Chapter 272

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo nodded and immediately released the heart eater.

"I can't imagine that this heart eating insect has the ability of invisibility, but it has evolved the ability of anti concealment." Seeing Weisuo nodding, the green robed old man understood exactly what was going on and muttered such a sentence.

"If it hadn't been for the heart eater, we might have been finished."

Weisuo looked at Zi's sound, which was completely refined by the rotten corpse water, and his eyes were very gloomy.

Although it seems very easy to deal with this "demon soul of taking away the house", it is actually more dangerous than Weisuo when he was against the ancestor of Zhangjia.

Because without this heart eating insect, he and Jiya would not be able to resist the "spirit of taking the house" even if they were not in the process of meditation and without any precaution.

It's no wonder that the heart eating insect has been advanced, but it has not evolved any special ability. Originally, this heart eating insect has formed a unique ability to detect invisibility rather than an attack method. Therefore, Weisuo, who has a unique relationship with his mind and spirit, will immediately perceive the "soul of the usurper" clearly.

Now Wei Suo even thinks of the friar with disordered hair of the famous Dragon Gu clan at that time. Later, when Wei Suo studied the magic art of magic magic magic from him, he found that "Longyuan" had a unique ability to discover hidden objects and not afraid to confuse the mind and spirit. At the beginning, the friar with disordered hair seems to have discovered Wei Suo by relying on "Longyuan".

This heart eating insect was advanced by sucking the brains of "Longyuan", and now it has evolved such ability, which makes Weisuo feel that his previous inference may be true again. If this heart eater has been sucking the brains of a certain series of demon beasts, it is likely to form some kind of ability of that series of monsters at the advanced stage. Because according to the ability of "Longyuan" to fly in the air, this "Longyuan" should also be regarded as a variety of wind monster.

It's just that whether it's like this or not, but we still have to try it slowly to know that the first thing to deal with now is the sudden change of "the soul of taking away the house".

"It is likely that Zhuge old monster of the Yin corpse sect was plotting against us this time. However, it should not be that we have killed the disciple of the Yin corpse sect, but just covet what I have. It should be that I asked for so many things all at once that day. The monk who was far more than ordinary made him think secretly. Maybe he followed me secretly that day and found that I had entered the sea immortal sect and made a deal with Xuanyuan ancestor. From then on, it can be inferred that there must be something extraordinary in me. " Wei Suo's eyes flashed a few times, then he said in a deep voice: "otherwise, if it's because of the Yin corpse sect's disciple's matter, with the Yin corpse sect's strength, you just need to ask the haixianzong to ask for someone directly. It's impossible to use this method to sneak attack and plot."

"In any case, it will take decades of hard work for the sacrifice of the spirit of taking away the house. Now that we have killed this soul, we have already formed an irresolvable bridge with this man." Jiya took a deep breath, looked at Weisuo and asked, "what are we going to do next? Try to get out of the city now? "

Weisuo pondered for a moment and shook his head. "We have just killed this" demon soul of taking the house ". If we want to leave now, we may be followed by this man. Now we are staying in the city of Haixian. This man has his own fault and suffered a heavy loss. He is also due to the haixianzong and can not deal with us openly and honestly. If we get out of Haixian City, he can use the power of Yin corpse sect to surround and kill us openly. Now we'd better continue to practice in seclusion when nothing has happened. With this spirit gathering array, if our strength can reach the point where we can escape the pursuit of the monks in the golden elixir period. Then we will not be afraid of anyone

"The people of the Yin corpse sect are too arrogant The old man in green robe cried out in dismay, "I'm not familiar with the land of Yunling. There's nothing I can do. Weisuo, when we get back to Tianxuan land, we'll go to explore the two ancient caves I know. When we get there, we can get one or two magic weapons. We must come back and give some color to the Yin corpse clan."

When Weisuo heard the old man in green robe say so, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

If you are an elder of Yin corpse sect and have such a big supporter of Yin corpse sect, in the hands of a monk whose accomplishments are much lower than himself, he will certainly not give up on something he has spent decades refining.

Now it's not sure whether we can cure Han Weiwei and solve the problem of Zhuge laoguai. It's a long way to go back to Tianxuan to explore the cave known by the old man in green robe.

Moreover, with the improvement of cultivation, even if there is a spirit gathering array, it is impossible to achieve a breakthrough in cultivation so quickly.

It took more than 80 days for Wei Suo to make a breakthrough from the double cultivation to the triple cultivation.

