Chapter 133

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Can this be refined directly?"

After confirming that no one was following, Wei Suo, who clearly identified the location, also casually found a tree hole and took out two lotus leaves of xuanming Xianlian.

The two lotus leaves add up to the size of a palm, just like the crystal clear ink jade. If you look at it carefully in front of your eyes, the tiny veins like blood vessels are clearly visible.

At the moment, even if it has been collected and put in the hand, it is still cold and piercing. When you feel the amazing aura contained in it, you can also clearly feel the amazing unique cold vitality contained in it.

Weisuo doubted that if he swallowed it directly, his stomach would turn into an ice pimple.

"It can give ordinary friars a chance to become friars of binglinggen. Do you think it can be refined so easily?" The old man in green robe hummed: "it needs to be wrapped in real yuan. Only a little bit can be refined. With your current cultivation, you can't refine it in a month or two. Moreover, part of the medicinal power of xuanming Xianlian will be offset by Zhenyuan. Therefore, if you want to make the most of these two lotus leaves, of course, it's better to combine with other miraculous medicines to make xuanming pill. "

"Old man, do you know this elixir?"

The old man in green robe said with some pride: "I don't know about all the other kinds of pills except the Xuanjin big pill which can be cultivated into jinlinggen. After all, I have so many generations of masters who want to become spiritual monks. But don't mention the materials. At your present level of alchemy, refining is also a waste of materials. Either find a good alchemist, or at least cultivate to the four levels of the surrounding environment, master the fire control skill eight or nine times, and then refine all kinds of pills until they are ripe. "

"Grandma's, it seems that we should swallow it directly and refine it slowly."

After Wei Suo had collected the xuanming Xianlian, he secretly went out of the tree hole. According to the map, the purple ginseng should not be far away from his place, but only two or three miles east.

At this time, Weisuo had put away the invisible robe, but he just poked out of the tree hole, and his hair suddenly exploded. Even the old man in the green robe couldn't help shouting.

In front of him more than 20 Zhang place, actually stood an eagle size of a crow.

The whole body of the old crow is black, even the eyes are black, but a pair of claws is white, it looks black and white.

Ghost King crow!

Although this looks like a little silly, the crow is not powerful at all, but it is a level 6 low-level monster.

It can not only produce black Qi with powerful power, but also the most important thing is that the speed of this monster is even faster than that of most magic weapons. Once it flies, it can even fly with ghosts and shadows everywhere, making it impossible for ordinary friars to judge that it is the real one.

In the case of no powerful magic weapon in hand, according to the consistent experience of Tianxuan land, only the friars of fennian realm can deal with the powerful existence independently!

Even if Weisuo could win such a level of monster, he would have to pay a great price, and he could only win miserably.

So Weisuo is frozen in the local area. If the ghost King crow doesn't attack him, he doesn't dare to make any action.

The sixth level ghost King crow, with dark eyes, looked at him with emotional color. It is obvious that this level of monster has a strong IQ.

It seemed that he was not worth fighting with the monk. He was eager to find something and didn't want to waste time. The ghost King crow took a cold look at Weisuo with an implicit deterrent eye, and then disappeared in front of Weisuo's eyes.

"Ghost king and crow boss, you really know the truth. You know that enemies should be solved rather than tied up!"

Weisuo's vest was all wet with cold sweat.

The speed of the king ghost crow is really appalling. Moreover, when it does not move, it does not look very good. However, once it flies, the feathers on its back still stand up to form a ferocious ghost face. It is really a master style of level 6 monster.

"This ghost King crow is also a Yin type monster. It seems that it was attracted by the smell of xuanming Xianlian." "From now on, you can't take out xuanming Xianlian again," said the old man

"Not yet you want to see it!" Wei Suo dark scolded a, decided to kill him will not take out.

… ...

a deer like monster with a pair of red sharp horns on one end and flames on its four hoofs seems to be flying over a mound of stones.

A moment later, the weeping Weisuo appeared under one of the stones in the rubble.

Enchanting fire deer!

It's a monster of level six.

Now he finally knows how many high-level monsters in Mitian valley are.

He is still in the periphery of Mitian Valley at the moment, which is only 20 or 30 Li deep. If he goes further, the elixir will grow in several high mountains, and he still doesn't know what kind of monster he will encounter. What's more, Wei Suo can be sure that the monks who dare to enter such places are certainly not comparable to themselves.This strengthened Weisuo's idea that even if he could not find the purple fox flower, he would turn his head and leave, and would never take a risk in-depth.

