Chapter 177

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Towards the evening, Wei Suo, who was in charge of the white jade crane, flew to the sky above xiaoyeshan as shown on the map.

According to Weisuo's escape speed, it would not take so many hours to fly here. However, even the golden elixir monks were in danger of falling out of the sky. Wei Suo carefully followed the safest route on the map and slowly circled around with great spirit.

But even so, Wei Suo fought with a four level high-level monster red fire carving in the middle of the battle. Later, Weisuo also used the golden carp like magic weapon to smash a three level low-level iron claw cloud crow who dared to sneak attack him, so as to let him know what it would be like to despise the triple friars of zhoutianjing.

Now looking at the mountain not far below, Weisuo some bursts of stupor.

On the map, xiaoyeshan is a very simple little corner, but when it comes to his eyes, Weisuo finds that it is also a mountain with a height of more than 200 Zhang, which has three or four hills, which is quite different from Weisuo's previous imagination.

After returning to God, Weisuo immediately took the white jade crane to circle around xiaoyeshan.

The fact that Wei Suo was sweating a little more appeared. When he reached the top of xiaoyeshan, Weisuo found that the overall shape of xiaoyeshan was really like a nightpot. One side of the hill is more round, while on the other side two relatively low hills together, it looks like a nightpot mouth.

The baby ghost pot in her arms is like a nightpot, and the place where the selected cave is also like a nightpot. In the future, my grandmother should not be called a real person of the night pot, right?

Wei Suo is very crazy, really want to change places, but looking at the time is not early, Weisuo or can only silently carefully observe the "night pot" mountain in front of him.

After watching for a while, Weisuo excites the green gourd helplessly. In a package of ethyl wood aura, it falls to the "urinal mouth".

… ...

"the real person is the real person."

A moment later, Weisuo stood in front of a steep mountain wall and sighed with resignation.

It has to be said that this place is really suitable for the construction of caves.

In front of the cliff where Weisuo is standing now, there is a lake like a mirror, with some mist rising naturally.

There is a lake in the "urinal mouth", which is more like a real urinal, but even if Weisuo walks in the valley, the friars who pass over xiaoyeshan may not be able to see it. When Weisuo was above, it was such a mist that he could not see that there was a mountain lake inside.

The rock of this mountain looks very hard and solid. Unlike some mountains, it is full of holes. Maybe if you dig, you will dig into the monster's hole.

The most wonderful thing is that there is a crack about 20 feet high on this steep mountain wall, which can only allow one person to pass through. After the crack is more than ten feet inside, it is a complete mountain.

In this way, after entering the crack, and then opening the cave, the traces of artificial opening can not be seen outside.

After sighing, Wei SuoYu sent the white jade crane to the crack. Then he put it away. When he reached the mountain, he reached out and took out Liu sanpao's sword.

Then Weisuo cut it with a knife.

Liu sanpao's big knife is made of Taiyi refined gold, so it's almost like cutting tofu to cut rocks. Moreover, it's not afraid that the sword will be damaged. Weisuo almost every few knives, he cut off a half man size rock.

He didn't rush to clean it up, so he let the rocks fall into the cracks of the mountain, and regardless of the beauty of the excavated holes, he dug them into them as hard as he could, and then he tried his best to dig through the mountains.

No matter the big hole or the small hole, it's Weisuo's paradise.

Since the encounter with Nangong Yuqing, Weisuo has made a fortune several times. All of them are in the cave. When he dug the hole, Weisuo was full of energy.

Only half an hour later, a simple stone road with a length of tens of feet, which only allowed one person to stand through, had been dug out.

Seeing that the sky outside was getting dark, Weisuo tried his best to dig into the mountain at a faster speed. He took a slight turn, and after digging for more than ten Zhangs, Weisuo stopped first. Then it swept out of the gap.

At the bottom of the valley close to the cliff, facing the mountain seam, Wei Suo dug a deep hole in the ground, then took out the bodies of several third level earth series monsters from the nabao bag, buried them, and then carefully took out the Baoyuan jade box, and then inspired the green emperor gourd again.

After that, Weisuo picked up the seedling of miexianteng with a silver knife and planted it on the top of the corpses of these monsters.

