Chapter 134

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
No IQ?

Even if these miexianteng have no intelligence quotient, Weisuo is scared to death.

The defense power is equivalent to level 6 medium level monster. Even if it is the two most powerful spirit level attack magic weapons in Weisuo's hand, it is estimated that it is impossible to cut off a miexian vine.

After carefully turning around for a long time, Weisuo finally picked out a spot on the edge with only one miexianteng growing on it. It was estimated that even if the green gourd didn't work, Weisuo would still have time to escape from the coverage of miexianteng.

From the nabao bag took out the green gourd, a real yuan into it, a green Aura will Weisuo all wrapped in it.

Weisuo approached the miexian vine carefully.

The scene that made him happy appeared, and went to the miexian vine. Even if Weisuo walked around the miexian vine twice, the miexian vine had no reaction.

"Whoa ha ha ha! Good! Sure enough, you can go in and pick purple fox flowers! There should be no monster in it. If there is a monster coming in, the miexian vine will attack automatically The excited voice of the old man in the green robe rang in Weisuo's ear.

Weisuo tried to go inside a few steps, in a look very old, thick like a bucket, it is estimated that the total length of the vine winding around the stone pillar is more than tens of Zhang. After seeing that such a powerful miexian vine did not respond, Weisuo walked into the valley at ease.

This valley is estimated to be half the size of the previous pit, but because there are stone pillars everywhere and there are miexianteng, it is like a labyrinth.

The more you go, the more dense the miexianteng grows. According to Wei Suo's conservative estimation, there are at least thousands of miexianteng, large and small.

One miexian rattan is equivalent to a level 6 medium level monster. The thousands of miexian rattan are just thousands of level 6 monster. Without the magic weapon of mahogany aura like qinghuanghulu, it is estimated that tianyimen sect will not be able to fight in.

"Old man, since the miexian vine is so powerful, why does it only grow in this place and not grow everywhere in Mitian Valley?" While searching carefully for Weisuo, he could not help asking the old man in green robe.

"Do you see the old miexian vine on the right The voice of the old man in green robe rang in Weisuo's ear immediately. "There are two ways to breed miexianteng. One is to break it and fall into the soil, and it is very likely to produce roots and grow into a new miexianteng. The other is to grow naturally to a certain extent, a branch will naturally fall off and grow into a new miexianteng. However, the natural shedding cycle is 300 years. That is to say, an old miexianteng will not produce a new one until it grows for 300 years

Weisuo listened to the old man in green robe and looked at the miexian vine on the right side. Sure enough, he saw a dark red root on one of the branches, and a crack appeared at the bottom of the branch, which was about to fall down automatically.

He slightly pondered for a while, no longer asked what, continued to study around the search.

Near the middle of the valley, huge pillars of stone increased steeply.

There are four or five stone pillars, gathered together, but it is a bit like a stone chamber shape.

Under one of the pillars, there are five wonderful purple flowers about the size of a bowl.

The petals of these five exotic flowers are covered with plush purple silk hair, slightly curled up, it looks like a little purple fox crouching there, and the stems and leaves of this strange flower are all peculiar bright yellow, in this haze environment, it's really eye-catching and pleasing to the eye.

There is no need to remind the old man in green robe that Weisuo, who saw these five exotic flowers, knew that this must be the biggest target of his trip, purple fox flower.

What surprised Weisuo to the extreme is that the purple fox flower here is not one plant or two plants, it is actually enough to grow as many as five!

The biggest effect of purple fox flower is to dispel the harmful impurities that are difficult to eliminate in the monk's body and dispel the resistance of the monk. It can be used at any stage of the monk. This kind of miraculous medicine is absolutely more beneficial to the monk.

"Ah! Developed! Oh, there are five! Weissou, you're out of your way, shit As soon as he discovered that there were five, the old man in the green robe also kept shouting like crazy.

In ecstasy, Weisuo quickly walked to five rare purple fox flowers, and looked up.

Only four of them are purple, and the color is very pure, but the other one is slightly smaller, and the petals are slightly cyan.

"These four purple foxes have been at least 500 years old, and they are completely mature. This small one is only more than 100 years old, and it is estimated that it will take several decades to fully mature." The old man in green robe seemed to understand Weisuo's thoughts very quickly, and said in a voice: "anyway, at this time of gathering, this immature purple fox flower has half the power of mature purple fox flower. Whether you want to take it back depends on yourself."