"Here it is. It should be this place."

Fortunately, after encountering two powerful monsters that he had never seen before, Weisuo finally arrived near the purple ginseng marked on the blue Friar's map.

"Purple ginseng grows by absorbing the spirit of wood. Look around if there are ancient trees with a long history nearby." The old man in green suggested.

Almost at a glance, Weisuo saw a very tall tree surrounded by dozens of people.

Even on the branches of this giant tree, there are many trees with thigh thickness.

Weisuo flew cautiously to the front of the huge tree.

Almost instantaneously, Weisuo's face changed greatly, and he directly offered his defense shield of the spirit level. At the same time, he took the black arrow directly in his hand.

On one side of the giant tree, a pit was obviously dug to the depth of the root.

The excavated soil is evenly distributed around. It is obvious that the excavation is very fine. It must have been done by monks.

Since a monk has searched this time, the purple ginseng here must have fallen into the hands of others, and maybe this monk may hide here.

After Weisuo sacrificed his red armor shield, he continuously activated two layers of aura, and then slowly, step by step, returned to the dense forest on the left side.

No friars showed their hands, but Wei Suo, who retreated into the deep forest, was also extremely depressed.

A purple ginseng which is more valuable than twenty golden elixirs fell into the hands of others.

However, because there are more important purple fox flowers, Weisuo did not stay for long, and continued to touch the direction of the manager Tian.

The more southeast, closer to the growing area of purple foxtail, the white mist in the mountain forest becomes thicker and thicker.

Originally, after using the true vision liquid specially used for night vision, Weisuo could clearly see the situation within hundreds of Zhang in the flat and unimpeded area of the pit. However, as he went further southeast, that is, the area occupied by tianyimen, Weisuo's sight was no more than 20 Zhang.

Moreover, this kind of thick white fog seems to have the effect of blocking the divine consciousness. Even the perception of the old man in green robe can only reach about 30 Zhang.

But the information that manager Tian gave to Weisuo was very detailed, so after more than half an hour, Weisuo still accurately arrived at the position that manager Tian said.

In front of Weisuo's eyes, there was a small valley.

In the valley, there are many standing stones like the remains of palace pillars. However, if you look closely, you will find that these broken stone pillars are naturally formed, which is very strange.


Wei suojing stood for a moment. He felt no movement. He wanted to put on the invisible robe and enter. But in his ears, he suddenly remembered the voice of the old man in green robe.

"What?" Weisuo was nervous and looked around.

"Miexianteng! If it is really miexianteng! " The voice of the old man in green was a little startled. "It's no wonder that the purple fox flower, which has been growing for 200 years, has not been picked up by friars, nor devoured by monsters!"

"Miexianteng?" When Weisuo heard the words of the old man in green robe, he noticed that the valley in front of him was covered with dark red giant vines as thick as an adult's thigh.

At one glance, Weisuo thought it was a tree, but now he looked closely, he found that some of the thinner vines were winding around the standing stones, and on these huge dark red vines, there were leaves like big mouths with sharp spines on the edges.

"What the hell is this?" Asked vissault, who knew there must be something wrong.

The old man in green robe said: "you're right. It's really a ghost. Its defense power is about the same as level 6 medium level monster. Once you feel the real yuan breath on the monk, it will come crazy and suck the monk into a kind of cannibal plant with a dry corpse. In the past, Tianmu sect used this kind of thing to guard the mountain gate. Even monks with five levels of study period can't easily pass through, because this kind of ghost doesn't seem to move at ordinary times. When it moves, it's a swarm of people, and there's no time to deal with it. "

"Damn it! Manager Tian didn't say it earlier Weisuo couldn't help calling out, "what am I going to do now?"

"He also heard from others. How could he know that the monk should have seen the purple fox flower when he flew over from the sky." The old man in green robe said in a deep voice: "but you can take a chance. You have the green gourd. The spirit of ethyl wood used to refine the green emperor gourd is the ancestor of ten thousand trees. Maybe these ghost things will not attack you. After all, you just have to try. If you can, it's OK. If you can't do it, you can't be attacked by these ghosts because they don't have intelligence quotient , the fastest update of the webnovel!