Chapter 176

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
It is imperative to establish the cave.

It is easy to find out the whereabouts of Dongyao resort, juxingzong and tianyimen, who often stay in the city.

For these big sects, the rules are set by them. Others dare not kill other friars in the city at will. But if they want to kill a friar from zhoutianjing without any background, it is basically as simple as crushing an ant.

Because we don't want to waste any time, we should prepare the materials for building the ground fire furnace house in one day, and then select a suitable place to build the cave, arrange the underground fire furnace room and some necessary protection, which will take at least several days. At that time, Zhen Chongming would be able to refine enough tonic pills to break through to the medium level of the prefecture level, and it would be right to take them into the established cave.

So Weisuo immediately inquired about the necessary conditions for the green robed old man to build a ground fire furnace room.

And understand clearly, calculate the cost of a ground fire furnace room, it is really let Weisuo some flesh ache.

First of all, the price of a medium grade stove is about 20000 lower grade spirit stone.

In addition, the ground fire that leads to the underground fire pulse also needs special array and magic tools. This is also at least 20000 to 30000 lower level spirit stones.

After that, if you use the ground fire stove room occasionally, which doesn't need to refine things for a long time, you don't need anything. But if you use it to refine tonic pills or refining utensils like Weisuo, you may have to work for a long time. You have to have a magic array to absorb the fire and evil Qi, and you also have to embed a lot of cold jade around it. Otherwise, I'm afraid that there will be a formation above the cave Tuan Hongyun, at a glance, people can see that someone has built a cave there, refining things day and night.

Add these things, Weisuo wants a ground fire furnace room worth at least 60000 to 70000 spirit stone.

Therefore, despite the fact that tianyimen sect just transfers the array, it makes a lot of money every day. However, the investment in these aspects and the disciples is also very large.

After knowing what was needed to build a ground fire stove house, Weisuo inquired carefully about some methods of cultivating and controlling miexianteng. After that, the old man in green robe told him a lot of things to pay attention to when he built his own cave. After that, the sky began to light up.

As there was still some time before the opening of many large cities, Wei Suo did not care to rest, and immediately took out the ancient Fu of Huang Tianya, which recorded xuansha Da FA.

After a little while, the expression on Weisuo's face became very strange again.

This skill is really a powerful and extremely powerful skill that can reach the middle level of heaven level.

Even tianyimen sect and juxingzong sect may not have one. In the monastic world of Tianxuan mainland, there were monks who used Xuan level garbage skill and cooperated with powerful Tian level technique to fight against the invincible in the world for a time.

It is said that there are less than 50 famous sky level magic methods in the whole Tianxuan continent.

However, this xuansha great Dharma is not a skill that can be directly understood and used by the imperial envoy of Zhenyuan. It is a unique and extremely double cultivation method!

Look at the introduction in this piece of ancient Fu, it is actually when men and women love each other and do road work, they should practice their skills according to the skills, so that they can be used when facing the enemy. The more profound the cultivation is, the more powerful the Xuanyin Qi stimulated by Zhenyuan transformation will be. In other words, the more times men and women love each other, the more powerful this technique will be.

This method is similar to the double practice of joy in the great joy palace. What's more, it is said that both male and female practitioners should practice according to the law. However, in the time of Wu Shan Yun Yu, the male practitioners only need to practice according to law. As a result, with each double practice, the power of the Dharma will increase At the same time, a cold pill will be naturally formed in the body of the female nun. This kind of cold pill, also known as Xuannv pill, is the blue crystal beads with extremely strong Yin and cold spirit displayed by the two female Xiushi who Wei Suo had seen in Guhuai village. According to the ancient talisman, the more times of double cultivation, the more powerful this kind of cold elixir is, the more powerful it will be. In other words, if a female nun can go to the golden elixir and cultivate a cold pill equivalent to the power of the golden elixir, the strength will be far better than that of the ordinary golden elixir.

However, the xuansha of male practitioners is very big. The speed of advancement of Han Dan, which is naturally formed in the body of female practitioners and male practitioners, is as slow as that of a monk practicing Zhenyuan skill. According to the ancient Fu, it may be that the power of xuansha Yin Qi at the beginning could not even catch a vase, while the cold pill at the beginning might not even be the size of a grain of rice.

According to the above statement of the ancient Fu, it is estimated that the two female nuns of Huang Tianya will have to practice more than 1000 times. How can Wei Suo Qing, who is still a virgin!


Wei Suo exclaimed with a complex expression. After carefully putting away the ancient rune, he took out the bottle containing Tianyun Jing and looked at it with heartache.

Today, he had a thorough understanding of the power of tianyunjing. Unfortunately, he was afraid that the effect was not enough, and the amount was enough. Therefore, the Tianyun spirit in his hand was only a little bit as small as the bottom of the bottle. It was estimated that he could only use it again at most, and it could only attract monsters within 300 Li nearby.The most important thing is that this kind of heavenly cloud spirit is completely unique in the whole Tianxuan continent. That day, the old man in green robe was able to find this bottle of things, which was also a bad luck. It's impossible to buy another bottle.

