Chapter 519

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Congratulations to Wei Daoyou." As soon as see this thin vine, Li ruohai turns his head and smiles at Weisuo.

"Master Li, are you sure this is Qingxu vine?" Weisuo looked at the strange vine carefully and made a voice.

"Qingxu vine, its leaves like mulberry, its taste like orchid, Lingqi top overflow." Li ruohai said with a smile: "according to the records I have read, it should not be wrong. Before I was a little unclear, why did some records say that the Qingxu vine was dark blue, but some records said that the Qingxu vine was purple gold. Now when I saw this thing, it turned out that it was a green vine, and it would emit such purple and golden light."

"Its leaves are like mulberry, its taste is like orchid, and its aura overflows..."

When he heard Li ruohai say this, Weisuo looked again and saw that the leaves of this vine and mulberry leaves were very similar, but the leaves were slightly smaller. Moreover, there was an air current blowing out from the top of the vine, like a candle fire, showing a light purple, very strange. And this vine, indeed, is emitting a fragrance like orchid.

"Master Li, I heard you said that it is not difficult to transplant this vine. I don't know what kind of means to transplant it?" After a little meditation, Weisuo did not immediately collect this strange little vine which was basically identified as Qingxu vine, but asked Li ruohai again.

"Oh? Do you still want to transplant this vine? " Li ruohai was obviously surprised. He couldn't help looking at Weisuo, but there was no nonsense. He said: "transplant this Qingxu vine, as long as you take it out from the root and plant it in ordinary Qingyan jade. The most peculiar thing about this thing is that it doesn't like the soil. The root will take root in the Qingyan jade by itself. "

"So simple? That is to say, just make a large piece of Qingyan jade and drill holes on it to implant the Qingxu vine Weisuo couldn't help but look at Qingxu Teng again.

"Yes, but Qingyan jade should be buried in the soil and connected with the earth and atmosphere." Li ruohai nodded, "and this thing should be transplanted in seven days at the slowest. Otherwise, although the medicine of the whole Qingxu vine is still there, it is withered. Naturally, it can not be said that it is transplanted."

Weisuo nodded, as if there was no problem, he would immediately start to take the appearance of Qingxu vine.


But at this time, his brow is a fierce jump, the whole person suddenly stopped, looked up to the top.

Just as he looked up, Li ruohai and qilongshan had already looked up.

"What's going on?"

But just looked at, Wei Suo and Li ruohai and other people's faces, are immediately full of abnormal fright look.

At the top of the whole lingmiao Valley, the yellow and black cloud, which was originally frozen, suddenly cracked like rocks.

One after another, transparent cracks spread down from the cracked yellow and black clouds, as if the space in the whole lingmiao valley would be broken!

At the moment, what Weisuo and others don't know is that the dark light inspired by the pool has swept the outside of the miraculous valley.

If you look at it from the outside, you can see that the tide like black light impacts on the transparent space crack at the entrance of lingmiao Valley, and there are cracks in the transparent space crack immediately. But the tide like black light, but all pervasive general, from these cracks toward the clever Valley penetration.

"No! This space is going to collapse! "

Although Wei Ma and others did not know about the situation, they did not know that the cracks were coming from the sky.


Qilong mountain, whose face was white, almost instantly aroused the fragments of the yellow crystal tablet.

"Ah! step on it! This space is really broken and collapsed, and the power of this piece of thing can not stop this kind of space crack. "

But at the same time, the voice of green Ping's startled desire to break off rang.

Just as the yellow light on this yellow crystal tablet has just formed an irregular yellow mask, a thin crack has cut through the upper edge of the Yellow mask.

Then, like a cake, the yellow glow is cut off directly and separated from the whole yellow mask.


Almost at the same time, the old man in green also screamed violently.

Wei Suo's xuansha ghost claw, shot out, and grabbed Qingxu Teng.

No one expected that such a great change would happen at this moment!

