Chapter 246

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"How much?" The old man in green robe had no patience and cried out in a bad temper.

"160 Zhang." Weisuo is no nonsense, looking at the old man in green.

This is a little different from what he expected at the beginning. It is not that the medicinal power of the golden spotted ginseng is not as good as he expected, but that the farther the divine sense is, the stronger the resistance it will suffer. In fact, his divinity strength has more than doubled.

"One hundred and sixty Zhang?" Kya almost cried with joy. The spiritual consciousness has reached 160 Zhang, and the triple monks of Fen Nian state who practice Xuan level skills do not have such strong divine consciousness. And they have four golden spotted ginseng in their hands.

"Weisuo, wait for me a moment. I'll make the rest of the ginseng fruit into liquid medicine for you to take." Jiya took the white jade bottle from Weisuo's hand and wanted to go to a stone chamber which she later opened up. Now all the bottles, jars and some miraculous herbs that Wei Suo got from the storehouse of the golden mansion and other friars were put in the stone room, and Ji Ya arranged it into a simple and crude Dan room.

"Keep two for yourself." But before she turned around, Weisuo took her hand and said, "two golden spotted ginseng fruits will surely make you reach the point of enough separation of mind. In our present situation, both of us can reach the point of dividing the mind, which is much more useful than I am

"No Jiya shook her head obstinately. "The stronger the divine sense is, the more beneficial it is. You can take all these golden spotted ginseng fruits. Now we have exchanged with those who stung the gas ship to get a level skill that can enhance divine consciousness? It's the same thing that I use that technique to enhance consciousness. "

Obviously, I plan for myself. I have to leave all the good things for myself. Weisuo was moved again. Of course, when he exchanged for that skill, Weisuo had done a good job of using the method of attacking his divine consciousness with heart eating insects. However, it took more time, how slow, and how difficult it was to practice. How could the golden spotted ginseng be so simple and fast.

After all, the old man in green robe finally couldn't help speaking, and finally persuaded Jiya to leave one for herself, at least as a guarantee for the breakthrough of the future zhoutianjing to fenmindang.

The remaining three golden spotted ginseng fruits were all made into ginseng liquid by Jiya and put into this special white Dan bottle.

Next, in Jiya's expectant eyes, Weisuo began to take these ginseng drops by drop.

The medicinal power of the golden spotted ginseng fruit is too mysterious.

Now, with every drop of ginseng, Weisuo feels like a bang. A stream of air burst into his body, and then instantly fills the most subtle corner of his body, and then his divine sense is rubbed to a higher point.

Not only is it not painful, but it is also a very cool feeling.

But even after swallowing dozens of drops of ginseng liquid, Weisuo saw that Jiya looked at his eyes began to be strange, and then began to cover his mouth, could not help but smile.

"What's going on?" Very strange Weisuo can't help but stop, looking at giya asked.

"Ha ha", Ji Ya finally can't help but cover her mouth and smile. Then she reaches out to show her technique and forms a piece of white ice flower in front of Weisuo.

"Ah?" Looking at his own appearance reflected in the white ice flowers, weisoton was completely stupid.

His face became gold, red and purple, the same as the golden spotted ginseng. Not only was his face, but Weisuo found that his hands and body were also three colors.

These three colors are oily, just like the original color of the skin.

"Grandma, I've become a lottery man." Weissou understood immediately what was going on.

Although it can nourish the spirit, and the part of the medicine that can enhance the spirit consciousness works in an instant, but the rest of the medicine is deposited in your body, which makes your body exude the three colors of the medicine Qi from the inside to the outside. As long as these powers are refined, all the colors will disappear. As a six grade alchemist, Jiya must have seen this from the beginning, so she didn't worry at all. She just watched Wei Suo become a colorful man and couldn't help laughing.

"Let's color people." Weisuo looked at his own appearance, but also couldn't help giggling, and then continued to swallow the ginseng liquid drop by drop.

Soon, when the old man in the green robe was impatient, Weisuo swallowed all the ginseng in the white bottle.

"How much is it?"

Green robe old man just asked such a sentence, suddenly not consciously shrink his head.

A terrible pressure suddenly came out of weissou's body.

In fact, the real essence and divine sense of the old man in green robe is still hidden in the ghost pot. Therefore, unless he takes the initiative to help Weisuo resist the impact of his opponent's divine sense, the ghost pot will help him block the divine sense of the other party like a shell. Therefore, the powerful monk's divine sense didn't work for him, but the divine sense released by Weisuo at this time still made him feel like a thrill.

