, as long as you go through this pit, you can reach the growth place of Ziqi ginseng.

The pit was very flat, without any huge trees or rocks. There was a very low, peculiar shrub with black needles growing on the ground, and the Bush also had a kind of small fruit with a little white fluorescence in the night.

After a little meditation, Weisuo put on his invisibility robe and slowly entered the round pit, which was at least several miles around.

The reason why Weisuo chose to pass directly from here was that although the terrain was flat and there was no cover, there would be no fierce monks ambush. After he entered the valley with his invisible robe on, as long as he walked in for a while and walked slowly, no one would find someone passing through the valley.

"Damn it!"

But the more he went, the more chilly he felt. When he was still tens of feet away from the center of the pit, Weisuo had completely changed his face and trembled all over his body.

A stream of astonishing cold air almost penetrated into his bone marrow, making him unable to resist with real yuan.

"The cold place of the extreme cathode! It's an extremely cold place to see At the same time, the old man in green screamed in Weisuo's ear: "look! Look at that! Xuanming immortal Lotus

"Weisuo, go and pick it! Ah! There's a xuanming ice lotus growing here! This is a heaven level elixir that can directly improve the monk's constitution and make him form an ice spirit root

"How to pick it?" Weisuo, shivering all over, slowly retreated for more than ten Zhang.

In the constant shouting of the old man in green robe, he has also seen that there is a place near the center of the pit, which is exposed to the cold and cloudy air visible to the naked eye. The blue and black ice is all around the area of more than ten meters. In the middle of that place, there is a blue and black ice carved lotus with seven leaves. Under the wind of cold air, the ice like leaves are still swinging slightly.

Xuanming immortal Lotus! Heaven level elixir! Can let friars form ice spirit root!

Weisuo did not know the value of this elixir in the wind like cry of the old man in green robe.

The so-called spiritual roots in the world of monasticism mean that they have excellent talents in a certain aspect. They are all talented people, and they are the precious pimples of various major schools.

Binglinggen represents the speed of practicing Bingyuan skills and techniques, which is much higher than that of ordinary friars. As long as you can find the appropriate Bingyuan skills and techniques, the advanced speed is usually two to three times faster than that of ordinary friars.

What is the concept of a miraculous medicine that can bring a fairy word?

This xuanming ice lotus, if you put it in any city for auction, I'm afraid it will fetch a high price of hundreds of thousands of inferior spirit stones, attracting countless monks to the scene.

Because this kind of elixir is useful for the monks who are in different periods of study, or even those who are above the golden elixir period.

Who would think their qualifications are good enough?

Many great friars would like to find all the miraculous medicines and turn themselves into the spiritual monks.

But at this time, the more clear the value of this elixir, Weisuo is more depressed to the extreme!

The baby is right under my nose, but I can't take it!

Just now, he just took a step forward and tried it out. With his current cultivation, even if he sacrificed all the fire magic weapons in his hand, as long as he walked forward a few dozen steps, his true yuan and Qi and blood would be completely frozen to death. It's impossible to get to xuanming Xianlian after fighting for the old life.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! it ticks me off! I can't see it! If you have achieved two or three levels of cultivation in Fen Nian state, you can pick this xuanming ice lotus with a magic weapon of Yangyuan! This is the main gate of tens of thousands of disciples. You can't get a treasure for decades! "

"This xuanming fairy lotus has only taken shape for a hundred years. If it is discovered by those people who are in charge of the gate, it must be taken away. Even if this place is opened again ten years later, it will be useless for you to come again!"

The old man in the green robe was also howling in depression.

"Your sister Wei Suo can't help but break Liu sanpao's vulgarity again.

The more the old man called, the more depressed he became.

But what can we do?

After taking a few deep breaths with gnashing teeth, Wei Suo finally refused to look at the xuanming ice lotus plant. He turned his head abruptly to avoid the final place of the cold and overcast atmosphere. He walked slowly from the left side through the pit where there was an extremely cold place in the middle.

After more than a hundred Zhangs away from the growing area of xuanming Xianlian, Wei Suo's cold feeling just disappeared a little under the real yuan.

But just at this moment, Weisuo's whole body suddenly froze!

Because it was near the place where he had just started, two monks suddenly appeared at the entrance of the pit!Two monks who were covered in black robes and could not see their faces.

