Chapter 245

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
At the entrance of a drop of ginseng liquid, weisuoden's face changed greatly.

This white jade pill bottle was obtained by Wei Suo in the storehouse of Jin Fu. It was engraved with a magic array and was specially used to hold extremely rare medicinal liquid. No matter how you pour it, you can only drop a small amount at a time.

The amount of this drop is only about one-fifth of that made by a golden spotted ginseng fruit.

A golden spotted ginseng fruit is only the size of a cherry, and the liquid itself is only a small ball. The 50th drop is really tiny and pitiful.

But the entrance of this drop, like a magma entrance, gave Weisuo a feeling that his stomach was full of a large mass of magma.

Weisuo immediately panicked a stream of real yuan wrapped up.

However, what made him even more alarmed was that some of the medicinal power in the ginseng solution of golden spot actually ignored his package of Zhenyuan, and directly penetrated out of Zhenyuan. It was like a very small needle and punctured back and forth in his body at an amazing speed.


The unbearable pain immediately made Weisuo scream violently, and even Zhenyuan, who wrapped the rest of the medicine, could not control it at all. The rest of the medicine melted in his body.

"How are you, Weisuo?"

Jiya and the old man in green robe suddenly changed their faces and exclaimed.

Weisuo was so painful that he almost lost his consciousness. He didn't know it. But in the eyes of Jiya and the old man in green robe, Weisuo fell on the ground, and immediately shrank, convulsed and covered his head.

All of a sudden, weissou's breathing stopped.

But when he was relaxed, he was so scared that he could breathe out.

"How are you, Weisuo." Jiya asked, supporting Weisuo with a pale face.

"What a powerful medicine!" Weisuo gave a bitter smile and asked, "how long have I been in a coma?"

"Coma?" Jiya and the old man in green robe were extremely surprised to look at Weisuo and said, "you are not in a coma at all. From taking that drop of ginseng solution of golden spot to now, it is only a few breathing time."

Weisuo stayed for a while, and then began to smile bitterly, "but I feel as if I had been unconscious for a long time."

"How about now?" As soon as Weisuo said this, kya was more nervous.

"It's too strong, but it doesn't do any harm to the body." After closing his eyes, Weisuo took a deep breath and said, "the aura in it should be of some use to the promotion of cultivation, but it has little effect, because these auras are very condensed. Now they are dispersed in my body. It seems that they are not easier to refine than the aura of the spirit stone, but they should have a good effect on nourishing the body. If I don't feel wrong, at least it should be To raise some longevity yuan. However, the greatest effect of the golden spotted ginseng fruit is to strengthen the divine sense. "

After a pause, an expression of unexplained excitement finally spread from Weisuo's face, "and the effect of strengthening God's consciousness takes effect immediately."

"That's what makes you so happy that it works immediately?" As soon as the old man in green robe saw Wei Suo's excited appearance, he immediately despised him, "this golden spot ginseng's effect on strengthening God's consciousness is instant effect. I knew for a long time, what's so strange about this."

"Two Zhangs!" Weisuo looked at the old man who despised his green robe and laughed.

"What two Zhangs?" The old man in the green robe gave Weisuo a look, but suddenly his body was stiff, and he exclaimed in disbelief, "Wei Suo, the distance your Divine sense has reached is more than two Zhangs?"

"Eun!" Weisseau nodded his head with satisfaction.

"The medicinal power of ginseng fruit..." The old man in green and gayden gasped together.

Divine consciousness is of great importance to a monk.

Inner vision training, drive Zhenyuan, cast magic, find opponents, search and lock, all rely on divine sense.

Before Wei Suo's cultivation to the five levels of Shenhai realm, his divine consciousness was released, and the scope of his exploration was about 20 Zhang. At the time of the breakthrough to the first priority of the heavenly realm, the divine consciousness has also been greatly increased, and the scope of exploration has reached 40 Zhang.

After that, the distance that the divine consciousness can reach is about 10 Zhang more than that of Zhou Tianjing.

Now, after Weisuo has broken through the five levels of zhoutianjing, if his divine consciousness is fully released, it can cover 80 Zhang of his body.

Unless the other friars or monsters have the art of hiding breath, he can feel it immediately as soon as he enters the 80 Zhang range of his body.

Just after that drop of ginseng solution of golden spotted ginseng went down, and as soon as the medicine was opened, he almost lost all consciousness and his head seemed to burst open. However, when he recovered, he found that there were almost two Zhangs more places where his divine sense could reach the farthest!

What is the concept?