"The golden elixir!"

The old man in green robe can't help but think of the Jindan monk Changfeng in Dongyao resort outside the Seven Star City.On the whole of the Black Chicken Island, it seemed confound at the same time. Many ordinary insects were all in a panic and ran away from the location of Wei * San temporary residence.

"Two hundred and fifty Zhang!" After taking a deep breath, weisseau said the number.

"My God! Weisuo, you have reached the divine consciousness strength of the golden elixir. " Ji Ya covered her mouth in disbelief, and there was another word she could not say: she was still a monk in the golden elixir period who practiced at least prefecture level skills.

Because even if it's the division period of practicing high-level skills, the five fold monk's divine sense is not more than 200 Zhang's exploration range.

"It's a pity that the two golden spotted ginseng fruits." The green robed old man who got the final answer could not deny a look at Weisuo, and gave a cold hum of dissatisfaction.

"And Xuanyin treasure clothes are also damaged and can't be used." Weisuo reminded the old man in green.

The old man in green suddenly rolled his eyes.

The Xuanyin robe, which can stimulate the impact of divine consciousness, has been damaged when dealing with friars with disordered hair. Otherwise, Wei Suo's divine sense strength is comparable to that of the great friars in the golden elixir period. If the impact of divine consciousness is stimulated, none of the friars below the golden elixir can stand it.

"The first thing I'll do when I'm out of the sea of hibernation is to find a magic method for the impact of divine consciousness."

In the green robed old man's white eyes, Weisuo muttered.

Although Xuanyin's treasure clothes were damaged, he was also very sorry, but for the friar with disordered hair, the existence of the four levels of separation and meditation was very lucky to be able to survive. The damage of a robe of this level is nothing compared with the present harvest of Weisuo.

After murmuring, Weisuo took out two magic weapons from the treasure bag.

One is the Dragon subduing ruler obtained from "Jin Laowu", and the other is just granny Jin's thunder hammer.

Weisuo seemed to have only a flash of vision. He held two magic weapons one by one in one hand, and then he began to shine at the same time.

Only the friars of fennianjing can do it. Now, only Wei Suo, who has five accomplishments in zhoutianjing, can do it easily.

Weisuo didn't even inspire these two magic weapons, so he stopped casting and put them into his pocket.

There's no need to try any more, because with his current strength of divine consciousness, the division of divine consciousness is too easy for him.

After putting away these two magic weapons, Weisuo immediately thought about what role his amazing divine consciousness could play in improving his strength.

It is the best choice to find a method of mind shock.

What's more, his current strength of divine consciousness is far more than the separation of divine consciousness. A monk with more than two accomplishments in mind and state can barely rely on divine consciousness. He must also be able to do it easily. He still has half of the flying sword formula on hand. As long as he has a powerful flying sword, it will be more powerful than the ordinary spirit level magic weapon.

However, he has no way to implement these two things at present. He can only wait until the expiration of three years, and his blood will dissipate, except for stung.

The next thing to improve your strength is, of course, to find some miraculous medicines that can be used to refine high-level pills according to the following plan. There is also double cultivation, which can improve the power of xuansha big% method as soon as possible.

At this point, Weisuo's mouth was covered with a smile, and then directly put the ghost pot into the nabao bag.

"Adulterer * *"

The old man in the green robe seemed to be used to it now, and his reaction was not fierce. When Weisuo put the ghost pot into the treasure bag, he just gave a sad cry.

"What are you doing, vesuo." The more Weisuo turns into tricolor, the more she can't help laughing. At the sight of Weisuo's action, she suddenly exclaims.

"Well, my dear wife." Weisuo, with a sinister air, approached Kia.

"Ah Jiya a exclamation, want to escape, but has been Weisuo very overbearing a pull, in the arms.

"Well, dare to laugh at me all the time." Weisuo chuckled in kya's ear and said, "it's just that I've become a colorful man of three colors. Now I'm going to see if I'm going to lose color. When I see it, you'll also become a colorful person."

"You You rascal. " Jiya did not expect that Weisuo would say such a thing. His eyes were wide and his eyes were unbelievable.

"Well, I'm no longer a hooligan. We're going to get down to business and double practice."

"Well .。”


In the stone chamber, black and white light surging.

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