Chapter 292

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Three nuns of Lagerstroemia sect who have gathered in this valley are the friars of fennianjing triple cultivation and the other two monks of fennianjing. As like as two peas in the two ghosts of the three twin masters, the monk is dressed in purple robes, and looks like the monk wearing a black and white

. He looked like a monk with two eyes, but he had two faces. Seeing the friars in black and white robes appear in the sight, the three monks are suddenly relieved.

These four monks are also well-known among the nearby cities.

The two twin friars of the Lagerstroemia sect are named Yin Daoqian in black and white and Yin Daohou in purple robes.

The name of the friar in the flesh is Zheng Yuantu, and the name of the monk with pockmarked face is Zhang Wuji.

"Big brother, how can you get here until now?" At this time, the monk Qi immediately read the words of Yin Daohou.

"On the way, I met a monk of the Ming Yuanzong, but fortunately it was not Ou ran Meng, who had already solved it." Yin Road looked at the three people in the valley, frowned, "only a few of us?"

"If you don't come at this time, you'll probably suffer something. However, brother, when you arrive, we are more than 70% sure that we will win the sea hunting meeting. "

"More than 70%

As soon as the monk Qi read this sentence, the monks on the sea around him almost couldn't help asking if he had read it wrong. Because listening to the tone of Yin Dao, I am not sure how to deal with Ou ran Meng.

"It's time to start." But at this time Qi surnamed friar, but immediately read Yin Daoqian's words.

After Yin Daoqian said this sentence. The pockmarked Zhang Wuji immediately nodded and shook his hand, but he also laid more than 30 blue flags in the valley.

At the same time, Zheng Yuantu, with a pair of flesh in his eyes, pulled out a small bluish yellow censer, and then took out several pieces of vermilion hay and put them into the small bluish yellow censer.

Under the urge of Zhenyuan, these several vermilion hay were ignited, and wisps of flame were slowly emitted from the small green and yellow incense burner.

"This is yujiaocao, which is specially used to lure jade Bone Demon dragons!"

Some friars on the scene recognized these vermilion hay and gave a cry of surprise.

When he heard the names of yujiaocao and Yugu demon dragon, there was an unbelievable air-conditioning sound on the whole sea, even Xuanyuan's face could not help changing.

Those with a "dragon" in their names are basically high-level monsters.

And this jade Bone Demon dragon is a unique and powerful monster with a rank of up to six levels in the silent sea of Yunling continent!

This kind of strange dragon shaped monster usually feeds on jade. Like black bat demon dragon, it is a rare mutant earth monster. Every skeleton in its body is jade like, and all of them are extremely tough. Each of them can be used to refine magic weapons.

The strength of this six level high-level monster is comparable to that of the great friars in the golden elixir period.

Now the four friars of Lagerstroemia sect light yujiaocao, which is obviously to lure the jade Bone Demon dragon.

Although jade Bone Demon dragons usually live alone, and there can only be one such monster within thousands of miles, but the four friars of crape myrtle sect dare to lead them out. Do they have the ability to kill jade Bone Demon dragons comparable to the monks in the golden elixir period?


Yin Dao's face soon appeared a trace of dignified look.

"Isn't it?"

Many of the monks on the scene couldn't help but stare at each other's eyes. The two brothers, Yin Daoqian and Yin Daohou, suddenly held hands with their fingers clasped.

This man and a woman, or even two women holding hands, are nothing, but two men holding hands, or ten fingers clasped, it seems that it is a little chilly.

But then came the shocking scene.

The aura of Yin Dao's predecessor, who was dressed in black and white robes, turned out to be like a monk in the golden elixir period, forming a green lotus petal. However, Yin Dao lost his aura and became like a mortal without any accomplishments.

"United law!"

Xuanyuan Laozu suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Looking at the two monks at the moment, it is clear that they have practiced the extremely rare combination method in the cultivation world. This kind of secret art can be equivalent to superimposing the accomplishments of one monk on another.

It's no wonder that the immortal purple star first knew that Ou ran Meng participated, and later saw Wei Suo's strength, he still insisted on carrying out the sea hunting meeting. It turned out that there was such a way to suppress the bottom of the box!

At the moment, the face of Taoist priest Zixing is full of complacency.

The reason why he was not as arrogant as Li Minghe before was that he could not guarantee that the two monks would get together.Now, there are only four monks who can gather here among the ten friars of Ziwei sect. But at the moment, before and after Yin Dao have already joined together, and Taoist Zixing is determined.

Because he knew better than anyone that Yin Daoqian and Yin Daohou were just like a fake combination of magic, chaos and monism! When the two men united, the real yuan power in front of Yin Dao was no less than that of the monks in the golden elixir period. At least Zixing Zhenren has tried, and the real yuan power after the two people united is not lost to him.


