Chapter 271

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
From the white round bowl of Zhuge old monster's hand, the transparent ghost is more than one person high. In the night, it is colorless and invisible, and can not be seen at all.

After casting the transparent ghost, Zhuge old monster narrowed his eyes and sneered. He quickly put away the white bowl in his hand, as if he had never done anything, but stood quietly on the mountain road.

The transparent ghost quickly passed through the holy field, like a mass of gas, and penetrated directly through the crack of the door.

Jiya and Weisuo still closed their eyes, and were in meditation in the spirit gathering array. They did not perceive the coming of the crisis at all.

At the moment, Jiya has successfully broken through the barrier and reached the cultivation of Fen Nian state. In addition, she has reached the later stage of Fen Nian stage. However, there is a slight tricolor luster on her face. It is obvious that she took ginseng fruit of golden spot when she broke through to Fen Nian period. Wei Suo, who sits beside her with her eyes closed and motionless, has broken through the triple cultivation of Fen Nian state.

The speed of cultivation in this spirit gathering array is too fast. After 70 days of hard cultivation, it is equivalent to the four to five years of cultivation with pills!

All of a sudden, Weisuo's brow leaped violently and opened his eyes.

Then, a light sound of Bo, clearly in the vicinity of the door of this residence.

Weissorton's face changed a lot, because the sound was obviously a heart eater's mind pounding sound!

The quiet room for the cultivation of heart eating insects is not far away from his room. In addition to eating freely, his orders to the heart eaters are to help him and kya guard the house and protect their Dharma. Only when someone invades, the heart eater will attack it!

"Weisuo, what's going on?"

This time, even Jiya was startled and her face changed greatly. She stood up from the spirit gathering array.


Weisuo stretched out his hand a little and directly sacrificed the black water lotus. He also took the blood eating sword in his hand and swept out of the quiet room with an ugly face.

Heart biting insect is one of his precious pimples. I don't know how many spirit stones and painstaking efforts he has smashed on his body. If there is any accident, he must have vomited blood with heartache. What's more, Han Weiwei is in a quiet room next to them. If Han Weiwei has any accident, it's hard for a hundred heart biting insects to compensate.

Jiya is a magic weapon in the shape of a yellow hill with a white face and a Green Gang fan.


Wei Suofei quickly inspired a aura mask to protect himself and Jiya, but he was also stunned.

At this time, he clearly felt that the heart eater had chased the intruder and entered the small hall in front of him.

But this "intruder" is a completely transparent and twisted ghost.

According to the law, this kind of completely transparent, colorless and invisible ghost can not be perceived by Weisuo at all. But now Weisuo can clearly perceive the existence of this ghost, and can also feel clearly that the ghost is rushing towards him with teeth and claws.


As soon as the ghost turned around, it went straight through the gap between the four lotus petals of the Black Lotus, and hit the aura mask outside Weisuo and Jiya. The whole aura mask actually made a sound of explosion and a slight shake.

"What kind of invisible weapon is it?" Jiya's face is full of horror. Her divine consciousness covers the whole hall and the surrounding quiet rooms without any problems. However, she doesn't feel any opponent's existence and any spiritual power fluctuation.

"What's going on, weissou?" At this time, the figure of the old man in green robe also rang in Weisuo's ear, "look at your appearance, seem to feel each other?"

"It's a ghost." Wei Suofei, whose face was very ugly, quickly replied, "some people want to use this ghost to plot against us. This ghost must have been refined by the friars. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a trace of Yin Qi not to be emitted. It is colorless and invisible, and its attack power has the level of half spirit level. "

"The ghost?"

Between Jiya and the green robed old man, Weisuo had already reached out his hand to turn out a golden power grid, and fell down towards the ghost cover which was more than one person high.

Now Weisuo has reached the three levels of cultivation of Fen Nian state. The Golden Snake dances wildly. Every golden snake like lightning is very condensed and crackling. Moreover, the surface of each lightning is a real snake like scale pattern, which looks very powerful.


But the hundreds of golden snake like lightning suddenly fell down, and Weisuo's startled look flashed, but his face became more ugly.

"What? Did you miss it? " Seeing that Weisuo's blow failed, giarden asked nervously. In the face of an opponent that she can't feel at all, she can't do anything about it.

