Chapter 158

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Zhang Fengyi kindly reminded the two of them, and then left to meet his friend.

For Zhang Fengyi's reminding, Wei Suo is certainly somewhat grateful. However, when he saw Zhang Fengyi mention Dong Qingyi, Han Weiwei seemed obviously a little unhappy. So as soon as Zhang Fengyi left, Wei Suo couldn't help asking, "why, do you know Dong Qingyi?"

"Is one of my elder martial sister's pursuers, a self-evident extraordinary guy." Han Weiwei snorted coldly, "I tried to get close to my elder martial sister before, but then she came to me more than once. It was clear that she wanted to use her power to oppress people. I've inquired about this guy. It's said that he has a very small mind. He likes to play conspiracy and calculation. He can't bear to practice. I think most of his time is spent on scheming to reorganize people and dealing with others. So far, Dongyao Shengjing is only the four fold cultivation of zhoutianjing. Such a person, actually still want to hit my elder martial sister's idea. "

"Can't bear to practice", heard this sentence, Wei Suo also secretly wry smile.

Indeed, the cultivation in seclusion is extremely boring for all monks. For those who have no background, they have to rely on their own strength and have to work hard.

If there is such a background of Dong Qingyi, maybe Wei Suo will become greedy for enjoyment, and the cultivation will greatly slow down.

After all, if you have enough ability, you can visit the cities in Tianxuan and find some gorgeous nuns to bubble in hot springs. Which one is better than the most boring and painstaking retreat.

"Why don't we go straight into the studio and wait?" After a bitter smile to himself, Wei Suo said this to Han Weiwei, because after all, the purpose of his coming to seven star city is to let him go to a map with the safety coefficient of duanlong cliff greatly increased. The less trouble, the better.

"Two distinguished guests, please follow me." Han Weiwei naturally has no opinion about Wei Suo's proposal. In front of the yellow light mask outside the gate of lingbaofang, the general friars will enter by themselves after handing in the jade talisman. However, as soon as he sees Han Weiwei's admission jade talisman, the lingbaofang disciple who is responsible for greeting him immediately salutes him with great respect and leads the way for them in front of him.

It turns out that the Lingtian Pavilion, the venue of lingbaofang auction, is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower floors. Ordinary seats are at the lowest level, and VIP seats are on the upper two floors. Han Weiwei holds the jade symbol for entering the most expensive VIP seat on the upper floor.

A VIP seat at the top, as weisseau suggested.

According to Wei Suo's experience, ordinary casual practitioners generally feel that those who spend hundreds of spirit stones to get into the best VIP seats are not amazing high-level casual practitioners, or people with deep background. If they fight for something at that time, they will always give in.

It's impossible for a lot of smart casual practitioners to think of this, but most of them cherish the spirit stone so much that they don't waste hundreds of spirit stones easily.

After entering the gate under the guidance of the disciples of lingbaofang, Wei Suo felt that his body seemed to be slightly heavy, and the flow of true elements in his body seemed to be very sluggish. It was obvious that there were special restrictions on the practice of monks in the whole area of lingbaofang.

As soon as he entered the Lingtian Pavilion, Weisuo had an eye opening feeling.

I don't know what kind of array is arranged in the middle of the hall. There is a green jade lotus platform suspended in the middle of the hall. There are also steps made of Jasper, which are also suspended in the air. When the auction starts on time, the people of Lingbao square will display the auction items on this jade lotus platform.

There are thousands of white auras in the bottom hall. Once the friars enter the hall, they can't be seen from the outside. This ensures the privacy of each monk to the greatest extent.

The top VIP appointed by Wei Suo and Han Weiwei is naturally quite different from the hall below. Not only is the ground covered with soft silver silk grass blanket, but also there are antique tables and chairs, and the green aura covers the windows, which can also shorten and enlarge the scene near the Jasper lotus stage. From the VIP room of Wei Suo and Han Weiwei, the jade lotus stage seems to be in front of you. Obviously, in this VIP seat, you can see the auction items more clearly than other places.

As for the VIP room in the middle floor, there is also a layer of yellow aura on the outside. What's the difference between the inside and the top VIP room is unknown.

Because it was still early, Wei suozuo picked up the jade slips that Liu Wu gave him, which recorded the technique of "samadhi Shenhuo", and realized it.

Weisuo could not assess the level of this technique. Because according to the records of this technique, the beginning of cultivation requires the triple cultivation of the whole world.

Because only after reaching the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing, can we use Zhenyuan to stimulate the true fire of samadhi according to the method of this skill. Moreover, this skill is very abstruse. After Wei Suo broke through the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing, he began to understand this extremely useful fire technique and prepare some simple refining tools according to the old man in green robe.