Heartache to see for a while, baby pimple generally put away the remaining Tian Yun Jing, Wei Suo simply swallowed a tonic pill, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath.

After more than an hour, Wei Suo, who had continuously refined many tonic pills, opened his eyes, stood up, and then walked into another quiet room. He told Zhu Xiaochun a few words and handed him a spirit stone bag. After that, Wei Suo walked out of lingbaofang and walked towards the place where the most large square city gathered in the moon city.

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at noon the next day, with a flash of light, Wei Suo, who was a little pale, appeared in the transmission array near Qingfengling.

"Master!" Seeing Wei Suo who appeared in the array, the two Tianyi disciples who were in charge of guarding the place were slightly surprised and saluted.

After all, even if Wei Suo conceals a layer of cultivation with the secret formula, it is also the double cultivation of Zhou Tianjing. The aura and pressure on his body is not comparable to that of ordinary monks in Shenhai realm.

After taking a look at these two tianyimen disciples, Wei Suo's face unconsciously appears a wry smile.

Originally, he planned to stay in the moon city for only one day, but the difficulty in purchasing the materials for building the ground fire furnace room exceeded his expectation.

According to the old man in green robe, these things are common goods. However, Wei Suo found that it was probably because the number of monsters in the sky was much more than before in the past 20000 years. Most of the methods used to earn spirit stones were hunting and killing them. There were fewer monks refining alchemy and weapon than 20000 years ago. In addition, many sects were set up Because of the ground fire furnace room, the materials used to build the ground fire furnace room are much rarer than those recognized by the old man in green robe.

Weisuo finally bought a ground fire stove which was ordered by others at the price of 3000 more inferior spirit stones, and finally bought all the materials needed to build the ground fire furnace room. Otherwise, it will take at least a month for a new underground furnace. Wei Suo after a casual inquiry, it seems that even if to the Seven Star City, but also may not just hit the product of the ground fire stove.

But even if it took 3000 more spirit stones, it took half a day more than Weisuo expected.

However, after coming out of the transmission array, Weisuo found a place in the Qingfengling and adjusted his breath for half an hour.

The reason for this is that Wei Suo was afraid that someone would follow him, so after passing the long-distance transmission array from the moon city to the Lingyue City, he immediately changed several transmission arrays, and when he turned to this place, he was very uncomfortable.

What's more, Weisuo decided to build the cave outside the sky.

Once out of the sky, you may encounter high-level monsters at any time. You should keep in the best condition.

Weisuo has two maps outside the sky. One is the farthest south to Beimang mausoleum, which is 5000 miles away from the sky. The broken dragon cliff that Weisuo wants to explore next is also included in this map. The other one is to the East, as far as three thousand miles away in Baigu wasteland.

These two maps were drawn by a group of friars who, for some reason, wanted to reach Beimang mausoleum and Baigu wasteland. These friars also mapped out the places they passed through. Although they reached such a long distance, they couldn't go too far in the horizontal direction, only one or two hundred Li at most. So both maps are long and narrow. It looks like a long road.

However, in fact, the significance of these two maps for monks is to provide many warnings, which can provide a relatively safe route to avoid the gathering points of some monsters. Or for some monks who want to hunt certain kinds of monks, we can know that there are monsters in those places who want to hunt.

On these two maps, the marks of level 6 or even level 7 monsters can be seen everywhere, which is very shocking.

Originally, Wei Suo wanted to choose a place to build the cave on the way to duanlong cliff, but after looking at the two maps and studying for a long time, he decided to build the cave in a place named xiaoyeshan on the way to Baigu wasteland.

The reason is that Weisuo didn't want to build the cave too close to the sky, so that it would not be easily found by other friars. Even if there were any big forces that wanted to deal with Weisuo, it would be very difficult to kill Weisuo's cave. However, the distance should not exceed 1500 Li. Otherwise, it will take a long time for Weisuo to rush back to the transmission array here, which is very inconvenient when there is an emergency.

In the distance of 800 to 1500 Li, there is no suitable place in the map leading to duanlong cliff. Basically, some mountains and forests with strong concealment are very dangerous, and this place named xiaoyeshan, which is about 900 miles away from the sky, is not only a good terrain, but also a gathering place of level 4 medium level monsters called stareye claws. The number of these monsters is relatively large, and they are also offensive to ordinary monsters. Therefore, the possibility of the disorderly monsters passing by the xiaoyeshan is small The most important thing is that this star claw is blind and deaf like the red winged Yanmo. It is sensed by the breath. In this way, Weisuo with green gourd in hand is very safe to enter and exit xiaoyeshan, but it is a little troublesome to pick someone , the fastest update of the webnovel!