Chapter 244

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Sitting on the silver carpet, Weisuo picked up the magic weapon in the shape of a small yellow hill in front of him.

Now the magic bag with tricolor insects has been taken by Jiya. As he expected, there were more than 30 tricolor flying silkworms in the fairy poison bag of friar. However, according to the records of "immortal Gu Miao Shu" of Longgu sect, it is necessary to use these three colored flying silkworms for their own use one by one.

A tricolor flying silkworm needs several drops of its own blood, which is nothing. It takes about a day to refine each one.

In order to let Weisuo have more time to practice, Jiya simply took this magic bag and went to the blood to refine those three color flying silkworms.

What a nice girl. In the past, Ji Ya was devoted to Han Weiwei. Now, in addition to Han Weiwei, she is also devoted to Wei Suo.

Thinking of this, a touch of emotion flashed in Weisuo's eyes, and then he tried to arouse the Friar's magic weapon.

The appearance of this magic weapon is very ordinary, just like a lump of loess. However, judging from the situation when friar Friar and Weisuo fought on that day, the defense power of this magic weapon reached at least the middle level of spirit level.


What surprised him immediately was that the Yellow Qi from the yellow hill shaped magic weapon quickly condensed into a yellow cocoon around his body with his concentration of Zhenyuan. But he can still see the outside clearly inside.

Although this yellow hill shaped magic weapon is very rich in earthy aura, it is obviously a magic weapon of earth series, but it is equivalent to a magic weapon of aura.

The magic weapon of aura mask is all-round protection, and Weisuo's most powerful aura magic weapon at present, that is, the aura wooden order made by Phoenix wood, is only close to the spirit level inferior. Now this magic weapon, whose defense power is above the spirit level, can also be said to solve the problem that with the improvement of Weisuo's cultivation, there is no magic weapon like aura mask on hand.

If it is not black water lotus can be upgraded, the value of this magic weapon will be on top of black water lotus instead.

After putting away the magic weapon in the shape of a yellow hill, Weisuo did not think about anything else. He took out a golden elixir and swallowed it. He began his real cultivation on this "Wuji island".


Time flows like water.

White fog shrouded in the quiet island, is no years of practice.

However, every time he tried his best to refine pills, the most fragrant moment began when he was tired of divine consciousness. Therefore, this "bitter cultivation" was not bitter at all for Weisuo.

Now Weisuo has a thorough understanding of why most of the monks now want to find a beautiful nun as a double nun.

Because the higher the level of cultivation, the longer the cultivation time to break through the realm. Without the company of a beloved double monk, the practice days are really too hard.

Take Wei Suo as an example. He has been in Lingyue city for more than 40 days to upgrade from the double cultivation of zhoutianjing to the triple cultivation of zhoutianjing. Now, he has been cultivating for more than 90 days. It seems that he is still in a long way.

Wei Suo originally had a large number of elixirs on his body. In addition, he swept through the Treasury of Jinfu, and his income along the way as well as the trade with the monks on the zheji ship. The total amount of various pills on his body was also amazing.

But by the time of 130 days, all the pills on his body were exhausted.

Next, he can only begin to rely on the spirit stone of his body.

Fortunately, this island, which can be ignored in the sea of stinging air, seems to have been completely forgotten by the world. Not only has there been no fierce monk passing by, but even the monster beast above the fourth level has never passed by.

Day by day.

More than 40 days later, a faint sound came out of Wei Suo's temporary cave.

In the simple stone room covered with silver silk grass blanket, the rumbling sound is much bigger than that outside.

Jiya and the old man in green are watching Weisuo in this stone chamber.

At the moment, Wei Suo, not far from Ji ya, is blooming with ten groups of dazzling purple light.

The ten regiments are magnificent.

Wei Suo finally broke through from the fourth cultivation of zhoutianjing to the fifth.

However, no matter Wei Suo, Jiya and the old man in green robe, when they saw that he had finally broken through to the fifth level of cultivation in Zhou Tianjing, their facial expressions were very calm, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, because the breakthrough on this day had already been expected by them.

Earlier, before the 20th, Weisuo, Jiya and the old man in green robe had checked all their resources once again and made a new plan.

I can't help it. It's too slow to rely on spirit stone.

Originally, with Weisuo's current double spirit root system, if there were enough elixirs such as jinlingdan, it should take more than 140 days for Weisuo to become a friar of five levels in the surrounding world. But now Weisuo has spent more than 30 days.According to Wei Suo's current cultivation, the speed of refining elixir and other pills is about four times faster than that of refining spirit stone.

