Chapter 293

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
The bronze ring-shaped magic weapon turned into a huge ring with a diameter of three Zhang in the air, and then it was sealed by a ball of Dan liquid of jade Bone Demon dragon and fell to the ground.

However, after spraying the elixir, the jade Bone Demon dragon was obviously impatient. With a big mouth and a fist size, the demon pill, which looks as white and delicate as lanolin white jade, came out of its mouth directly.

A crystal like glittering Dan liquid, from the demon Dan Qin out, directly in front of the demon Dan condensation, forming a sharp ice edge like cone.

Although no sound can be heard, the sound explosion in front of the demon pill is obvious. It seems that the power of this demon pill is close to that sickle shaped magic weapon used by ouanmeng.

At the same time, the ground below was rolling, and a small mountain like crystal peak was fiercely hitting the blue light cover outside Yin Daoqian and others.

The monk of fenminding state has been able to cast two magic weapons at the same time. However, this kind of six level high-level demon beast has been able to cast two magic methods at the same time.

Seeing that the demon pill of jade Bone Demon dragon and the crystal peak stabbed from below were about to bombard the blue light outside Yin Daoqian and others. Zheng Yuantu's hand suddenly flashed white light, and a white light column instantly wrapped the four people. Then the four people suddenly disappeared in place. The inner pill of jade Bone Demon dragon collided with the crystal peak on the bottom.

This time, the crystal light outside the jade Bone Demon dragon flickered slightly, which seemed to be very uncomfortable.

At the same time, the four friars of Lagerstroemia sect have already appeared in the place about 40 Zhang behind the jade Bone Demon dragon.

What Zheng Yuantu held in his hand was a magic weapon with pale yellow body, but it was shining with white luster. It looked like a pagoda.

"Instant magic weapon!"

Some monks on the sea could not help but cry out.

Xuanyuan's face became ugly again. Not far behind him, in the sedan chair, he had seen Wei Suo's performance. Ji ya, who was very determined, was very nervous at the moment.

Now these four friars of crape myrtle family are holding together, which is equivalent to a golden elixir sitting in the town. With this magic weapon of blink, unless it is a large-scale controlled magic and magic weapon, it is impossible to hit these four people.

In the blue light curtain, I saw that the jade Bone Demon dragon had not had time to react. Yin Dao had already made a stroke with his hands without expression. A blue wind blade and a black pointed magic weapon hit the jade Bone Demon dragon at the same time.

This time, the transparent crystal light shield outside the jade Bone Demon dragon disappeared in a flash.

The huge blue wind blade and black pointed magic weapon respectively left a long crack and a blood hole on the back of the jade Bone Demon dragon. As soon as the transparent crystal like light shield disappeared, more than 30 blue light columns below immediately hit the jade Bone Demon dragon, which made the jade Bone Demon dragon tremble.

Usually, this jade Bone Demon dragon only bullies others, but has never been bullied. Suddenly, he suffered such a big loss. The demon of jade Bone Demon dragon whirled back, and a pengpeng Dan liquid flew out, as if he wanted to seal the four people together.

But with a flash of white light, the four friars of crape myrtle family disappeared in situ and appeared in front of the jade Bone Demon dragon.

As soon as the jade Bone Demon dragon turned his head, he saw a huge wind blade and a black light coming from his face and directly hit it in his mouth.

This time, the jade Bone Demon dragon's two jewel like eyes are bulging, a pair of boiled water into the throat expression.

"The jade Bone Demon dragon is finished!"

At the sight of such a scene, the vast majority of monks on the scene suddenly came up with this idea.

Sure enough, there was no chance for the jade Bone Demon dragon to fight back. Under a flash of white light, four friars of crape myrtle sect appeared on the upper back of jade Bone Demon dragon.

A huge blue wind blade, without stopping, chopped at the neck of jade Bone Demon dragon.

The jade Bone Demon dragon was obviously a sad hiss, and countless Salvia liquid gushed out from all sides of the demon pill, which seemed to want to seal all the surrounding areas.

But under the flash of white light, the four friars appeared again under the abdomen of the jade Bone Demon dragon. Under the flash of blue light, another blood light gushed out from the jaw of jade Bone Demon dragon.

The elixir of jade Bone Demon dragon can be said to be the nemesis of a monk's magic weapon. Its magic power is completely equivalent to that of a monk in the golden elixir realm. However, in the face of this kind of instant magic weapon, it has all the strength and can't beat the opponent at all.

