Chapter 131

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The perfect jade body was completely presented in front of Weisuo's eyes.

Weisuo's brain was instantly flooded with water

this ice and snow beauty with a unique face actually removed all her clothes.

If it's someone else, maybe Weisuo can't help crying out in his heart at this time. Is he sick? He still plays naked running in such a cold place?

But at this moment, it is impossible to describe how perfect this woman's jade body is.

Any part, to Weisuo's feeling is one point too much, one point is too little.

Weisuo's vision seems to be attracted by the magnet, completely gathered in this beautiful woman's immaculate jade body, the proud double peaks, perfect curve, that mysterious secluded place, he even saw that the left hand could not grasp the upright bottom, there was a small attractive red mole.

Weisuo's Qi and blood flowed faster than usual.

Because it was beyond the perception range of the old man in green robe, he only found that Weisuo's Qi and blood was surging wildly. The old man in green robe was extremely frightened and cried out, "Weisuo, what's the matter with you? Are you poisoned?"

"A ghost poison! If I'm poisoned, I'd rather be poisoned every day. "

Exclaimed wishord in his heart, but straining his body, he did not dare to make any noise, for he felt that if the nun found out at this time, he would be dead.

Why did this peerless beauty remove all her clothes from her body? She was called by the old man in green robe. Weisuo, whose brain recovered a little, finally saw a clue.

After taking the fiery red pill which seemed to have golden flame inside, her original white skin like ice and snow slowly showed a red color.

A trace of it seems to be with a flame like astonishing heat, driven by her true yuan, constantly exhaled from her body, and her silver teeth clenched, exquisite face, there is also a trace of pain that is hard to hide.

The pills she took, combined with her unique skills, seemed to be able to resist the extreme cold. However, the combination of the pills and her skills seemed to be too overbearing, making all the meridians in her body burn like fire.

Only by keeping the fire breath of extreme Yang and fire flowing and constantly discharging, or if it stays in the meridians for a little while, it will burn all over the five internal organs and die.

Therefore, even if there is a magic dress for dispelling fire, this peerless beauty can't put it on at all. Otherwise, if there is a little obstruction, she will not be able to resist the heat.

Use the extreme yang to fight against the extreme Yin, which is the real ≡!

This discovery makes Wei Suo can't help admiring the heart of this peerless beauty. Not to mention the confrontation between the two extremes of vitality in the body, it is the fire Qi flowing and gushing out in the body. It is certain that the channels and collaterals in the body are also flowing with hot oil, and the pain is unimaginable.

If Weisuo chooses, even if he knows such a method, even if he has such pills, he is afraid to do so.

In addition, this peerless beauty is really a creature created by heaven. Wei Suo can't help but hope that this beauty can safely pick up xuanming Xianlian.


I saw this peerless beauty step by step toward that plant xuanming Xianlian.

Her perfect jade body is getting closer and closer to Weisuo, and her eyebrows are deeply frowned, and each step is bearing great pain, as if walking on a red iron bar.

But she pursed her mouth tightly and didn't make a sound at all.

The pace of her progress is more difficult, more and more slow, even looking at Weisuo palm can not help but shed a cold sweat.

Time seemed to solidify at this moment, and I don't know how long it took. This unique beauty went to the area with blue and black ice, only about 10 Zhang away from the xuanming ice lotus.

But the moment a pair of jade feet stepped on the blue and black ice, her skin on a pair of jade feet was frozen and cracked, and her whole person was shaking unconsciously.

Wei Suo Zhen was afraid that she would fall down like this. In this way, even if he wanted to save it, he could not save it. But, let Weisuo breath some pause is, this ice and snow beauty has amazing willpower, unexpectedly continued to say nothing, step by step through the rest of the distance, picked up the xuanming immortal Lotus!

"Is it that some powerful friars came to collect xuanming Xianlian?" It was not until then that the old man in green robe, who felt the change of aura around him at the moment when xuanming Xianlian was collected, had a guess. This time, the old man in green robe was completely retracted into the ghost pot.

I'm joking. In his consciousness, the monks who can collect xuanming Xianlian are at least the monks who have two or three times of cultivation in Fen Nian state with powerful Yang Yuan magic tools. This kind of monks are extremely sensitive to the sense of divinity, and if they don't pay attention, they will be found out by the monks of this level.

The old man in green robe probably would not have thought that the one who collected xuanming Xianlian at the moment was actually a nun with three levels in the world.

The beauty of the nun step by step back, the perfect back curve, but also in Weisuo's heart imprinted indelible image.Finally, the woman with amazing willpower retreated to 50 or 60 Zhang away from the place where xuanming Xianlian grew up.

