Chapter 153

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Originally thought that this would certainly be able to become the Tianxuan land rare double root tauren, but turned out to be a monk and a half.

However, one and a half spirit root is much faster than a monk with a single spirit root, and a half ice spirit root is always better than none. The helpless Weisuo has no choice but to comfort himself.

During the seven days of the closure, the rest of the jiudingzhai and Jinyu Pavilion were all ready and delivered.

After Wei Suo received these things, he paid some spirit stones and asked Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming to go out and buy some scattered green beetle demon pills.

After all, if you buy green beetle demon pills from some small vendors and casual practitioners, not only will it not attract the attention of big powers, but also the price can be slightly cheaper. Even if a few lower quality spirit stones are saved, for Weisuo's current consumption, in addition to paying for the two spirit stones, there is even a profit.

Then Weisuo went into the room where the heart eaters were bred.

To his surprise this time, his heart eater has obviously grown a little bit.

What's more, Wei Suo's heart thought moved, and suddenly a circle of transparent water like ripples appeared in front of the heart eating insect.

God consciousness shock! The heart eater is a unique talent!

After so many days of cultivation, Weisuo's heart eating insect has finally grown to the point where it can send out a divine shock.

Although it is obvious that the impact of divine consciousness is still very weak, and it is estimated that even the monks who are heavily involved in the Shenhai realm can't make them faint, but this has also made Weisuo a little overjoyed.

Seeing that the supernatural spirit liquid inside can last for at least 40 days, Weisuo was satisfied that after leaving the room, he did not rush to refine the next eight doses of miraculous medicine into Peiyao liquid. Instead, he went back to the quiet room, took out a golden elixir, swallowed it, and then sat down and practiced with his eyes closed.

After a long time, Weisuo let out a breath, opened his eyes, and showed a look of thinking.

Before that, the speed of refining the golden elixir was about ten a day, which means that the speed limit of his cultivation was ten golden elixirs a day. Now that he has become a monk and a half, Weisuo obviously feels that if he doesn't do anything and continuously refine the golden elixir, the limit of a day is about 12 to 13.

The speed of cultivation is at least 20% to 30% faster than that of ordinary friars, which is enough for other friars to envy.

However, according to Weisuo's previous prediction, it would take at least 500 golden elixirs to promote his cultivation to the triple level of heaven and earth. In this way, the next closure will take at least 40 days.

It took Weisuo more than a month to refine the Dihuo Xianlian and xuanming Xianlian, and then it would take another month and a half to close the gate casually.

It is true that immortals have supernatural powers, but there is no time to practice. When a monk practices, it is indeed boring and will consume a lot of years. Next, with the improvement of cultivation, the time of closing will be longer and longer.

After a helpless bitter smile, in the next few days, in addition to occasionally entering the room next to the ground fire stove to see the growth of heart eating insects, and go out to tell Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming to do something, he thoroughly entered the day and night of hard work.

Eight days passed in a flash. On the evening of the eighth day, Weisuo was still in the quiet room, sitting like a petrified man.

But all of a sudden, his eyes opened and frowned, then he pushed open the door of the quiet room and swept out.

Because at this time, Jinling rang three times in a row. It was obvious that Han Weiwei came to look for him.

Although we haven't seen Han Weiwei for nearly two months, it's the most normal thing for a monk to be shut up for several months. Moreover, he has already agreed with Han Weiwei before. There is nothing urgent. Han Weiwei won't come to her.

Is it the news of Nangong Yuqing or monk Chen?

After telling a simple brain in the orchard, two people do not want to follow, Weisuo with micro lock brow swept out the blue mask.

A pretty figure standing outside is Han Weiwei, who is still wearing a silver shirt.

At a glance, Han Weiwei is standing outside. Wei Suo is stunned.

Because compared with before, Han Weiwei in addition to always charming, seems to have a unique ice and snow noble atmosphere. This breath seems to be emitted from the inside, and has nothing to do with the appearance.

This lets Wei Suo can't help but stare at Han Weiwei to look up.

"Weissou, what are you doing?" As soon as I saw Wei Suo staring at her, especially when her eyes were sweeping over some key parts from time to time, Han Weiwei's small face suddenly turned crimson.

"Strange, there's no big difference. There's no big difference." Wei Suo, who did not see any clue, murmured to himself strangely, and then asked, "why do you come to me suddenly now? Is there something urgent?"

On hearing Wei Suo say so, Han Weiwei suddenly remembered her purpose. She took out a slave animal bag, flattened her mouth and said, "Wei Suo, how are your heart biting insects raised now? Please help me to see how my heart biting insect is feeble. It seems that I am dying"Weak, dying?" Wei Suo is very surprised to see Han Weiwei from the slave animal bag released heart biting insects. With just a glance, Weisuo's brow began to wrinkle.