After the completion of the combination of Yin Daoqian and Yin Daohou, Yin Daoqian's hands were rowed and a blue light mask came out by cavitation, covering all four people inside.

This mask looks very thick, and it also has a vine like pattern.

In addition, the flesh eye monk Zheng Yuantu and the pockmarked Zhang Wuji took out a magic weapon like a three color brick and a white crystal bead the size of a fist.

Almost at the moment when the blue light cover came out, the ground of the valley trembled with distance.

On one side of the mountain wall on the left side of the four monks, a big hole suddenly appeared, with huge stones flying. A huge monster over five feet long appeared in the sight of all the monks on the sea.

"Is this the jade Bone Demon dragon?"

"My God! Don't say it's bone or jade. It's just like jade on the outside

On the sea, suddenly sounded a piece of startled voice.

The jade Bone Demon dragon has a unicorn like head, a pair of round short feet on its head, and four claws on its body, which is thicker than a bucket.

All the scales on the first six level monster are crystal clear blue and white. It looks like it is carved from jade. Even the two huge eyeballs look like jade. If this monster does not move, it will give people the feeling that it is a jade dragon carved from jade.

A layer of unspeakable fierce light, in the eyes of this jade Bone Demon dragon.

This six level high-level monster has a very high intelligence quotient. It seems that at the sight of the scene, he has already understood what is going on.

At the moment when the jade Bone Demon dragon appeared, the ground under the four friars had been arched upward. A huge crystal cone, like the top of a hill, pierced out from the ground and went to the four people fiercely.

The top of the crystal cone is on the cyan light shield. The whole cyan light shield is shaking violently, but it is not broken. On the contrary, the cone top of this crystal is broken.

Seeing such a scene, Xuanyuan's face suddenly became gloomy.

It is obvious that the attack of jade Bone Demon dragon has the power of a monk in the golden elixir realm. Yin Daoqian can stop this attack, which shows that his skill has reached the same level of power as the first monk of the golden elixir.

Seeing that the blue light shield could hold up, the expression of the four monks was also obviously relaxed.

Zhang Wuji, who is full of pockmarked face, immediately concentrates on Zhenyuan to the white crystal ball in his hand. With the penetration of Zhenyuan, more than 30 blue columns of light constantly rush out from the ground and rush towards the jade Bone Demon dragon.

At the same time, friar Zheng Yuantu has inspired the magic weapon of brick in his hands.

I saw that this thing was a magic weapon of weight crushing type. It turned into a huge three color pure gold brick with the size of seven or eight feet in the air, and smashed it hard at the head of jade Bone Demon dragon.

"Is this jade Bone Demon dragon too powerful?"

Qi Qi, a lot of monks on the sea, exclaimed that there was a transparent light cover outside the jade Bone Demon dragon. The more than 30 blue light columns kept pounding up, which could not damage the transparent mask at all.

At the same time, a ball of almost transparent, but bright Dan liquid, gushed out of the mouth of the jade Bone Demon dragon and sprayed the gold bricks on the top.

As soon as it was sprayed, a thick layer of crystal was formed outside, which lost its aura and fell directly.

The elixir of jade Bone Demon dragon has the effect of directly blocking the vitality of the array and sealing the Sorcerer's magic tools!

In the face of such a monster, the general monk of fenniang period will be killed by the second directly.

However, on the blue light screen, Yin Dao's face did not change at all. With a stroke of his hands forward, a huge blade of blue color, no less than the sickle shaped artifact of Oren Mun, condensed in an instant, and then, in a flash, reached the head of the jade Bone Demon dragon.

In the face of this blade, jade Bone Demon dragon seems to dare not neglect at all. A mouthful of Dan liquid spurts out and collides with the wind blade and flies in pairs.

And the friar Zheng Yuantu, also inspired a pure gold like magic weapon.

Just like the previous pure gold giant brick magic weapon, this magic weapon was immediately sealed by the elixir of jade Bone Demon dragon and fell to the ground.

But Zheng Yuantu did not have the slightest pain, and he took out a bronze ring-shaped magic weapon without stopping.It seems that the number of magic weapons on him is amazing, and the power of these magic weapons is also very powerful. And crape myrtle Zong dare to let him bring so many powerful magic weapons on his body, which should be the means that this person has to be sure that he can safely reach the valley. At the moment, he didn't care about the magic weapon. Obviously, he wanted to use the magic weapon to slowly consume the jade Bone Demon dragon, which was equivalent to the Dan liquid of Zhenyuan. Because anyway, this magic weapon is only sealed, not directly damaged. , the fastest update of the webnovel!