Chapter 231

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The blue shirt scribe is also like the beginning of a dream, white face issued a blue flame, hit the purple light.

That purple light is just like a baby in appearance, all over purple black "purple magic baby".

Seeing the "purple magic baby" in the air, it actually avoided the two brilliance of Huawei Yong and the blue shirt literati, and hit the side of the cabin wall, as if trying to break through the cabin wall.

"Come on! Grab this magic weapon of Yin yuan

In the yelling of the old man in green robe, Weisuo calmly offered the green rope silver staff, and at the same time displayed the "Golden Snake Dance".

A large, almost seamless Golden Snake cover is about to hit the "purple magic baby" on the cabin wall.

I saw that the "purple magic baby" was paralyzed by electricity, and his eyes were very humanized.

A green jade fan with several ancient and simple patterns like green bamboo appeared in Wei Suo's hand. With his wave towards the "purple magic baby", a long blue sword condensed by vigorous wind shot out in an instant.

"Purple magic baby" seems to feel the disaster of extinction, the whole body of purple light, is actually in the case of electric shock all over the situation, momentarily avoided the blue long sword shot by the shooting, and hit the cabin wall again.


But at this time, a very cold white light rushed out against the cabin wall. The "purple magic baby" bumped into the white light, and his whole body was suddenly stiff and covered with a layer of solid ice!

This white light is a white ice dragon emitted by Jiya.

Wei Suo immediately aroused the Green Gang fan from Dong Qingyi without hesitation. While the "Purple demon baby" trembled and cracked the ice, two long green swords condensed by the vigorous wind pierced the baby.

The baby's aura was suddenly extinguished and fell from the air.

But at the same time, a dark red blood light, but at the same time from the baby's mouth, shot to Weisuo.

"Pa" a burst of sound, only to see this dark red blood light hit Weisuo timely sacrifice on the red armor shield. There were no more scars on the scarred shield, but under the red light of the monster, the red armor shield lost all its aura and fell to the ground and died.

Several figures flew in from the hatch of the ship. They just saw the "purple magic baby" spurting out this blood light, and then fell to the ground with a "pa" sound, and his face suddenly turned white.

"Ji Daoyou, you've caused a lot of trouble." The chest of Huawei Yong, who did not use much real yuan at all, fluctuated violently. In his original wise eyes, he was full of panic.

"I'll kill all of them. What's wrong with him? Please tell me clearly." Weisuo took a look at Qi Ziyu's body standing on the ground, showing a trace of disdain. As long as he is allowed to sneak in his spare time, even if he is a friar in zhoutianjing, and has no treasure like Dong Qingyi, he is basically killed by seconds.

"Just now I heard you ask my good brother that sentence, I noticed something wrong, but I didn't have time to stop you." Huawei Yong took a look at the green shirt scribe around him, and his voice trembled quickly and said: "although he is right, only the Hunyuan sect has a Qi Yuan magic lamp that can let the sect know the specific place where his disciples fall. However, this" purple magic baby "is also a powerful monk of Yin corpse sect and can find the monk who killed his disciples. This "purple magic baby" can only be refined by monks who have more than three levels of mindfulness. It is refined by the elders of Yin corpse sect and rewarded to the elite disciples in the sect. This magic weapon is made by blood. It has a spirit. It can not only help the master to use a Yin yuan magic weapon when fighting against the enemy, but will automatically try to escape to the master's place if he dies later. "

Weisuo frowned: "in this case, isn't this' Purple demon baby 'already killed by us and left behind?"

"Ji Daoyou do not know something." With a bitter face, Huawei said, "the purple demon baby itself will spit out a" evil blood arrow ", which is the dark red blood light just now. Because the refining method of "Purple demon baby" of Yin corpse sect is unknown to outsiders, no one knows what kind of mystery this evil blood arrow is. However, this evil blood arrow has the effect of destroying methods and tools, and it can also make the attacker's body carry a stream of blood, lasting for a long time. "

Weisuo's face changed slightly, because he found that his body, as expected, with a faint smell of blood.

