Chapter 175

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
In addition to the monsters, the things in the treasure bags of the monks of Sihai hall were taken out by Wei Suo and Han Weiwei.

Basically, there are almost no magic weapons in these knapsacks except for the magic weapons of Jinhuan Toutuo and others who have been collected by Weisuo.

There are more than ten thousand lower grade spirit stones in almost every nabao bag, and at least one or two thousand lower quality spirit stones. In total, there are nearly 80000 spirit stones.

But these were no longer enough for Weisuo to be foolishly amused, for in addition to the individual nabao sachets, there was such a large bag of milky white pills in each of the other nabao sacs. The total number of pills in the more than 20 white silk sachets was at least 10000. In addition to this kind of pills, the vast majority of nabao sacs also have a bag of blue pills.

This green elixir is only one circle larger than soybeans, but the quantity is more amazing. Each bag has as many as two or three thousand pills.

"Huizhen Dan!"

The milky white pill exudes a faint fragrance, and Han Weiwei almost immediately made the most positive judgment, because this pill is the reason why she chased a monk to the seven star city that day.

But the small blue pill, at least one or two products, Han Weiwei, a alchemist, can't tell what kind of pill it is.

"Weissou, what are you doing?"

In the meditation between, Han Weiwei saw Wei Suo actually picked up to eat a, she suddenly startled: "quickly spit out, careful toxic!"

"Even if it's poison, why refine so much?" Wei Suo was swallowed all of a sudden, and then looked at Han Weiwei strangely and said: "you smell the smell of this pill and what kind of things are similar."

Han Weiwei was stunned. She grabbed one and sniffed it carefully. However, her face changed immediately. She didn't say anything. She swallowed one.

Nangong Yuqing was puzzled by two people's expressions, so she couldn't help swallowing one, but after swallowing this pill, she was immediately stunned, "Huiqi powder?"

The efficacy of the Milky Huizhen pill is almost the same as that of Huiqi pill, while the efficacy of this cyan pill seems to be slightly higher than that of Huiqi powder.

"Are there alchemists in Sihai Hall who are refining these pills?" Han Weiwei looks at Weisuo with a look of ugliness.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple." Wei Suo said with a bitter smile: "the leaders of Sihai hall are there. Do you see anything refining alchemy in Guhuai village?"

Han Weiwei feels very keen, eyebrow a pick: "how, Wei Suo, do you have any other discovery?"

"Nothing else." Wei Suo looked at Han Weiwei and said, "it's just that Huang Tianya used a guy named Li Shaohua in Dongyao resort to crush me when I attacked him secretly."

"Dongyao resort?" Han Weiwei's small face suddenly turned white, "do you mean..."

Weisuo nodded. "I think it's almost the same. Otherwise, if there were other powerful backgrounds, I would have said it at that time."

After listening to the riddle for a long time, Nangong Yuqing couldn't help it. He looked at Wei Suo and asked, "what's going on?"

"Zhenbaoge's main source of income is Huiqi pill and Huiqi powder. Other high-level pills can only be refined by Jiya, and one pill will take a lot of time." Wei Suo looked at Nangong Yuqing and said: "among these two kinds of pills, the main way is to disperse Qi. Although there are about 100000 monks in Lingyue City, many of them don't stay in the city every day. Basically, there are about 60000 to 70000 monks who live near Lingyue city in one day. Among these monks, there are very few friars above Zhoutian. Generally speaking, there are only Zhoutian The monks of the state will use this kind of Qi returning pill with better recovery effect, and the biggest consumption is Huiqi powder. "

After a slight pause, Weisuo went on to say, "now there is this kind of Huizhen pill. Its effect is similar to that of Zhenbao pavilion's Huiqi pill, but the price is cheaper. It is estimated that monks who have no problem with their heads will choose to buy this kind of Huizhen pill. If Huiqi Dan's business is cut off, treasure Pavilion will only lose a small part of its business. But if something similar to huiqisan appears, but the price is lower than huiqisan... "

Speaking of this, Nangong Yuqing has completely responded, "Weisuo, do you mean that there is any force to refine these two kinds of pills in large quantities to crush the treasure pavilion?"

"Anyway, I think it's probably the Dongyao resort who is making trouble in the back." Wei Suo hum said: "don't you say that Dong Qingyi has been salivating at Jiya? If you crush the treasure house, you may have a chance to succeed. "

"If it's Dongyao resort, I think it's very likely." Nangong Yuqing pondered for a moment and nodded, "Dongyao resort has become more and more powerful in recent years, but it has been suppressed by juxingzong. It is almost impossible to surpass juxingzong if we want to develop in the Seven Star City alone."

"No! I have to go back and tell the elder martial sister right away. " Han Weiwei immediately can't help but want to go out.

"Boy, if you really want to help that kya for a while, it's easy." Just then, the voice of the old man in the green robe was a little complacent, ringing in Weisuo's ear, "but you have seen enough of them, and you should help them. This time, the real Dan is probably cheaper than their breath back Dan? ""Wait a minute." Weisuo immediately stopped Han Weiwei, deliberately said: "Han Weiwei, this time the real Dan, how much cheaper are they than your return gas Dan?"

"Ten percent. What

"You wait for me a moment." Wei Suo's eyes flashed a few times and said, "I have a pill. Please give it to your elder martial sister for me. Let her refine it to see if the pill is useful."

Han Weiwei was stunned, "do you have a pill?"

Wei Suo nodded and didn't say anything. Anyway, when he closed the door, he often wrote a list to let the heart eating insect carry the jade plate and let Zhu Xiaochun buy things. There were ready-made paper and pens in the nabao bag, so he took it out and wrote it directly and handed it to Han Weiwei.

