Chapter 230

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"From the Hua family in Haixian city?" Green robe young monk's eyes turned, a light smile, said: "I'm the disciple Qi Ziyu from Yin sleep."

"It turned out to be the disciple of elder Yin." As soon as all the friars on the ship heard the words of the young monk in green robe, their eyes were suddenly awe inspiring. Hua Weiyong then asked, "Qi Daoyou appears in front of our boat, but what's the matter?"

Qi Ziyu, the strange green cold flame on his green robe, was very natural and unrestrained and said with a light smile: "it's no big deal. I'm just tracking a concubine who escaped here."

"Tracking a runaway concubine?"

"Not bad." Qi Ziyu nodded and took a look at the cabin behind Huawei Yong and others. "My concubine, who knows the art of concealment, may have sneaked into your boat and hid. I wonder if you can make it convenient for me to enter the ship and search for it? "

"Enter the ship and search?" Huawei Yong and the white faced friar, who has been practicing three times around him, looked at each other with a look of doubt in their eyes.

"What?" Qi Ziyu glanced at two people, "I this small request lets you be very embarrassed?"

"Of course not." Huawei Yong's face suddenly changed and immediately said, "in this case, Qi Daoyou will enter the ship to search for it."

"What a strong spirit! Weisuo, grab the magic weapon of Yin yuan under this man's feet, quick! If I devour the Yin yuan of this magic weapon, I can greatly replenish my vitality! " At this time, Wei Suo and Ji ya, who are in the cabin's quiet room, of course, are also aware of the arrival of this Yin corpse sect disciple. At the moment, the old man in green robe screams with great excitement in Weisuo's ear.

Weisuo's eyes flashed, but there was no sign.

Now he is in the cabin quiet room. He has not seen Qi Ziyu himself, and he can not judge Qi Ziyu's specific cultivation. However, he can hear clearly the dialogue between Qi Ziyu and Huawei Yong.

Obviously, this "Yin corpse clan" must be a clan whose power is far beyond the "Haixian City Huajia" in Huawei's mediocrity. But he didn't want to provoke such opponents without knowing anything about them.

What's more, Han Weiwei's life and death are uncertain. It's time to cast Dharma for Han Weiwei soon.

A moment later, Weisuo only heard a creak, and it was obvious that the cabin door was opened again.

After a moment, Qi Ziyu and other people's voices seemed to ring in a room not far from the opposite.

Qi Ziyu's voice said: "this is my concubine's clothes. It seems that she has sneaked into here. She stole this blood coral from my house. Now I take it back. You Chinese family should have no opinion about it? "

"This blood coral was collected by us not long ago. How could your concubine steal it from you A voice that is obviously not Huawei Yong said angrily.

"What do you mean by that?" Qi Ziyu sneered and said, "are you saying that I am a disciple of the Yin corpse sect, so you can't get this thing of your Hua family

"My companion may have been mistaken." Huawei Yong's voice immediately rang, "since Li Daoyou is sure that this thing was stolen from your residence by your concubine, Li Daoyou can take it back naturally."

"Hum," Qi Ziyu said coldly, "since there is something left by my concubine here, maybe she's still lurking here. I'd better search for it."

"This guy is so mean!"

Weisuo's brows wrinkled. Just listening to such sounds, he had such a picture in his mind. Qi Ziyu enters a storehouse, takes a fancy to a blood coral inside, and takes advantage of the fact that Huawei Yong and others don't pay attention to it, and stealthily leaves a woman's robe in a corner .。

At this time, the sound of footsteps was getting closer and closer. It seemed that they were walking towards their quiet room.

Immediately, only heard the voice of Huawei Yong, "there are two passing friars of Tianxuan land in this quiet room to cure their companions. I need a prophet to give them a sound."

"Monk Tianxuan? Will there be a monk from Tianxuan mainland here? Are you kidding me again

"It's time to come. You can't hide."

Wei Suo's mouth appeared a trace of sneer, and did not wait for Qi Ziyu to say anything, he went to the door and opened the door of the quiet room.

The moment he opened the door, Weisuo saw a very gloomy face of Huawei Yong, and a cunning green robed youth in his eyes.

The young man in green robe is about the same age as Weisuo, and he is very beautiful. On his green robe, there are strange cold green flames jumping on his green robe.

"The five times of zhoutianjing is the first level skill of the prefecture level."

Wang Qi Shu swept, Weisuo immediately gave such a definition to this person.


And this moment, this looks very handsome green robe youth eyes Shua bright.

Just beside him, Hua Weiyong, who looks a little ugly, and the blue shirt scribe feel cold in their hearts. They felt that the eyes of the disciple of the Yin corpse sect elder took Weisuo as air. They passed by Wei Suo, like two groups of hot flames, and fell on Jiya in the quiet room.It was a burning desire for possession, which could not be concealed.

