Chapter 152

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
After passing through the still empty spiritual field and entering the gate of his residence, Weisuo stopped and took out a hard shell green seed about the size of an olive core, put it in the soil near the door, and then placed a medium spirit stone beside the seed.

After that, a purple real yuan gushed out of Wei Suo's hands, wrapping the seed and the middle grade spirit stone.

I saw that the seed almost immediately split open, quickly grew roots, wrapped in the middle of the spirit stone, and then into the soil, grew into a green vine seedlings. With Wei Suo Zhenyuan's continuous attention, the green vine grew rapidly, and soon covered the whole courtyard wall, and spread toward the inner courtyard and the outdoor.

"Very good, just be careful to make Wannian ship!" Seeing Weisuo's behavior, the green robed old man immediately praised his voice, "the two little brothers collected this time are very good. You can bump into such people. I've followed so many masters, but I haven't met many of them."

Weisuo curled his mouth and said nothing, but continued to grow this strange green vine with Zhenyuan.

Wei Suo stopped until the green vine almost covered the whole courtyard.

I saw that the shape of the green vine is ordinary, but on the stems and leaves, there are many green pods, and the fruits inside are like marbles.

This plant, which can be accelerated by Zhenyuan and Lingshi, was bought by the old man in green robe during his big purchase. It was specially used as a warning for monks when they were resting in the wild.

After feeling the real element breath of the elder, the green pod on the green pearl will burst and make a sharp sound. What's strange is that the green bead like fruit is not a seed. After being planted, it takes several years for the plant to blossom once, and once it produces two or three seeds just like Weisuo's.

After hearing Zhen Chongming complain that he didn't take them to earn spiritual stones for such a long time, Wei Suo suddenly reacts. There are some things he can let these two people do.

It is not only safer, but also can save more time without making public appearances and many things need not be concentrated in one's own hands.

In the future, you can also let these two people do many things about alchemy and rune and running errands.

Especially when you encounter fierce monsters or fight with people, it's good to have two people cast attack or defense weapons. Anyway, the accomplishments of these two people are five times higher in Shenhai state. As long as there are enough spirit stones, they may break through the one level cultivation of zhoutianjing.

The most important thing is, where to find two such cultivation, brain is so simple, there is no clever guy!

In any case, taking these two people with them is similar to cultivating heart biting insects. It costs some spirit stones, but it can also enhance Weisuo's strength. Moreover, the two men's spirit stones are much less than heart eating insects.

At present, the heart biting insect cultivation liquid is a dose of three hundred spirit stones, which can only be used for five to six days. However, Wei Suo and the two men have agreed that if they do not do things, let them practice, it is only 70 spirit stones a day when they go out to work. With Weisuo's current state of closed cultivation, he may only let them go out once or twice a month to buy and sell some things, and the cost of one person is no more than 500 inferior spirit stones. In the future, if we let them go out together to fight some high-level monsters, Weisuo will make a lot of money, because anyway, we only need to divide them into seventy spirit stones.

As for the half spirit level's magic weapons, if you go out, Weisuo will lend them some. Weisuo did not dare to sell some strange semi spirit level magic tools that might be seen. In weisseau's plan, the one that can be used is used first, and then the two guys can be sold in other cities far away. In this way, at most, it will cost some cost of transmitting array, and it will not waste Weisuo's cultivation time.

Looking at these two monks with simple brains, the old man in green robe can only say that Weisuo has run into such two excellent products. For the old man with green robe, who has fully seen the dangers of the monastic world and has died for so many generations of masters, of course, it is simple and simple in mind, and the more prevention, the better.

If it wasn't for the cultivation of miexianteng, it also needed some means, and there was no way to transplant it. Otherwise, the old man in green robe would have called for the planting of miexianteng.


After arranging the Green Pearl Rose, Weisuo did not relax for a rest, on the contrary, he became more busy.

This time, in jiudingzhai and jinyuge, Weisuo actually prescribed 15 doses of the elixir of Peiyao liquid, 300 green beetle demon pills and 400 golden elixirs.

Together with the golden elixir on hand, after all these golden elixirs are delivered, there will be more than 540 golden elixirs. At that time, Wei Suo consumed more than 100 golden elixirs before and after his breakthrough from Shenhai to zhoutianjing. If the calculation is based on a simple doubling, Weisuo will need at least 200 golden elixirs from one to two, and at least 400 golden elixirs from double to triple. According to Wei Suo's experience, it is possible that the number will be a little more, but 540 golden elixirs should be almost enough.After all, after refining Linghu flower and Dihuo Xianlian, Weisuo also felt that his cultivation had been improved. These two kinds of miraculous medicine also have the effect of slightly improving cultivation.

Three hundred green beetle demon pills, even if Weisuo's Alchemy techniques are more sophisticated, and the success rate is about 70%, it is far from enough to produce about 200 tonic pills, because from the high level of Xuan level to the low level of prefecture level, Wei Suo used 140 tonic pills before and after.