When she retreated here, the nun finally couldn't bear it and let out a grunt.

"Damn it, it's amazing!"

Hearing this groan, Weisuo felt only a movement. Such a stuffy hum is so intolerable. What if it made that kind of noise?

But at the moment when Wei Suo's blood and blood could not help surging wildly, he saw that the nun's body collapsed with this dull hum.

Under this kind of real ' s ' true ' s, this ice snow beauty with amazing willpower has already reached the limit at this moment!

Weisuo's heart suddenly heaven and man at war!

In the place 50 or 60 Zhang away from xuanming Xianlian, the Yin Ming Qi is also extremely heavy. If you can't run Zhenyuan to resist, I'm afraid that if you don't need half a column of incense, you'll be frozen and your whole body will die. At the moment and a half later, the fierce black robed monk seemed to be trying to avoid suspicion and would not come in.

As long as Weisuo doesn't rescue the nun, she will surely die.

But an extremely rational voice kept reminding Weisuo not to rescue him, because if he was hit by a suddenly rushed male monk and mistakenly thought what he was going to do, he must be dead. Besides, he saved the nun. If the nun sent any message, how could he escape from here?

To save this nun, his whereabouts must be exposed.

"Grandma! Go for it

But maybe the nun's face was so beautiful, or the conversation between the nun and the male nun made him think that the nun was the kind of person he admired, so he almost lost his head and swept out without any hesitation. Around the center of the most shady atmosphere, he quickly arrived at the nun's side.

In this short time, the nun was in a coma.

At such a close distance to see the jade body of the nun in front of her body, Weisuo's mind swings. At the same time, he even scolds himself. What else do you think. Then he took a mouthful of saliva, quickly picked up the nun, and swept out the area full of cold and overcast atmosphere.

The skin was silky and silky, but it was extremely cold and moving. Wei Suo didn't dare to look at it. He was afraid that a moving jade body, which could not help but do something harmful to nature, seemed to be burning a fire.

"What to do?"

Wei Suo had a layer of sweat on her head. Subconsciously, she wrapped the nun in the black robe she had taken off. Then she squeezed the fire poison elixir collected in Mitian valley with Zhenyuan and poured it into the nun's mouth.

To Weisuo's delight, the nun's signs were obviously improved after the medicine was infused, and the anger in her body was slightly reduced.

"Old man, are you dead? Come out and help me see how to save people." There was another cry from Wilson.

"What's the situation?" The voice of the old man in the green robe rang in weissou's ears.

But at this time, to Weisuo's surprise, the nun, who was still in a coma, let out another extremely attractive groan. However, her right hand was subconscious and stretched out to get a white Dan bottle from her clothes. But before she touched the bottle, her hand fell down again.

"What's the situation? It's extremely Yin and hot. What I've eaten? How can I make sure of this kind of medicine?" At the same time, the old man in green also cried.

"Grandma's!" Weisuo could only die as a living horse doctor. He quickly opened the bottle and saw a snow-white pill in it. Weisuo immediately put it into the nun's jade lips and sent it in with Zhenyuan.


What makes Weisuo's eyes happy is that the fire in the nun's body is obviously alleviated rapidly.

However, he did not dare to stop at all. After putting down the empty bottle, he immediately took it out and wanted to leave the pit as soon as possible.

"Who are you?"

But just when he turned around and swept out less than 20 Zhang, his body became stiff and numb, and he heard her voice coming from behind him.

"I'm just passing by! There is no malice in saving people

Weisuo almost subconsciously so called. As soon as he turned around, he saw that the beautiful nun had already put on the Purple Palace Dress and was staring at his escape direction.

"Who are you?"

Almost at the same time, a shrill roar was heard outside the silver and black cloud. This voice is exactly the voice of the black robed male monk who is at least four or five times of cultivation in the whole world.

Weisuo called so, and he felt it.

"I'm just passing by." Wei Suo wanted to cry without tears under a cry, the figure did not retreat, but forward, but swept to Zhenyuan obviously exhausted, there is no room to resist the nun, one hand caught the nun, the other hand took out a small black arrow, aimed at the nun's neck.Almost at the same time when he had just finished this step, he let out a big hole in the silver and black cloud cover. At the moment when the black robed monk fell from the sky, a powerful force with astonishing anger enveloped Weisuo's body.

"Damn it!" Pale Wei Suo suddenly felt that the monk's grandmother was obviously a friar of five levels in the world! , the fastest update of the webnovel!