"My Lei Jue has no effect on this ghost." Wei Suo Ming clearly "saw" very clearly, at least seven or eight Golden Snake lightning struck the ghost, but these Golden Snake lightning hit the ghost body, actually was directly through the body, as if it had no effect on the ghost.The reason why he used the Lei Jue was that the Lei system technique had the greatest killing power on the Yin Qi type magic weapons and the ghost. But this Golden Snake thunder formula can't cause any damage to this ghost, which is too weird.

"It doesn't work?" The green robed old man also made a voice of surprise.

"Now the ghost has become a small group." Weisuo's face changed sharply. "Old man, have you never seen such a ghost?"

At this time, in Weisuo's perception, the transparent ghost has condensed into a transparent bead about the size of an eyeball, which is very strange. Moreover, the power of this bead seems to be much larger than that of a human being just now.

"Thunder system technique all does not work, still can condense into a small regiment?" As soon as the old man in green robe was in a daze, he immediately remembered something. He called out, "Weisuo, quick! Use phosphorous sand or carrion water to deal with it

Without any hesitation, Weisuo reached out and immediately took out a bag of phosphorous sand and shook it out. At the same time, he reached out a little and offered a white gourd full of rotten corpse water from the old moustache.


I saw a green and black phosphorous fire spread out, and the transparent beads formed by the ghost trembled fiercely. The places adhered by the phosphorous fire were actually burned to send out green smoke.

Green smoke scattered on the surface of the transparent bead, which even Ji Ya saw this strange ghost bead.

Without any stay, Weisuo reached for a finger, and a group of rotten corpse water in the white gourd spurted out, wrapping the ghost bead which seemed to want to escape back.

This time, the whole surface of the ghost beads, all of a sudden floating green smoke, one of the Yin Qi, seems to be in the rapid combustion of general.

At this time, standing on the road outside Weisuo's residence, Zhuge old monster, who had a ready-made look, suddenly changed his face. After his eyes flashed for several times, he glared at Weisuo's house with the most cruel eyes, then flashed back and disappeared into the night.

"Old man, what the hell is this?" In Weisuo's residence, when he saw the scene that the ghost beads and Yin Qi were constantly burned by the rotten corpse water, Weisuo was so determined that he couldn't help shouting to the old man in green robe.

"Take away the demon soul!"

"This is the" spirit of taking away the house "refined by a monk who is good at Yin yuan skill, using his own essence and the ghost of the high-level monk who killed him! This kind of "ghost soul of seizing the house" is colorless and invisible. It can ignore many prohibitions. It is an excellent Yin weapon for sneaking attacks and plotting! Moreover, after refining the secret method, all kinds of techniques are useless to it. On the contrary, they can only do it in the opposite way. Only Yin organs like Yin phosphorous sand can kill it. It will take at least several decades to refine such a "demon soul of seizing the house", and the cost will not be less than that of building a magic weapon of Dao level! How can such a thing slip in all of a sudden

"If you are not aware of it, you will become a puppet manipulated by the demon soul immediately! Is someone aware that our spirit gathering array sucks aura and wants to turn you into a puppet with the spirit of "seizing the ghost" to understand what is going on? " In the voice of the old man in green robe, it seems that he is still frightened.

"Jiya, you should control the rotten water hyacinth first and refine the" soul of the usurper ". I'll go out and have a look

After hearing what the old man in Green said, Weisuo said this to Kiah, and immediately went outside.

"Weissou, how are you?"

Just a moment later, kya saw Weisuo come in again.

"There are no friars out there. They should have left." Answer, frowning.

"This kind of" soul of taking away the house "can be refined only by the spirit of a monk who has been trained above the level of Fen minding state. The one who is plotting against us is definitely not a general monk. It's probably the elder of the Yin corpse clan, Zhuge old monster, that you met at the exchange meeting. Is there any breath in you that he has noticed? " The old man in green robe yelled a few words, and then he suddenly thought of something. He exclaimed, "Weisuo, this kind of" demon soul of taking away the house "can only be felt by a monk who has practiced magic power, magic eye, or special magic weapon. How can you see it

Weisuo took a look at the green smoke bead wrapped in the rotten corpse water.

At the moment, the bead is only one-third of the size before. It seems that it can't escape. It will be refined soon.

After a little meditation, Weisuo took out the slave bag and collected the heart eater.

Then he closed his eyes and felt it.

A slightly surprised look immediately appeared on his dignified face.

"Is it because of the heart eater?" Jiya and the old man in green robe reacted to his movements and the change of his face, and asked in a voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!