Wei Suo raised the purple XuanZhen Jue from the low level of Xuan level to the middle level of Xuan level, only using seven tonic pills. From medium level to high level, there are 32. From the high level of Xuan level to the low level of earth level, there are 140 tonic pills. This is similar to the old man in green robe's previous prediction that it would take several times to upgrade the first level of mendiandan. According to this calculation, if you want to upgrade the purple XuanZhen Jue from the low level to the middle level, there are at least 500 Mendian pills.

These 300 green beetle demon pills are certainly far from enough. However, if the number of acquisitions is too large, it is likely to arouse the suspicion of many forces, and pursue the use of the green beetle demon pill, causing trouble. So Wei Suo is going to let Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming buy directly from some casual repair and small shops, so as not to attract other people's attention.

Now, if all the items in these two lists are arrived, there will be more than 81000 inferior spirit stones.

Wei Suo only had more than 70000 pure spirit stones in his hand, but he also sold more than 12000 inferior spirit stones to Zhu Xiaochun. In jiudingzhai and jinyuge, Weisuo also produced two half spirit level defense weapons, two half spirit level attack weapons, and two nabao bags. These will also bring Weisuo 13000 lower level spirit stones.

After that, Wei Suo could sell more than 20 pieces of half spirit level defense magic weapons, 17 pieces of half spirit level attack magic weapons, and a lot of treasure bags. Spirit stones were enough for the time being.

Now the elixir for refining Peiyao liquid has got seven doses, so Weisuo immediately refined all these miracles into Peiyao liquid in the dihuodan room.

After that, Weisuo took out the green robed old man with several miracles he had bought specially. Under the guidance of the old man in green robe, Weisuo refined these miraculous herbs into a small bottle of milky white liquid medicine.

Then he put all the supernatural liquid in a big bucket, and let the heart eating insect go in and soak it.

Later, Weisuo returned to the quiet room, took out the two pieces of xuanming Xianlian, and prepared a white jade medicine bottle.

Wei Minglian carefully took out a piece of pure silver.

This xuanming Xianlian is quite different from Dihuo Xianlian. Not only is it not as hard as Dihuo Xianlian, but also the slightly thicker petals are cut, there is a lot of green and black medicine in it.

Weisuo carefully collected all the medicine juice into the prepared jade bottle, and then chopped the xuanming Xianlian into pieces and placed them in it. The two pieces were treated in this way.

After the two pieces of xuanming Xianlian were all treated in this way, Weisuo quickly poured a small bottle of milky liquid into the jade bottle, carefully shaken it, and quietly waited for two or three incense sticks. After that, Weisuo raised his head and drank all the pieces of xuanming Xianlian.

After that, Wei Suo sat down with his eyes closed and thoroughly entered the cultivation of xuanming Xianlian.

As the days passed by, Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming, who occasionally stopped practicing outside Wei Suo's Tian level residence, looked at the still silent Tian level residence with a look of astonishment.

However, they were very obedient. They did not step over the spiritual field mentioned by Wei Suo, and did not dare to make any big noise.

And such silence continued for seven days, creaking, the closed door of the quiet room was pushed open from inside to outside.

Weisuo, with a gloomy face, came out of the quiet room.

Originally, according to Wei Suo and the old man in green robe, it would take at least 20 or 30 days to completely refine two pieces of xuanming Xianlian. But what Weisuo didn't think of was that he refined the two pieces of xuanming Xianlian in seven days.

It's not that the xuanming immortal lotus is easier to refine than the earth fire immortal lotus, but every time a trace of xuanming immortal lotus is refined, the cold spirit of the extreme cathode penetrates into Wei Suo's body, and a warm feeling is naturally generated in Weisuo's body, which counteracts some of the evil Qi in the aura which is not conducive to friars. But originally, this part of the Yin and Li Qi is the same as the fire evil spirit of the earth fire immortal lotus. It needs to be wrapped in the real yuan and slowly transformed out of the body.

Weisuo soon found that the warm feeling inspired by Zhenyuan was the instinct of huolinggen.

That is to say, the natural constitution of fire spirit root friars is much stronger than that of ordinary friars.

But this kind of constitution seems to weaken the medicine power of xuanming Xianlian. So according to the old man's estimate, the two xuanming Xianlian tablets plus auxiliary medicine should be enough. But now Weisuo has not been able to form a real ice spirit root, but only to repair the appearance of half ice spirit root.

Just now Wei Suo has tried it in the quiet room. If the movement is really original, there will be some virtual shadow of ice spirit root like root, but it is not a spiritual root form at all.This made Weisuo extremely depressed. At the same time, it also reflected that the monks who had already had a single spiritual root would be much more difficult to have another spiritual root than ordinary monks, because the Constitution and talent of any spiritual root monk were much better than those of ordinary monks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!