"Qi Daoyou, you can see clearly the situation in this quiet room. There is no trace of your concubine." There is a kind of ominous premonition of Huawei Yong to Qi Ziyu said.

"My old friend, are you lying with your eyes open?" Qi Ziyu's eyes turned, and a little evil smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. "Bailu, you can make me a good one."

"Bailu?" Huawei Yong and Qingshan literati are all in a daze, I don't know what he means by this sentence.

"What do you mean by that? You've got the wrong person. " Weisuo gave a cold smile. I don't know why, when Han Weiwei still doesn't know his life or death at the moment, his heart is rolling with an uncontrollable desire to beat the Yin corpse sect disciple in front of him and then kill him.

"Bailu, although you have changed your clothes, I still can't recognize them." Qi Ziyu's expressionless glance at Wei Suo, "who are you? How can you be with her? Are you the one who seduced her to elope

"Master Hua, what kind of sect is the Yin corpse sect in your heavenly land?" Weisuo suddenly looked at Huawei very seriously and asked.

Huawei Yong's foreboding of the unknown is more intense, and the color of hesitation appears on the surface. "Have you ever heard of the monks of our Yin corpse sect?" Qi Ziyu, on the contrary, said with a contemptuous smile: "you carefully tell him what kind of sect we are in the Yin corpse sect. The more detailed, the better. "

"Yin corpse sect is the largest sect in the northern part of Yunling continent. There are five great monks in the golden elixir period, including the patriarch Xueling. His master Yin Meili was also one of the great monks in the golden elixir period of Yin corpse sect Huawei Yong's face is ugly again a few minutes, say to Wei Suo.

"You don't know enough." Qi Ziyu looked at Wei Suo and Ji Ya with deep meaning and said: "our patriarch has been the five fold cultivation of the golden elixir. He has broken through to the Shenxuan realm and become the eighth great monk of Shenxuan realm in Yunling land, which is what happened in these ten years."

"The great friar of the golden elixir period?" Weisuo's mouth was wide enough to put down a hard boiled egg.

"Do you think she is Bailu?" Qi Ziyu mouth appeared a trace of complacent look, looking at the eyes of Jiya more naked, "as long as you admit that she is Bailu, give her back to me, I can as nothing happened, let you a horse."

It's not enough to bully people with naked bullying and plundering things. Do you still want to take people by pointing out the deer as horses?

Both Huawei Yong and Qingshan literati bit their teeth, but they had no way. For a family like their Hua family, the golden elixir monks of Yin corpse sect could kill them with one finger.

"Did you really like this girl?" Wei Suo suddenly had a flattering smile and nodded: "since Daoyou like her, her name is Bailu, naturally there is no problem. I don't know if there are any restrictions on joining your school. Could you also introduce me as your disciple

This shameless let Huawei Yong and blue shirt literati all speechless, looking at Weisuo's eyes, full of cold contempt.

"Is that true?" Qi Ziyu Leng a Leng, but in the eye actually appeared the surprised look.

"It's true, of course." Weisseau nodded.

"If it's true, let me plant the prohibition first." Qi Ziyu flashed a shrewd look in his eyes, "when he saw the elder of our Yin corpse clan, after the entrance ceremony, he would naturally help you untie it."

"You two, what disciple of the Yin corpse sect will let the top monks in the sect know immediately if there is an accident. Is it forbidden?" Wei Suo is suddenly looking at Huawei Yong and Qingshan literati asked such a sentence.

"No Qingshan literati looked at Weisuo in disgust, and vomited out two words.

"No!" However, Huawei Yong suddenly reacts to something. His face suddenly turns pale and sends out a cry of surprise.

"Boo! Two soft sounds of "Bo"!

But at the same time when he exclaimed, two transparent waves had already opened on Qi Ziyu's head.

Qi Ziyu in the eyes of cunning look just solidified in the face, his spirit has been out of a group of blood light!

The pupil of the man of letters in blue also shrank in an instant, full of fright. Although he could not see anything at all, he could feel it. It seemed that there was an invisible devil lying on Qi Ziyu's head at the moment.

Qi Ziyu's eyes suddenly disappeared.

Second kill!

Wei Suo seems to have not moved, Qi Ziyu, whose cultivation is one level higher than him, was killed by him on the spot!


A purple light burst out of Qi Ziyu's arms in an instant.

"Come on! We must not leave the "purple magic baby", or we will all die without a burial place Seeing the purple light, Hua Weiyong's face was white. At the same time, a group of white light also shot from his hands and shot in front of the purple , the fastest update of the webnovel!