Chapter 159

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"The rule of this auction is that the price increase should not be less than 200 spirit stones. The treasure must be paid with spirit stone immediately... "

"The first treasure of this auction is an offensive magic flag of the spirit level. It was refined by Han Wuya, a seven grade artifact refiner in Lingyun mainland, in his early years, with a base price of 3000 lower grade spirit stones."

After explaining the rules of the auction, the first treasure was delivered.

Suspended on the jade lotus platform in the middle of the hall, it is obvious that there is also a special array. The big breasted nun who presided over the hall spoke softly and softly. The voice did not seem to be big, but it was very clear that it was introduced into everyone's ears.

And the first thing of the opening immediately inspired the spirit of the monks.

A true spirit level magic weapon!

The fire cloud flag, which was spread out in the hands of the nun with big breasts, was about five feet long and two feet wide. The whole body was full of red light. There were gold lines on the edge of the flag. However, on the surface of the flag, there were a series of red cloud like patterns connected by runes. The flow of fire and evil spirits flowed ceaselessly. It was not ordinary.

The real spirit level magic weapon is very rare. Before Wei Suo met the five levels of Zhou Tian Jing and even the master of Fen Nian state, he had only one or two. Moreover, after the cultivation of Fen Nian state, two magic weapons can be cast at the same time. Therefore, the magic weapons of this level will definitely cause the competition of friars.

"Four thousand spirit stones!" Sure enough, the big breasted nun's voice dropped. Among the VIP seats in the middle level, there was an offer immediately, and the one-off price was a thousand pieces of spirit stone.

For this magic weapon, Weisuo is not too interested. In addition, if Qin's six level magic weapon is really powerful, even if he has six magic weapons on his hand, he will consume more than six magic weapons.

With the depth of his magic weapon, even the elite disciples trained by such large schools as Lei Xiaozong and spirit beast palace can not reach the goal. Just like the elite disciple of Tianyi sect in the Dihuo cave in Mitian Valley, he seems to have only one magic weapon with the power of attacking and defending.

What's more, the fire cloud Dun that he has practiced now can stimulate a fire cloud. With the improvement of his cultivation, the power of the fire cloud will continue to increase. It is estimated that the power of the fire spirit flag will exceed the power of the fire spirit flag when he reaches the five fold cultivation of the zhoutianjing.

Therefore, for this first real Lingbao, Weisuo was just holding a purely watching attitude to see how much value such a thing could sell.

But as soon as he heard the voice of the friar who was the first to bid, Weisuo's brow jumped violently.

This voice is very familiar, it seems to be the voice of Li Honglin.

"Four thousand and five hundred inferior spirit stones!" At this time, from a VIP room not far from Weisuo's upper floor, a tender voice was heard.

"Five thousand spirit stones." The voice in the middle VIP room rang again.

"Damn it!" This time, on hearing the voice, Weisuo couldn't help crying.

"What?" Han Weiwei is very puzzled to look at Wei Suo to ask.

Weisuo looked at Han Weiwei, "if I didn't hear wrong, this guy should be Li Hongling."

"No?" Han Weiwei is also a little silly. If Nangong Yuqing happens to be with Li Honglin this time, isn't it that she has no place to look for, and it doesn't take any time to come?

"Five thousand five hundred inferior spirit stone", a powerful voice also joined in the struggle for this spiritual treasure.

"Six thousand five hundred inferior spirit stone!"

The voice of the middle VIP room came out again. This time, Wei Suo was basically sure that Li Honglin was in it. Moreover, he seemed to add a thousand spirit stones to the appearance of the Lingbao. Now, the only thing we can't know is whether Nangong Yuqing is in the VIP box.

"Seven thousand inferior spirit stones." The monk with a sharp voice added five hundred spirit stones.

"Seven thousand five!"

"8500 inferior spirit stone"


with the continuous bidding of several friars, the price of the first Lingbao went up all the way, and almost instantly exceeded 10000 lower spirit stone.

"12000 lower grade spirit stone!"

This time, Li Honglin's spirit stone seems to be very abundant. After the final offer of such a price, no one raised the price. Li Honglin actually bought the first Lingbao.

In the meantime, Weisuo just listened quietly, his eyes twinkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"The second thing in this auction is the ancient talisman, which enables monks below the golden elixir to deliver more than three times a day. The base price is 2500

But immediately the next auction item, let Weisuo's face also appeared a moving look.

Ancient talisman!