The cultivation speed in the spirit gathering array is more than 20 times faster than that with the demon pill under normal conditions.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, it would take at least 1700 days for Wei Suo to break through the dual and triple cultivation of Fen Nian Jing, which would take four and a half years, nearly five years.

And now Weisuo has completely felt that with the higher cultivation, the time required for breakthrough is not as simple as doubling, but more time than doubling.As he estimates now, if we want to break through the triple cultivation of Fen minding state to the four fold cultivation, it will take about 4000 days, that is to say, it will take 11 to 12 years.

Therefore, even if they are the elite disciples of a large number of schools who have adventures or have enough spiritual stones to supply, they are at least over 30 years old when they reach the triple level of fennianjing. Most of the accomplishments of the four levels of fennianjing are at the age of 50.

There is no time for practice. With the development of cultivation, Wei Suo realized the meaning of this sentence more deeply.

At present, Wei Suo still has 178 days, more than five months, to break through the three levels of Fen Nian Jing to quadruple Fen Nian Jing.

After carefully searching around and inside the residence, Wei Suo and Ji ya, who are not at ease, also put Han Weiwei in the quiet room where the gathering spirit array is arranged.

Then Weisuo placed the heart eating insect directly outside the door of the quiet room.

Because it was determined that the Peiyao liquid would not cause the heart eater to fail to develop abilities after the advanced level, Weisuo also began to let the heart eater soak in the demon liquid again without enough demon brains.

In the next few days, Weisuo thought that nothing had happened. In addition to going out every ten days to ask the people of haixianzong to check the passing talisman on his body and supplement some materials needed for refining the supernatural spirit liquid, he spent the rest of his time in the spirit gathering array. At the same time, because xuansha Da% method is also an important reliance of Weisuo and Jiya, they also resumed the double practice twice a day in the following days.

After eating a dull loss, he didn't take advantage of it, but instead, he damaged a very difficult sacrifice of the spirit of "seizing the demon". After that, Zhuge old monster seemed to disappear and never appeared again.

With the passing of time, almost all the friars in Haixian city found that the aura in the city became thinner and thinner day by day.


In the gate of haixianzong.

At the foot of the statue of the sea fairy with extraordinary aura, there are more than a dozen white jade lotus stands.

On these white jade lotus platforms, there are two young disciples of haixianzong.

The two young disciples of haixianzong are both 278 years old. One of them is wearing a light green robe, and the other is wearing a moon white robe with gold sprinkled on it. Both of them look like swordsmen and stars, with extraordinary bearing. Moreover, these two young disciples are both the most outstanding disciples in haixianzong.

The two young disciples were sitting on the white jade lotus stage, each with a layer of spiritual light flashing rhythmically. It was obvious that both of them were sitting in meditation.

All of a sudden, on the statue of the sea Fairy on their heads, there was a cracking sound.

The jade statue of the sea fairy was once beautiful without any damage. But at the moment, the red lotus in the hands of the sea Fairy Statue, I don't know when it began, but it has been covered with dozens of deep cracks. At the moment, with this "crack" sound, there is a deep crack on the red lotus in the hands of the sea fairy, and then many red jade fragments fall down.

The two young disciples all opened their eyes and looked up to see such a scene. Their faces suddenly changed.


Then, the two young disciples suddenly felt something. They immediately turned around and saluted respectfully.

Xuanyuan, who was wearing a yellow robe and white hair, did not know when he was standing not far behind them. He was also looking up at the sea Fairy Statue above his head.

"Keep practicing."

Xuanyuan old ancestor face expressionless waved to two people, also did not leave, stood motionless.

The two young disciples were also in awe of the emperor Xuanyuan. When they heard this, they were afraid to speak out. They immediately closed their eyes and began to practice.

Just after a while, a disciple of haixianzong, wearing a black shirt, came flying by. After saluting Xuanyuan's ancestor, he immediately handed a piece of white jade amulet to Xuanyuan's ancestor.

Xuanyuan Laozu reached out and touched the white jade talisman. It seemed that endless things flashed in his eyes. It seemed that there were an amazing number of information recorded in the white jade talisman, and he read all the information at once.

A fierce murderous spirit flashed in his eyes, and then his powerful breath quickly converged. It gave people the feeling that he was just like an ordinary friar of the heaven. This amazing golden elixir had a white aura that covered the haixianzong, and then went straight to Weisuo's residence.

Just one step, he walked through the red curtain of light and stood in front of the holy field in front of Weisuo's residence! , the fastest update of the webnovel!