Han Weiwei's head, which she made like a flower cat, looks like a heart eater. Compared with the last time, it does not seem to have any longer head, and it seems to have been soft and flabby, dying, and unable to move.

"When did this heart eater begin to look like this?" Weisuozai carefully looked at the heart eating insect for a long time, but could not see any symptoms.

"About ten days ago, it seemed to be out of breath." Han Weiwei said with a sad face, "to the first two days began to climb, almost can't move, I think it can't stand these two days, so I came to see you."

Wei Wei looked at it and asked, "did you have anything to eat?"

"No Han Weiwei said innocently, "I didn't give it anything to eat."

Weisuo nodded. All of a sudden, his eyes bulged and he called out in disbelief: "Han Weiwei, you mean, you haven't given it anything to eat?"

"Yes." Han Weiwei nodded.

"Your sister Weisuo almost fainted on the spot. "Elder sister, are you playing with me on purpose? Are you abusing or raising monsters! Even if we are monks, we have to go to the Shenhai realm at least to build the valley, and we need to rely on spirit stones and pills. You take a heart eater and try to starve it to death? "

"You mean it's starving like this?" Han Weiwei this just had a little reaction to come over, a pair of silly eyes appearance.

"What's so hungry? You're starving to death!" Weisuo thought that Han Weiwei was the most powerful heart eater at the beginning, he had an impulse to vomit blood.

"What are you going to give it? I've been practicing in seclusion all the time. I didn't expect that." Han Weiwei said embarrassed.

"Heart eaters get their aura by sucking on the brains of monsters." Weisuo said speechless, "of course, to give it to eat monster brains. As long as you don't give it something poisonous, you can't

"So it is?" Han Weiwei immediately grinned and put the heart eating insect into the slave animal bag and was ready to turn around and leave.

"No, so cruel?" Weisuo was a little stunned. You know, Wei Suo knows this very well, but he also thinks that the heart eater sucks the brain pulp is very disgusting. He is still wondering whether he wants to tell Han Weiwei to get some Huang Yuan Jing to make up for her poor heart eater. But I didn't expect that Han Weiwei, such a delicate little girl, was so excited that she was ready to do so.

But Weisuo didn't understand the girl's psychology. For example, if you see sticky dead fish and rotten shrimp, girls will feel sick, but if their kittens eat these things, they will not feel sick. In addition, there will be a lot of monster purchases in treasure pavilion every day. By the way, it's very convenient for Han Weiwei to suck the brains of monsters that have no other use.

"Yes Before turning around, Han Weiwei, who was smiling, suddenly thought of something. She patted her forehead with embarrassment, "there's something I almost forgot. Aren't you in the closed door? Are you done with the closure? "

Wei Suo some depressed white Han Weiwei one eye, "no, it is not to be interrupted by this incident of you."

"Don't be so mean." To solve the problem of heart biting insects, Han Weiwei, in a good mood, tooted her mouth and said with a smile, "I have something good for you."

"What's good?" Weisuo was stunned.

Han Weiwei also did not answer, just took out a thing from nabao bag.

"Xuanming Xianlian?"

In disbelief, weissou puffed up his eyes and exclaimed.

Han Weiwei in the hand holds, impressively is three such as the false package xuanming immortal Lotus!

"It seems that you have a good taste." Weisuo's reaction made Han Weiwei very satisfied. She took three pieces of xuanming Xianlian in front of Weisuo's eyes and said, "well, this is a good thing. It's not worse than the purple fox flower you gave me?"

"How could you have xuanming Xianlian?" Wei Suo, who finally returned to God, asked in surprise.

Previously, two pieces of xuanming immortal lotus let him cultivate a half spirit root. If there were these three pieces of xuanming immortal lotus, there should be no problem to cultivate the real ice spirit root!

"Don't worry about how I came here. If you want to, tell me first. How can you suddenly break through the first level of cultivation?" Speaking of this, Han Weiwei looks at Weisuo in front of her eyes. The more she looks, the more she feels a little strange. It seems that after two months' absence, Weisuo now has an indescribable spirit breath.

"Well, I'll tell you. In order to get your purple fox flower, I went to Mitian Valley, but in any case, I met several powerful ones. One hexu pill went down, and of course I suddenly got a higher level of cultivation." Wei Suofei quickly explained, looked at Han Weiwei and asked, "now you can also tell this xuanming fairy lotus is where to come from?"

"You went to mitiangu for me?" The reason why Wei Suo explained quickly was that he was too lazy to entangle with Han Weiwei on this issue, because he felt that Han Weiwei, who was extremely curious, would certainly try to annoy himself for this problem if he did not get the answer. He had already learned her stubborn temperament before, but what he didn't expect was that Han Weiwei was quiet and motionless as soon as he heard what he said Look at , the fastest update of the webnovel!