Almost all the salvia liquid was sprayed out, and then suffered such a heavy blow again. The originally invincible jade Bone Demon dragon could no longer support it, and its huge body fell down from the air.

A blue light gushed out from Yin Dao's hand, but it condensed into a blue hand knife with a length of more than ten Zhangs. After being chopped, the power of this method in front of Yin Dao was much more powerful than that of the blue wind blade he had cast before, and almost cut off the whole head of jade Bone Demon dragon.The jade Bone Demon dragon's body was stiff, and then it did not move. Yin Dao immediately reached out to take a picture, and grasped the demon Dan of jade Bone Demon dragon in his hand.

A six level high-level monster was killed by the four friars of crape myrtle family!

"Zixing Shizu said it's really good. It's really easy to kill this jade Bone Demon dragon with the combination of Ruyi Linglong tower and two elder martial brothers." In shock, the monk Qi read out what Zhang Wuji, a pockmarked man, said at the moment.

Hearing such words, purple star immortal's eyes, suddenly flashed a proud look.

"You've been watching the play for so long. It's time to come out." But at this moment, in front of Yin Dao, who is holding the jade Bone Demon dragon demon Dan, he suddenly faces the other side of the mountain wall and says this.

"What! Is there anyone here? "

The monks on the sea were all surprised and their eyes widened.

There was a flash of yellow light on the opposite mountain wall, and a stone fell down, but there was a monk with a pale face and a yellow robe.

At a glance to see the monk, the eyes of many monks around the sea gathered on the Xuanyuan ancestor.

This monk has only four levels of cultivation in zhoutianjing. He is a monk of haixianzong. However, looking at his appearance like a disaster at the moment, it is clear that he has bad luck when he is watching the opera here. He has been hiding on this mountain wall, but he is hiding in the place agreed by the crape myrtle sect.

"Who am I? I'm a disciple of haixianzong." Yin said coldly with a smile, "look at you and we also have no injustice or hatred, as long as you hand over all the things on your body, we can let you have a way to live."

After a little hesitation, the monk of haixianzong, wearing a yellow robe, threw his nabao bag to Yin Dao.

"All right." After taking the nabao bag and sweeping the divine sense, a cold smile appeared in the corner of Yin's mouth. "Now you can go to die."

"You The monk of haixianzong, who was wearing a yellow robe, was very angry. However, he had only time to sweep back five or six feet. A huge blue wind blade had been cut not far in front of him.

"This guy is too insidious and cunning. If you kill him, you will have to deal with a monk who is so much lower than himself."

Seeing this scene, many monks on the sea could not help shaking their heads.

Judging from the empty hands of this monk of haixianzong, all the magic weapons on his body are actually handed in. With his cultivation, he can't resist the blow in front of Yin Dao.

The monk of haixianzong is about to be cut off by this green blade.

But at this time, a yellow light suddenly shot from the back of the monk of haixianzong, smashing the green blade to pieces.

"Who is it?" Yin Road in front of a sharp drink.

"Your sister

As if to answer his words, the whole sea, suddenly burst out a earth shaking sound.

It's a yellow flying sword!

The two elders of the Ming and Yuan Dynasties immediately reacted and turned the refraction mirror down. They could not help calling out your sister's friars. All of them saw that Wei Suo, who was standing in the dense forest above the cliff, was wearing green clothes.

I don't know when this "Wei Changlao" has touched here.

"You go first. I'll help you stop them." It seems that Wei Suo didn't pay any attention to Yin Daoqian at all, but directly said this to the monk of haixianzong.

"I'm afraid it's not so easy to go?" In front of Yin Dao, between a sneer, the white light flashed, and the four figures disappeared in the same place. They appeared not far behind the monk of haixianzong who was trying to fly back.

But at this time, the pupil of Yin Daoqian and others shrank suddenly, and a large number of monsters, at least tens of heads, flew out of the front.

And these monsters that rush towards them are all monsters of grade 5 or above!

If dozens of monsters above level 5 launch an attack together, I'm afraid even the real golden elixir will be killed directly!


At the sight of so many monsters rushing towards him, Zheng Yuantu almost involuntarily aroused his magic weapon in his hand. In a flash of white light, he fell back dozens of Zhang.

"How can the other party control so many high-level monsters?"

"It's a phantom of light!" The four friars of the Lagerstroemia sect all had the thought of running for their lives, but the monk of the Yellow robed sea immortal sect, who was also appalled, bravely swept past a demon beast. On that demon beast, there was a ripple like a water wave. This time, all the four friars of the crape Myrtle sect immediately responded! , the fastest update of the webnovel!