Chapter 132

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Let go of her!" At the sight of Weisuo's shameless appearance of holding nun juelie, the strong man in the black robe, who still can't see his face clearly, said extremely cold. A kind of substantive killing intention makes the surrounding air seem to solidify.

"I'm stupid! Boss, if I let her go, I'll be beaten to pieces Weisuo called out, "I tell you not to mess around. I have some magic weapons that are cast very quickly. When I do, my hand will shake. If I accidentally hit her, everyone will be bad. I swear I was a passer-by and saved her by the way. Can you just let me go when you don't see anything? "

The black robed monk stood still and was full of murderous spirit. He seemed to be thinking about whether there was any way to kill Weisuo without letting him hurt the nun.

"He really didn't mean anything." But at this time, the juelie nun who was held by Weisuo was calm and said, "you let him leave."

The black robed monk was slightly stunned.

Juelie nun is slightly side head, to Wei cableway: "after you let me go, you can leave, we will never stop."

"Ah?" Wei Suo, who had a lot of bandit breath, was a little dumbfounded.

"You really saved me just now, or I won't be able to get out of that area." Jue Li nun Xiu seemed to be afraid of the black robed male monk's sudden attack, and explained, "and just now you are going to leave. Even this xuanming immortal lotus has not been taken away. There is no evil intention."

Hearing this, the black robed male monk still did not speak, but his murderous spirit dissipated a lot.

"No way!" Wei Suo is very uneasy but directly shook his head, a rebuff: "my cultivation is much lower than you, in case you don't count, I may not be able to run."

"In my life, I have never said anything but words." As soon as Wei Suo said this, the black robed male Xiu immediately said in a sharp voice.

"That's what you said. I haven't seen it before." Weisuo curled his lips. "No way."

The black robed male Xiu's anger was hard to suppress, but he still put up with it and said in a cold voice, "what do you want?"

"Why don't you stand here and let her take me there. Why don't you just turn around and see the water? " Weisseau points to the dense forest at the exit of the pit behind.

"Then how can I believe you?" the black man said coldly

Wei Suo curled his lips and said, "I've never had a promise in my life, and I've never had a time when I don't count my words."

"You ..。”

"All right." Just when the black robed man seemed unable to resist the attack, the nun who was held by Weisuo said, "just listen to him."

Hearing the nun say so, the man in black doesn't speak any more. He just puts up the small flags, removes the silver and black cloud cover, and stares at Weisuo motionlessly.

"All right." After bypassing the place where xuanming Xianlian grew up and 200 Zhang away from the man in black robe, the nun who was absolutely the first beauty Weisuo had ever seen said, "can you let me go?"

"No, I can't Weisuo immediately shook his head and said, "as long as you send me to that place, it's too unsafe to let go of you now."

The nun paused and said, "you can always move your hand away?"

This time, Weisuo was shocked. His hand was always on one of the nuns. No wonder he felt so soft and comfortable. Weisuo was sweating wildly. While he moved his hand away, he explained quickly, "it's really not intentional. It's inexperienced to do this for the first time. It's too tense. I can't help it. I'm just focusing on the zhoutianjing. The old man's state is four or five. "

"Xuanming immortal lotus, I will give you two lotus leaves. If you are lucky, you will not be able to form the ice spirit root, you will also become a monk with half spirit root. If you have some suitable Dan formula, and can refine the top-quality pill, the probability of forming ice spirit root will be more than 60% The nun who followed him still went out, but without listening to his explanation, suddenly said this directly.

"Ah?" Weissorton was shocked when the hand that had been removed from her chest did not know where to put it.

"With your invisible robe and concealment technique, even if you take this complete xuanming immortal lotus, it will still be hidden. He won't find out. Maybe he will think who sneaked in and hurt me, and then he will chase me out. " The nun said coldly, "you should want to collect this xuanming immortal lotus, but you can't collect it because of your cultivation, and we are just here, so you hide there. Although you can't collect them without me, you saved my life after all. Even if we cooperate, it should be fair to give you these two lotus leaves. "

"Thank you." Weisuo is not a fool who forgets everything at the sight of each other's face. Of course, he would not refuse such a good thing, and said immediately with the cheek.