"In general, when the" Purple demon baby "can escape, he will die, because he can remember the monk's breath that killed his master, and bring the elder who refined it to come back to find the Friar and avenge his master. And when they feel that they can't escape from the other side's killing, they will use this technique to attack the people who killed their masters. The fierce monks of the Yin corpse sect can feel and trace the blood smell Huawei Yong looked at Wei Suo, and then said, "so if you are escaped by this" Purple demon baby ", you will be 100% tracked down by the fierce monks of Yin corpse sect. You are in a slightly better position to kill the "Purple demon baby". Because the blood smell will not disappear in three years. We have killed the Yin corpse sect's disciples who have "Purple Devil Baby" on the cloud spirit land. Few people can escape from the Yin corpse sect's pursuit. "On hearing the words of Huawei Yong, not only did Ji Ya's face become more bloodless, but even the old man in green, who had been clamoring to rob the "purple magic baby", also screamed, "isn't it?"

"Three years of this blood?" Weisuo asked, "is there no way to crack it?"

"It's hard to solve all the methods of this blood smell, but fortunately, you are now in a sea of stinging Qi."

"In this sea of dormancy?" Wei Suo's eyes moved. "What does that mean, master Hua?"

Huawei Yong explained quickly: "it seems that the people of the Yin corpse sect can't directly track the blood smell, but as long as they approach a certain range, they will be aware of the blood smell. The number of Yin corpse sect's disciples is amazing, not to mention in the northern cities of our Yunling continent, that is, in the sea area outside the desolate sea, they can be seen everywhere. Therefore, if the disciples with "purple magic baby" are killed in other places and contaminated with the blood smell, they will be surrounded and killed by the Yin corpse sect immediately. Fortunately, there are not many monks entering the sea of stinging Qi, and the probability of meeting the disciples of Yin corpse sect is very small. Moreover, it is said that the stinging Qi in the sea of stinging Qi has a certain blocking effect on the blood smell. I heard that a monk who killed the elite disciples of the Yin corpse sect also escaped into the sea of stinging Qi. If you have been stung for three years, you won't be able to find the place where you can get rid of all the evil spirits. "

Weisuo's brow frowned. "Master Hua, do you mean that my only choice is to hide in this sea of stung for three years?"

"Another option is to cross the sea of silence and go to the cold land. But the vast majority of the sea area of jimie sea has not been explored by monks, and even the monks of Jindan period dare not cross it at all. " Huawei Yong said with a wry smile, "if I were, I would only choose a place to hide in the sea of silence for three years."

Weisuo nodded quietly, but then asked, "what you said just now is the white fog in the sea of stinging gas?"

"Yes. The reason why this sea area is named zhejihai is that there is a monster named Pangu giant zhe under the sea. This kind of white sting gas is from this kind of monster, lasting for a long time. This kind of monster ranks seven levels, the body is incomparably huge, is the overlord in this sea area. There are many monsters above level 5 or 6 in the zheji sea. The reason why we dare to enter is because of the "Zheling" array on our "zhe Qi ship". It can stimulate the smell of Pangu giant sting twice a day. When we encounter the monster that can't be dealt with, we can frighten the monster away. " Huawei Yong looked at Wei Suo, hesitated for a moment, and then gritted his teeth and said: "generally, the monks who are divided into two or three levels of Nian state dare not enter this sea easily. This disciple of Yin corpse sect is only the five fold cultivation of zhoutianjing. He is so unscrupulous that there must be some teachers or brothers who are much higher than him to enter the sea together. Maybe they are not far away from here. Please leave the ship at once. "

"Disembark?" Wei Suo looked at Huawei Yong without expression and said coldly: "you have seen the situation just now. You dare not stop me. I have no choice but to kill him. Now we don't know anything about this area. Where can we go after we leave? "

"I know that my request is not moral, but please forgive me. Although we are not afraid of death, if Yin corpse clan moves to our Hua family, we will certainly be destroyed." Huawei said in a quick tone, "we only have the fixed star bronze man at the bow of the ship to indicate the position of our ship. We can't give brother Ji the magic weapon to indicate the direction, but we can give him a copy of the chart of the sea of stinging Qi. With this map, brother Ji should be able to get out of this sea area in the future. As long as brother Ji can forgive me for what I have to do, the Chinese family will surely remember brother Ji's kindness today. "

"Well, in that case, I killed this man. When you give me the chart, I will leave the ship." Weisuo nodded without any nonsense, and said with a cold face, "but I'm going to cure my companion right now, and I'll have to stay on the boat for a while. Besides, I don't have enough magic tools and pills on me. I'd like to ask you to trade with me later. I promise you will not suffer losses in terms of trading. "

"Good!" After hearing Wei Suo's words, a trace of gratitude flashed in Huawei Yong's eyes. After biting his teeth and nodding his consent, he immediately told the monk behind him: "first drive the boat back, and at the same time stimulate the" sting spirit "array." , the fastest update of the webnovel!