"I need to prepare some things for the next cultivation. Now when I return to Lingyue City, there are almost no things to buy in the night market. It seems that I still want to stay in the moon city for a day. Anyway, it should be safe to return to Lingyue city directly by transmitting the array. I will not send you back to Lingyue city. " Hand this handwritten Dan Fang to Han Weiwei at the same time, Weisuo said.

"I will accompany her back." Nangong Yuqing looked at Wei Suo and said, "I must go back to Lingyue city and try to inform tiece's people that the line of Li Honglin is broken."

"In fact, you can quit tiece. This time we've got so many monsters, we'll share equally among the three of us. In the future, we should have no shortage of spirit stones." After Wei Suo nodded, he looked at Nangong Yuqing directly and said, "with the spirit stones used by Zhu Xiaochun and Zhen Chongming, there is no big problem at all."

"Are you officially inviting me, you and Han Weiwei to join us?" Nangong Yuqing seems to have never thought that Wei Suo would say such a direct sentence at this time. Her expression of moving eyes flashed, but she still said seriously, "there are several friends of mine in tiece, and among the people killed by Heisha in Qingfeng mausoleum last time, there are friends who have lived and died with us."

Wei cableway: "so you must advance and retreat together with the people of tiece to avenge them, right?"

Nangong Yuqing nodded: "not bad."

"Then you can quit tiece after avenging them?"

Hear Wei Suo some shameless words, Nangong Yuqing some laugh. But her heart was filled with more moved, because now Weisuo provoked most of the opponents, seems to be because of her.

"When you're done, you can promise to join the gang as long as you're done." After Nangong Yuqing hesitated a little, he looked at Weisuo's eyes seriously and nodded.

"Guarantee what?" Weisseau was a little surprised.

"Make sure you don't do anything about that seven hundred spirit stone again." Some impatient Han Weiwei walked out and said scornfully, "what else can I do?"

Nangong Yuqing's face was crimson, and without saying anything, she went out with Han Weiwei. It seemed that Han Weiwei had said something about it.

"Ah?" Wei Suo was a little silly, but looking at Nangong Yuqing and Han Weiwei who came out of the door, he still cried out immediately. He was relieved, "I'm sure I won't do the seven hundred spirit stone!"

"Damn it! Forget to tell them how to meet next And after calling such a sentence, Weisuo suddenly chased out like a dream, a moment later, just like peeking at a beautiful woman bathing, he returned to this quiet room contentedly.

After Weisuo closed the door, the old man in green robe just floated out of the ghost jar on his chest. Looking at him with some disdain, he said, "I thought you would be shameless and asked Nangong Yuqing to follow you. I didn't expect to let her and Han Weiwei go. You run to the Seven Star City, just to make up with her, so let her go, you don't worry? "

"I'm worried to death." Wei Suo shook his head. "To be honest, you think she doesn't know why organizations like eagle and tiece don't have high-level free repair. It's not slow for high-level casual practitioners to earn spiritual stones. On the contrary, they will cause all kinds of troubles in this kind of organization, which is of no benefit. However, she is not a friar who forgets righteousness for gain. I know that she has benefited from tiece, so I think she must do something for tiece before going. In fact, I think it's silly, but I like it a little bit. With my current cultivation, even if I follow her all day long and encounter powerful roles, it is not of great use. I still have to find ways to improve my cultivation and strength. First, I will build a cave, and then I will not be able to stay in these cities. There is still a place to hide. By the way, old man, what's the matter with the Dan Fang you gave Ji ya? And, do you know how to arrange the furnace? "

"Come on! If I say, friars, it's better to kill them all! Grab it all! Catch all the good things by yourself! If you don't recognize them, you can cultivate faster. I don't like any of you. But then again, at least you know that big fists are the hard truth. I really appreciate your plan to support yourself in the cave. As long as you are willing to use spirit stones and build an underground furnace, it should not be a problem. " The green robed old man snorted, and after a pause, he said, "as for the Dan Fang I gave to Jiya, it's almost the same as Huiqi pill, but I've calculated that, with the value of your materials now, the cost is estimated to be 30% or 40% lower than that of Huiqi pill.""Ah? Is it 23% cheaper than Huizhen Dan? " "Old man, you have such a good thing, why don't you tell me earlier?"

"What's the use of this pill for you? You have to buy it with Huiqi pill. If you want to earn spirit stone by this kind of thing, the cost of fireball rune is not lower. " The old man in green looked at Weisuo with great disdain.

Weisuo thought about it. After nodding his head, he stopped talking. He calculated it in his mind.

Because of the unstable foundation, Nangong Yuqing refuses to leave tiece for the time being. As before, Wei Suo still doesn't want to let Nangong Yuqing and Han Weiwei know about Wei Suo's secrets. Next, Wei Suo decided to finish the task of building his own cave by himself. He only made an appointment with Nangong Yuqing and Han Weiwei to meet him in case of emergency.

Next, the first thing Weisuo wanted to do was to find out whether he could find some defensive array and other things to protect the cave, which was to build a underground fire Dan room in his own cave. This not only enables Zhen Chongming to refine alchemy directly in his cave, so as to save the two men from running around and being followed by others, or staying in the city and being found out by others. Moreover, it is also essential for Wei Suo to refine weapons.

As for ye Guwei and ye Xiaozheng, they have been sent back to the treasure Pavilion of Lingyue city by Han Weiwei before. Now Han Weiwei has gone back, and ye Xiaozheng's injury must not be worried. , the fastest update of the webnovel!