Then he took out a small bottle of dark red liquid medicine and carefully poured it on the root of miexianteng.

Miexianteng seems to have taken some tonic, suddenly there is a feeling of vitality, roots also seem to grow up quickly.Weisuo's expression was a little nervous and removed the ethyl wood aura of the green gourd. To his delight, the seedling of miexianteng didn't seem to have any response to him.

This shows that the liquid medicine that the old man in green robe taught him to refine last night is really useful.

In the past, Tianmu sect used miexian Teng to guard the mountain gate. There was a kind of wooden technique. When each miexian vine was planted, it refined a talisman equivalent to spirit control. At that time, in addition to these miexian vines that can automatically attack friars and monsters, Tianmu sect is responsible for the disciples of miexian vine, and can control the miexian vine to stop or force attacks just like the monster.

For example, now that Wei Suo is in front of the miexian vine of the former Tianmu sect, even if the green emperor gourd is inspired, if the disciples of Tianmu Zong watch the mountain, they can control the miexian vine to attack Wei Suo.

However, the old man in green robe didn't know about Tianmu sect's technique. He only knew one method which was suitable for several kinds of plant cultivation more than 20000 years ago, which was equivalent to recognizing the Lord. When refining this special liquid medicine, Weisuo's blood is added. In this way, the miexianteng can feel Weisuo's breath and will not attack him. But Weisuo can't control miexianteng to attack things it can't feel.

The method of recognizing the Lord can only be used once. In the future, even if the medicine is refined and added to the blood of Nangong Yuqing and others, miexianteng will not recognize it. This is a bit equivalent to that some monster cubs will regard the first living creature that they see as their parents when they open their eyes, but even if they give it milk to drink, they will not recognize the same.

So the next time Nangong Yuqing and others want to get in and out, they still have to rely on the green gourd, and every time Weisuo cultivates a new miexianteng, he has to refine the liquid again. One dose of this kind of medicine needs more than 80 spirit stones, and Weisuo has refined more than 30 doses last night.

After planting the miexian vine, Weisuo went back to the gap of the mountain and entered the stone road he had dug out. At the same time, he also filled a part of the fallen rocks back to block the entrance.

Then, he took out the four white flags and placed them in the stone path.

With his attention one by one, the four flags issued a white light, not into the ground, but formed four layers of white light curtain in the passage.

Then he took out seven or eight pieces of red jade talisman, carefully tried the orientation, and then embedded it on the ground.

Such a aura defense array and triggered flame array will be finished.

These two defensive powers are estimated to be only half spirit level array. It's really too shabby for a cave. However, it's very difficult to find the mountain protection array of the first rank for a while. It's only to make do with it. Fortunately, the four spirit array flag that Wei Suo finally found not only has protective effect, but also can block friars or monsters from entering, but also can isolate breath.

After finishing these arrangements,

Weisuo continued to carry on his own digging career with Liu sanpao's broadsword.

After digging forty or fifty feet into the cave, Wei Suo stopped digging and began to cut around to build the first stone chamber.

"Boy, you have a good drive." This stone chamber was made very spacious by Weisuo. It was more than ten Zhang long and wide, and the height was two Weisuo's. it took him more than an hour. It was so dark outside that even the old man in green robe came out.

The stone chamber in Weisuo's design is similar to the hall's use, and in case of the invasion of monsters, it must be made a little more leeway to facilitate casting.

After finishing the stone chamber, Wei Suoluo took a rest for a while, then started from the stone chamber, opened another passage to the side, and then began to open up a second stone chamber.

It took Shi Suo Wei more than twice as long to get the second room out of the middle of the night.

This stone chamber is the place where Weisuo intends to cultivate heart eating insects.

Now all the monsters in Guhuai village, Weisuo, are not sold. They are all packed in nabao bag and brought here.

Such a large number of monsters can only slowly move their hands, and one of the most important reasons is that heart eaters can grow and advance by sucking on the brains of monsters.

At present, although Weisuo has not been able to count the number of monsters in the treasure bag, it is estimated that there are at least 3000 and at least 2000. At that time, Weisuo will directly make a pile of heart biting insects to suck, and then change a batch. Now Weisuo wants to know how advanced his heart biting insects will be if so many demons are sucked down. , the fastest update of the webnovel!