But these days, Weisuo still has a part of the content is not fully understood.See Wei Suowei frown into meditation, Han Weiwei also does not disturb him, just take out a piece of white jade Jane seriously look up.

Half an hour later, when the auction was about to begin, Weisuo's eyes showed a look of ecstasy.

Perhaps instead, with a relaxed attitude of having nothing to watch and play with, he entered the state of epiphany. In this short period of time, he was actually able to understand all the parts of this technique that even the old man in green robe could not understand.

What puzzled him and the old man in green robe before was that most of the skills were about how to control the fire shield, fire snake and other skills after the fire of samadhi was stimulated by Zhenyuan. However, there was no mention of how to coagulate various forms of fire shield.

At this moment, he fully understood that the part of the content that he had been unable to understand before was the most critical fire control condensation. It turns out that this samadhi divine fire technique is also very strange. It uses the same method to stimulate the true fire of samadhi, and then condenses various forms with the fire control and condensation technique.

It turned out that part of the content that he could not understand before was equivalent to the general outline of the samadhi fire art.

Now this part of the imagination, Weisuo as long as he has time, can slowly try this samadhi Shenhuo technique, after being proficient, he can try to refine his own utensils.

After fully understanding the content of this art, Weisuo understood why the old man in green robe said that if he wanted to make high-level magic weapons and magic weapons, he should at least have more than two or three accomplishments in his mind.

It is obvious that the continuous stimulation of samadhi divine fire needs to consume a large amount of Zhenyuan. Taking the refining of flying sword as an example, there is no pause in the process of smelting the sword body. As soon as it stops, the sword body solidifies again. If you want to smelt, you have to start over again. In addition, in the process of smelting the sword body, you also need to arrange the array on the sword body Only by studying can we do it.

At the beginning, the flying sword of the red shirt friar was very low, which could be refined and melted with ground fire. In addition, the sword control skill with thunder sword formula didn't need many array. Therefore, the red monk could refine his flying sword by using an underground furnace.

Now Weisuo has two pieces of flying swords on his hand, plus Liu sanpao's sword mixed with Taiyi refined gold, and the piece of Xintian refined gold from the old wind monster's hand. As long as his cultivation can reach more than three levels of mind state, it is estimated that Wei Suo can refine a high-grade flying sword.

But what makes Weisuo happy at the moment is that he still has a group of qingsuo silver from the horse face friar in the Qingfeng mausoleum!

The melting point of qingsuo silver is not high. According to Wei Suo's current cultivation, after fully understanding samadhi's divine fire technique, you can refine qingsuo silver into a magic staff by accumulating some experience in refining weapons. With the magic bead of the heart eating insect elder, you can stimulate a severe impact on divine consciousness.

Wei Suo experienced the impact of mind eating insect elder himself. According to the estimation of the old man in green robe, although the four or five heavy monks in the world were not as stiff as Weisuo, they could not move, but they were at least dizzy.

If this thing is refined, Weisuo's sharp weapon for sneaking attack on Yin people will be more powerful.


"It's on!"

After waiting a little longer, the auction of lingbaofang officially began.

Let Weisuo's eyes shine, let Han Weiwei glare at Weisuo, gritted his teeth and said, "Weisuo, in front of me in the future, can you cover up a little bit, don't always look like a pussy." the auction of lingbaofang is obviously more gimmick than that of jinyuge.

All the beautiful nuns who came out to preside over the auction and were responsible for delivering the auction items were all gorgeous nuns. And these nuns are all wearing low chested, revealing half of the white crisp chest fishtail Phoenix robes, very exciting.

Now, the nun in charge of the ceremony, wearing a black fishtail Phoenix robe, is not particularly beautiful, but the size of her chest is surprisingly large, which seems to be larger than that of kya's, and her cleavage is so deep that she is dying.

"Yes." At the thought of Jiya, and the size of shuiling'er should be no less than that of Jiya, Weisuo suddenly couldn't help asking Han Weiwei, "Han Weiwei, which one is more beautiful, your elder martial sister or shuiling'er?"

"Shuiling son, I haven't seen a real person. How can I know?" Han Weiwei did not have a good gas to answer such a sentence. Looking at Han Weiwei, who had a dirty smile on her face, she couldn't help but cry out, "Weisuo, what idea are you making?"

"Nothing." Wei Suo said with a smile, "I used to pursue shuiling'er as my training goal. I think if your elder martial sister is more beautiful than shuiling'er, I can change it to catch up with your elder martial sister

"Ha ha!" On hearing Wei Suo say so, Han Weiwei actually instead but ha ha's smile, "depend on your vice appearance, still want to chase my elder martial sister?"

"Why, how am I doing?" Weissou shook his head very much."It's hopeless to chase my elder martial sister, but for the sake of you are my brother. I can think of helping you chase shuiling'er. " Han Weiwei curled her lips. , the fastest update of the webnovel!