"Can this be transplanted?" Weisuo hesitated a little and asked."Transplantation can certainly be transplanted, depending on whether there is such a means." The green robed old man replied: "anyway, I will not cultivate this purple fox flower. I don't think anyone in Tianxuan mainland will have this method. Otherwise, purple fox flower will not be a treasure of this level for those big sects."

Weisuo nodded and suddenly asked, "do you know the method of transplanting this miexianteng?"

"It's not difficult. As long as ordinary land is equipped with ordinary elixir, this kind of ghost can grow. When Tianmu Zong used this kind of ghost as one of the defense of Mountain Gate, it was no secret." The old man in the green robe hummed, "but the most important thing is that once this kind of thing leaves the earth's Qi, it will dissipate in a moment. Even if you dig up a tree, if you don't plant it immediately, it will wither immediately, and the broken branches are the same. So at the beginning, many sects knew that Tianmu sect's miexian vine was sharp, and none of them wanted to steal some of their own. One is that Tianmu sect has mountain patrolling disciples, and there are skills that can motivate the killing of immortals vine. The most important reason is that even if one of them is broken It can only be planted on the spot immediately. Isn't it equivalent to helping Tianmu sect breed miexianteng? "

Weisuo nodded, took out an ordinary silver knife from the nabao bag, squatted down, and carefully cut down the four fully mature purple fox flowers along the root and put them away.

Then he did not move the immature purple fox flower and stood up.

Carefully moved some long and narrow rocks, leaning on the stone column above the purple fox flower, completely covered the purple fox flower, which is equivalent to building a hidden stone chamber for the purple fox flower.

Anyway, the purple fox flower, like most of the plants in Mitian Valley, does not need or even hates sunlight. In this way, even if someone enters the valley or searches from the sky above, it should be difficult to find the purple fox flower hidden by Weisuo.

"Very well, I thought you would destroy the seedlings." Weisuo's move made the old man in green robe greatly praise, "keep it. After decades of waiting, you can come back to wash your body with the mature purple fox flower. It's much better than picking this half cooked purple fox flower now."

"What are you doing?" But before the old man in green had finished, he could not help crying.

Because Weisuo even went to a small finger smaller than a small, it seems to be just growing out in front of the miexian vine, and then took the silver knife to dig in the ground.

"Dig back, what else can I do? Maybe I will be of high grade and become a loose repair that can build the cave by myself. I can also plant this one. It's so sharp. Anyway, you don't know how to cultivate it. It's estimated that I can burn spirit stone as well as Bu Tian Dan." Said weisseau, with his hands and feet.

The old man in green robe called, "you pig, you just dug it out and died after a while. How can you get it back?"

"Isn't there a Baoyuan jade box?" Weisuo said without raising his head.

"Damn it!" This time, the old man in green robe responded and called out suddenly, "I didn't think of it."

"Because I'm not smart." Wei Suo is very coquettish, took out the white Baoyuan jade box, carefully picked up the miexian vine with a pure silver knife, and put it into the Baoyuan jade box.

The whole Baoyuan jade box was almost filled with this seedling of miexianteng. After being put into the Baoyuan jade box, this miexianteng was as good as it was growing on the ground without any signs of withering.

"Ha ha!" The old man in the green robe didn't talk to Weisuo about who was smart. He couldn't help laughing. "Weisuo, we've got four purple foxes and this miexianteng. This miexianteng has multiplied a lot, but it is comparable to the mountain protection array of a big school


After Wei Suo collected the Baoyuan jade box, he immediately went out towards the valley.

Now the harvest has been far greater than the goal, for Weisuo, also do not want to stay in this extremely dangerous valley.

As long as he can return to Lingyue city smoothly, Weisuo's next cultivation will be more amazing than most of the elite disciples of the da da da sect and even some of the elite disciples with Linggen talent.


A cloud of green gas from the dense miexianteng, labyrinth like Valley slowly moved out.

After moving to the dense forest outside the valley, Wei Suo was relieved and put away the green gourd.

"Hehe", but at the moment when Weisuo wanted to put on the invisible robe, a low and gloomy smile sounded in Weisuo's ears. , the fastest update of the webnovel!