The nun took a deep breath and seemed to be adjusting her mood. Then she said slowly, "but at the same time, I hope you will forget everything you saw tonight.""I'll try my best." Weisuo gave a bitter smile and nodded. This is also a big truth. In such a situation as tonight, it is estimated that he would be hard to forget unless he practiced some techniques such as forgetting emotion and breaking desire and divine formula.

I don't know whether the nun was too weak or too agitated. After hearing Wei Suo's words, her body slightly trembled.

Weisuo immediately added, "but I promise I won't mention it to anyone, because I don't know your identity."

His words seemed to remind the nun, who immediately said, "then you must promise me a condition, even if it is the name of the monk who came with me, you can not mention it to anyone."

"Well, I swear if I mention it, I won't be able to do it." Weisuo made a very simple oath to the friars in the sky. Anyway, he came to Mitian Valley just to make a chance to earn spirit stone and find purple fox flower. Although he was vaguely aware that the male monk was named Dugu Yuyun, he had no interest in the male monk himself. He wished that he would disappear in front of him and stay away from the family member who was much higher than himself.

The nun was silent for a moment.

"Be careful. I'm not sure there are other monks who are lurking around here who want to kill people and steal goods. I'll help you attract your attention. Let that guy protect you." At the exit of the pit, he took two lotus leaves of xuanming Xianlian handed over by the nun. After collecting them quickly, he took a look at the exquisite Weisuo of the nun, and immediately flew into the dense forest. At the same time, he deliberately laughed, "ha ha, xuanming Xianlian has arrived!"

"How are you?" Almost between the fingers, the black robed male monk had reached the female nun's side.

"Nothing. Don't chase. Let's leave mitiangu." Dressed in Purple Palace Dress, the nun took out a pill from her nabao bag and swallowed it.

Between breathing, quietly looked at Wei Suo left the direction of the nun put away a small blue pill in her hand.

Although she was too weak to use Zhenyuan just now, if she wanted to keep Weisuo, she could still keep him.


"ha ha, xuanming Xianlian! There are only seven lotus leaves in xuanming Xianlian, and two of them are treasures! Come on, Weisuo, take it out for me to have a closer look. I haven't even looked at the living xuanming immortal lotus at close range

Wei Suo a grazing into the forest of the moment, the old man in green robe was very excited and cried.

"Grandma, let's wait until you're sure you've escaped. Ghost knows if there are other monks around here. Don't look at the living xuanming Xianlian, and I'll be dead." Weisuo flies for a while, then stops, uses the secret formula, and moves slowly, hoping that even if the friars follow, he can't find where he is moving.

"It should be all right. The neighborhood may have been cleared by the guy who is at least four or five times the territory." After two sticks of incense, they moved out quietly. Far away in Weisser's ear, the voice of the old man in green robe sounded, "what did you see just now? How can I tell her that I won't mention to anyone what I saw tonight? "

Weisuo low voice scolded a, "said not to anyone, made such a heavy oath, I will tell you ah."

"Oh, my God, good you Weisuo." The green robed old man estimated that his mouth was crooked, and he screamed: "I won't help you find the miraculous medicine!"

Weisuo disdained to hum, "if you don't look, you can't find it. Please be quiet first. I'll find the way first. Anyway, I'm not in a hurry to condense. At most, I'll slow down when I'm cultivating."

“… ..。” Weisuo refused to eat hard and soft, so that the old man in green robe was completely speechless. However, after a moment, the old man in green robe seemed to have a sudden idea. He called out, "huosui Dan! No wonder the nun's body was burned to death. It seems that she is in order to collect this elixir, using the unique fire system skill, using the medicinal power of huosui pill to resist the Yin Ming Qi! As a result, if the fire in her body can't be released smoothly, she will be burned out immediately, and the lamp will be withered. Ha ha, I know. She must be naked. You can see all of her, right. No wonder you've just been poisoned. Young people are young people. You can't control them

"Damn it!" Now Weisuo is speechless.

"Your love affair is really OK. This nun is a rare beauty in the monastic world. I don't think it's worse than that water spirit. " But the green robed old man immediately became very depressed again, and cried, "you don't want me to see this kind of good thing! I haven't seen a naked nun for 20000 years. Do you still have humanity? "

When Weisuo heard this, he almost fell to the ground. At the same time, Weisuo thought that if he wanted to have something with a nun in the future, he would definitely isolate the ghost tank, otherwise he would be totally seen by the green robed old man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!