At present, it will take about 140 days if there are enough pills for Weisuo's zhoutianjing to reach Wuzhong. If it is from zhoutianjing to fennianyichong, the time will almost double, at least 280 days.

Weisuo's spirit stone is enough now, but in this way, if you only use the spirit stone to practice, the time will be far more than three years.

When all the blood in his body dissipated and he could get out of the sea, he could not break through the cultivation of Fen minding state.

There is an essential difference between the cultivation of Fen Nian Jing and that of Zhou Tian Jing.

The friars with five levels of cultivation in zhoutianjing can't divide the divine consciousness. They can only use the magic weapon one by one, use one magic weapon one by one, give a blow, and then activate it again after taking back the magic weapon. But the monk who divides the mind state can use two magic weapons at the same time. For example, the difference between the five levels of zhoutianjing and the first level of fennianjing may not be obvious, but Weisuo has several middle level magic weapons in his hand, and a middle level skill of heaven level that is being cultivated.

Wei Suo must have doubled his power against the enemy if he wanted to achieve a great accomplishment in Fen Nian state. He must be more secure when he was in the sea of hibernation.

Weisuo, Jiya and the old man in green robe carefully sum up. Among all the resources on hand, there are only two things, which may make Weisuo break through the cultivation of Fen Nian state in advance before he leaves the sea of hibernation.

One of the things is the golden spotted ginseng fruit that Weisuo finally got.

At the beginning, before Wei Suo went to Qifeng City, she gave Han Weiwei two ginseng fruits of golden spot ginseng, and asked her to take them back to Ji Ya for drug test.

If there is no problem with the drug, the two will be considered as the reward for Han Weiwei. Weisuo thought that at first, but he didn't expect that human calculation was inferior to that of heaven. As soon as Weisuo left, the situation suddenly changed. The treasure Pavilion fell into the hands of Dongyao resort, so the two golden spotted ginseng fruits fell into the hands of Dongyao resort.

At present, Weisuo still has five golden spotted ginseng fruits on hand. After preliminary test by Jiya, it has been confirmed that there is no toxicity. Moreover, Jiya tests that the aura and medicinal power are extremely amazing. If the aura can be refined quickly, it should not only be as simple as strengthening the divine sense, but also will certainly have certain effect on accelerating the cultivation of one's spiritual consciousness effect. Because it's very precious and she can't bear to waste it. So now, Jiya just makes one of them into a liquid medicine, and then she's waiting for Weisuo to directly test the medicinal power of the golden spotted ginseng fruit.

In addition to the golden spotted ginseng fruit, there are three small green stones which can prolong the growth period of the elixir, which may help Weisuo break through the Fen Nian realm ahead of time.

In the market of Tianxuan land now, among the common pills used for cultivation, the Jinyuan pill refined with the demon pill of level 4 demon beast has about ten times the efficacy of Jinling pill. At a higher level, the efficacy of the yuan Dao Dan refined with the demon pills of level five monsters is ten times that of the Jinyuan pill. In other words, the effectiveness of a yuan Dao pill is about equal to a hundred golden elixirs.

The old man in green robe knew many kinds of alchemy prescriptions for level 4 and level 5 demon pills. Jiya was a sixth grade Dan master and a monk of huolinggen. She knew a special alchemy. As long as she could hunt the right pills and find other auxiliary miracles, she could refine pills similar to Jinyuan pill and Yuandao pill.

And any pill, auxiliary medicine for the quality of pills is also extremely important. Among those auxiliary miracles, some of them can use green stones to enhance some of them. In this way, as long as we can find enough auxiliary elixir, Jiya should be able to refine many high-quality pills.

In the battle of sihaitang, Weisuo got thousands of monsters at one stroke, and the heart eaters only needed to suck the brains, so now he has a lot of demon pills for level 4 and above.

From the chart and the notes of Huawei Yong, Wei Suo, Ji Ya and the old man in green robe found that there were still several large islands in the sea of stinging gas, among which there were many miraculous herbs growing.

So now is to see what kind of effect these ginseng fruits have. If it has little effect on improving cultivation, then we must go to those islands to collect some miraculous herbs. Some of them can be transplanted. They have reached the mature stage, and the elixir will not accumulate any more. They have to be brought back and continue to increase their potency with green stones.


Seeing Wei Suo stop feeling after the promotion of cultivation, she nodded to herself, and handed a small white jade bottle with the size of a snuff bottle in her hand to Weisuo.

Weisuo opened the lid of the jade bottle and carefully poured a small drop of ginseng liquid in his mouth.

This small drop of ginseng liquid is also flashing three colors of Xiaguang, extremely strange. , the fastest update of the webnovel!