Friars may feel uncomfortable when they transmit through the teleportation array. For a small teleportation array of hundreds of miles in length, almost all monks can bear the discomfort caused by teleportation.However, after more than ten consecutive transmissions, the physical and divine consciousness of ordinary low-level monks will reach their limits. For example, if Weisuo wants to be a medium-sized teleportation array with a transmission distance of thousands of miles, he will feel dizzy and nauseous when he comes out of the array.

Therefore, generally, the monks below the period of study can only drive about ten thousand miles in one day through the transmission array. If you pass a large teleportation array that can teleport for tens of thousands of miles, you have to rest for a day before you can recover.

However, in ancient times, there was a sect called zhenshenzong, which developed a kind of treasure talisman, which could protect the spiritual consciousness of a monk to the greatest extent from the impact of the fierce aura fluctuation of the array in the transmission process. As long as the treasure Rune was activated during the transmission, the lower level monks could use the large array of long-distance transmission at least three times a day.

This kind of talisman, which is the second item in the auction, is extremely useful for monks to travel long distances.

Otherwise, it would take at least a month or two to use a large teleportation array only once a day if there was an emergency to rush from one end of Tianxuan to another.

This kind of ancient Rune does not exist in the world, and it will certainly be useful in the future. Weisuo quickly calculated that if the final price did not exceed 10000 pieces of spirit stone, he would buy it.

"Three thousand inferior spirit stones!"

"Four thousand spirit stones."

“… ..。”

"Eleven thousand inferior spirit stones."

"Thirteen thousand spirit stones."

But what made Weisuo a little depressed was that, like the first fire spirit banner, this ancient talisman, which was definitely useful, broke through Weisuo's psychological price almost instantly.

Finally, the price of this ancient talisman was 1000 times higher than that of the fire spirit banner. A voice in the upper VIP room sounded lazy and didn't care much about the purchase of ordinary nuns.

"Silver light law ring"



"Majun Zun!"

Lingbaofang's large-scale auction was indeed extraordinary. Among the next few things, there was a real magic weapon named Qianjun Zun.

This magic weapon is also very exciting to Weisuo, because this magic weapon is not many pieces of weight crushing type magic weapon, once put out, it will become larger, and then the weight will be astonishingly pressed down on the other side's head. If you can't escape, and there is no aura magic weapon above the spirit level, even if there is a shield magic weapon of the spirit level, it will be forced to be pressed under it. It must be no problem to press it into a meat pie.

However, the price of this thing in an instant made Weisuo a little surprised. When he was finally bought by a cold voice in the hall, the transaction price actually reached 20000 lower spirit stones.

"The next auction is two detailed maps outside the sky, both of which were drawn in the past six months, which should be very accurate, one as far as Baigu wasteland and the other as far as Beimang mausoleum. These two maps are sold together, and the bottom price is 3000

But after these several things, the big chest nun's next auction, but let Weisuo almost can't help but stand up.

Finally, when he reached his goal this time, the map to duanlong cliff was included in the map to Beimang mausoleum.

"Han Weiwei, you bid for this for me." But Weisuo immediately calmed down and said to Han Weiwei.

"Good!" Most of the girls are also shopaholics. Looking at these good things, she has long been itching to death, but this time she didn't bring many spirit stones, so she couldn't buy them. Now a hear Weisuo so say, Han Weiwei immediately incomparably excited agreed to come down.

"Four thousand spirit stones!"

"Four thousand and five hundred inferior spirit stones!"

"Five thousand spirit stones!"

What makes Wei Suo take a breath is that in the time he said a word to Han Weiwei, the two maps have already been bid three times, and the price has suddenly reached 5000 lower spirit stone.

"Six thousand inferior spirit stones!" At this time, Han Weiwei cried out.

"What a black sheep." There was heartache in weissoton. It's not like five hundred and five hundred. It's a thousand dollars.

"Seven thousand inferior spirit stones." But at this time, another nun's voice came from another VIP room on the upper floor. This voice sounded a bit lazy. It was the nun who first offered to buy the ancient talisman.

"Eight thousand inferior spirit stones." When Han Weiwei wanted to make a bid, a calm voice came from a VIP room opposite Weisuo and joined the fight.

See Wei Suo's gesture, Han Weiwei immediately added a price: "nine thousand goods spirit stone."

"Fifteen thousand inferior spirit stones." However, to the surprise of all the monks present, the nun, who was a bit lazy, chuckled and quoted an amazing price.

This price, let Han Weiwei and Wei Suo all of a sudden stay.

It's not that the price can't be borne by two people. It's just that this kind of increase in price is too much and a little ridiculous.But at this time, when the whole audience was stagnant, the nun's lazy voice came out again, "why, Dong Qingyi, do you also want these two maps?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!