"What's the matter?" The old man in green robe, who can't help but cry twice from time to time, also feels Wei Suo's strangeness. However, with the old man's vitality, he can only perceive things within 50 Zhang at most. When he is more than 50 Zhang, he is just like a blind man. He can't see anything, and he can't compare with the lowest level of free training.

Wei Suo didn't dare to answer the old man in green robe in a low voice. He just stood in the same place and didn't dare to move.

Because he just stealthily swept the Qi gazing skill, these two monks were caged in the black robe, one of them was the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing, and one of them could not see the real or the virtual with his Qi watching skill, only a group of flaming brilliance wrapped the whole body. It was obvious that they were at least four or five times of terror monks in the Zhou Tianjing!

And at this time, the two monks seem to be here for the xuanming Xianlian, have been straight toward his direction to grab over.

Just a moment later, the two monks, who made Weisuo extremely frightened, had arrived about 50 Zhang away from the growth place of xuanming Xianlian in the middle of the pit.

That place is also the place where Wei Suo felt the cold and cold, and he had to fight with Zhenyuan every step forward.

"There are really xuanming ice lotus here." After the monk stopped, he said in a deep voice, "it's just that the Yin and cold air here is heavier than I thought. Even if you take huosui pill, you may not be able to resist it."

"I will definitely pick up the xuanming immortal lotus." An extremely firm voice came from the mouth of another friar in black robe, a triple friar of zhoutianjing.

The voice was cold and pleasant. She was a nun.

"No one can stop what you decide." The black robed monk nodded silently and said, "in this case, I will guarantee that no friar will enter this valley during this period of time. Do your best."

The lady in black nodded.

Weisuo saw that the black robed male Xiu did not speak any more. He stretched out his hand and flew out a small black flag.

What made Weisuo cold sweat was that one of the small black flags covered with silver cloud patterns flew over his head and landed less than five feet behind him. If the flag hits him, he will surely be found. If he does, he will be beaten by these two friars far more than his friars.

In an instant, a cloud of silver and black appeared on the four black flags. It turned out to be a huge thick mask. From the outside, we could not see the situation of the two monks in black robe and Weisuo inside, nor could we see the situation outside.

Weisuo couldn't help but think that if the two monks had found him and killed people inside, there would be nothing to see outside.

To his little relief, after releasing the four flags, the black robed monk nodded to the black robed nun on his side, turned and swept away from the silver and black cloud cover.

"Dugu Yuyun", at this time, the nun in black suddenly said, "if I can't succeed in picking this xuanming ice lotus, you will sell all the Fangshi as I said before, and then take my younger martial sister to leave Lingyue city

"I see." "I just hope she can understand your intention."

"She will understand." Once again, the voice of the nun in black was cold and unquestionable.

The black robed monk took another look at the black robed nun and said nothing more. He suddenly put on the silver black cloud cover and disappeared into Weisuo's sight.

"Let's go, let's go." Wei Sogang just wished that no one had found the xuanming Xianlian, but at the moment, he hoped that the two people would quickly pick the xuanming Xianlian and leave quickly. Don't just pass by and have a look at it and get a knife for nothing. But Weisuo now of course dare not raise a card to jump out and say, I am just passing by, you are busy first, I go first. If you meet a green shirt youth like that evil star, then Weisuo is miserable. These two people are obviously more powerful than the green shirt boy.

So Weisuo could only stand still and watch.

The black robed nun stretched out her hand and suddenly offered a bright yellow jade pendant, which was suspended on her head. A light yellow light mask was formed outside her body by the heat of Yang and extreme.

This jade pendant is just what the old man in green robe said. It can resist some Yin and cold Qi.

It seems that these two friars have already prepared for this mysterious immortal lotus.

The nun continued to walk forward for dozens of steps. Even though she was covered with a light yellow light mask, there were layers of frost on her black robe, and her body not only trembled slightly.

Then there was a scene that weisseau didn't expect.

The nun reached out and took out a fire red pill, which seemed to have golden flame flowing in it. At the same time, she slowly took off her black robe.

A pair of astonishing peerless appearance, appeared in Weisuo's eyes.

Her hair is like a waterfall, her eyes and lips are beautiful, and her skin is more than snow. This woman is only wearing a Purple Palace Dress, but her beauty gives people a suffocating feeling.In addition, her exquisite face also naturally has a cold pride of rejecting people from thousands of miles away, which makes this woman more noble and elegant, just like a real fairy from the sky.

At the moment, after removing the black robe outside, she even slowly untied her Purple Palace clothes, except for coming down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!