The drop of ginseng solution just now is only one-half of the fruit of a golden spotted ginseng. According to this calculation, if the whole ginseng fruit goes down, it will increase by 100 Zhang in total! Weisuo's divine consciousness is so powerful that it can reach 180 Zhang!Originally, the effect of a golden ginseng fruit could only make Weisuo's divine sense reach 110 Zhang at most.

And 110 Zhang, which is also the general state of mind, is the strength of spiritual consciousness of a monk, which can barely divide the divine consciousness. The success rate is almost 100% if we use this intensity to impact the separation period.

It's 180 Zhang. Even the triple monk of Fen Nian state who practices the low-level skills of heaven level may not have such strong divine consciousness!

Weisuo now wants to attack the mind state, that is, he wants to take advantage of breaking through the state of Fen mindfulness, and greatly improve his divine consciousness, so as to have enough strength to divide the divine consciousness.

Now if the divine consciousness can be directly raised to 180 Zhang, then Weisuo can become the cultivation of the whole heaven, but it can divide the abnormal monk of divine consciousness.

Once the boundary between Zhou Tian Jing and Fen Nian Jing becomes unimportant!

"What a pervert! The medicinal power of the golden spotted ginseng has accumulated to such a terrible level! It won't really grow for 20000 years! Weisuo, come on, take all these ginseng solutions. In this way, you must be able to divide the mind After the old man in Green took a breath for a while, he immediately kept calling out, "and we have four more! When four go down, how strong will your Divine sense be? I didn't expect these golden spotted ginseng to be such a treasure! It's really hateful. Two of these treasures are taken by Dongyao resort, which is comparable to the top-grade elixir of the heaven level! "

As soon as the old man in green robe mentioned the two that had fallen into the hands of Dongyao resort, Wei Suo's face was depressed again.

In fact, what made him most depressed was not the two golden spotted ginseng fruits, but his Xuanyin treasure clothes, which had been damaged when he met the friar with disordered hair. Now, although there are fire beads and can also use the six Yang divine fire fork, he can't stimulate the impact of divine consciousness. Otherwise, even if it is to stimulate the divine consciousness of Xuanyin Dharma clothes with the triple strength of Fen Nian state, it should make the monks of Fen Nian state stiff for a while.

"It seems that the next step is to find a magic method of mind impact."

Weisuo's heart, immediately made such an idea.

Next, it depends on the level to which the golden spotted ginseng can strengthen his divine sense.

Weisuo picked up the white jade pill bottle in his hand again. After a little hesitation, he was too lazy to divide it into smaller doses. He simply went against his heart and poured another drop into his mouth.


As soon as it dropped, weissoton began to scream uncontrollably.

Just like self abuse, when a drop came down and recovered, Weisuo took another drop with his teeth in his mouth.

For a moment, screams were heard.

But after more than 20 drops, the sound of a pig like scream is slowly small down. After a few more drops, Weisuo did not even scream. He became like drinking water, and his spirit became better and better. His eyes seemed to be more and more bright, and his whole body also showed the brilliance of three colors.

He drank all 50 drops of ginseng liquid.

"Well, how many feet can we reach now?" Almost as soon as Weisuo stopped, the old man in green could not help crying.

"I'll try." Weisseau nodded.

He didn't have any action at all, but kya exclaimed. She felt a huge pressure from Weisuo's body, which made her breathless.

God knows the power!

Only in the face of a monk who is too much better than himself, will he feel the powerful divine sense of the pressure!

"Here you are." Jiya exclaimed, Weisuo immediately stopped, took the strange bead which could resist the pressure of divine sense from Dong Qingyi and hung it in Jiya's neck. Then he began to try his best to release his divine consciousness, to explore.

All of a sudden, he reached out and saw a blue and black air gushing out of his hands and spewing out towards the outside.

Now the Yin Qi gushing out of his hands condenses together. It seems that he and Jiya have been working hard these days.

Suddenly, the blue and black Yin Qi spurted out, and quickly shrank back like a green and black ribbon. A fist sized white ladybird was photographed among them.

This ladybird has been completely covered with Yin, but it has several dewdrops on its body, which is obviously captured from outside the cave.

"Weisuo!" At the sight of such a scene, gialton could not help but call out the name of Weisuo in surprise. From the room where she and Weisuo lived, the distance to the outside of the cave would be more than 140 Zhang, that is to say, Weisuo's divine consciousness has reached at least 140 Zhang!

The divine consciousness can be clearly explored to a distance of 140 Zhang, which can only be achieved by the double monks of Fen Nian state who practice the prefecture level skills! , the fastest update of the webnovel!