Anyway, Qingxu vine is right in front of you. Weisuo has to grasp this vine in his hand first.


But almost as the yellow light was cut off and separated from the whole yellow mask, a transparent crack spread from the sky to his xuansha ghost claw.

At the moment, Wei Suo's xuansha ghost claws have already grasped the Qingxu vine. It seems that as long as you mention it, you can capture the Qingxu vine.

But this transparent crack, almost without hindrance, cut through Weisuo's xuansha ghost claw.Wei Suo's half of xuansha ghost claw was cut off directly.

"I can't go!"

The voice of immortal fahua's soul lost also rang.

Qilong mountain, which was originally excited by the fragments of the yellow crystal tablet, tried to fly towards the entrance. He was also very pale and held hands with Qingping.

It's just a time when you can't breathe. The scene in the whole lingmiao Valley can't be described by words.

Transparent cracks have spread from the top of lingmiao Valley to the ground.

And after connecting to the ground, the ground is cut like a piece of paper.

The whole lingmiao Valley has split into hundreds of pieces, and it will be completely broken at any time.

From the place where Weisuo and others are located to the space gap at the entrance of lingmiao Valley, there are at least hundreds of bright cracks connecting to the ground from the top, just like hundreds of barriers.

The power of each crack is not what Weisuo and others can break through.

And the crack has not stopped at all!

At the top of lingmiao Valley, there are still many cracks, which are spreading from the top to the bottom.

And now, above these cracks, there is a strange black light, gushing down.

This situation, let alone a few golden elixir monks, even a dozen of Shenxuan monks together, it is impossible to escape.

"Taoist friends, let's have a relationship. I'm right to ask myself. If I can't survive today and you can leave safely, I hope you can help me a lot."

Looking at the general rain overhead, the continuous spread of cracks, Li ruohai some pathetic said.

"What's the matter! Originally, the lingmiao valley was still in good condition. How could it suddenly collapse? "

Weisuo's face was indescribable.

However, he was not willing to accept it. At the moment, he didn't want to do anything. He just displayed xuansha ghost claws and didn't see what kind of elixir was around. Anyway, when he saw that there were miraculous drugs that could be caught, he took all of them back and put them into the treasure bag.

"It's all fate. He's such a brilliant figure and a monk who has a great chance to impact the mysterious world. When he enters the magic valley where there are so many treasures, he has such an accident and wants to die here with us." Looking at Wei Suo's madness and general grasping the elixir, Qingping is full of despair. At the same time, she can't help but come up with such an idea in her mind.


Almost at this point, several transparent cracks spread from the top to the bottom.

It seems that the speed of these cracks is not fast, but when they fall, Weisuo and others have no time to react.


At first, the yellow crystal tablet excited by qilongshan was cut into two sections, and all the brilliance was lost. Qilongshan and Qingping were separated on one side of the transparent crack, while Wei Suo, fahua Zhenren and Li ruohai were separated on the other side of the transparent crack.

Then, the rest of the transparent cracks spread down, Weisuo and fahua Zhenren, Li ruohai were also separated.

At this time, the whole lingmiao Valley has been divided into thousands of large and small pieces, like fragments, suspended in the air.


The black light of the tide swept the debris in an instant at an amazing speed.

In the dark light, it seems that there are several flashes of light, but then, these lights and the whole soul Valley, all disappeared.

If you look from the outside, you can see that the space gap that can enter the lingmiao valley will collapse completely at this time.

It seems that a gap in the space is healed by the black light which is filled with the tide, and the whole lingmiao Valley disappears without a trace.

The underground palace, formed by the mixing of several forbidden powers, continued to spread out at a surprising speed like the tide .。

A moment later, in the fog gorge outside the Qingcheng ruins, the gray fog, which was just quiet and diffused in the canyon, suddenly began to boil.

After the appearance of this anomaly, it was only in a blink of an eye that the tide like black light came out from the mouth of the canyon.

The tide like black light, even like a shock wave, spread to this canyon has not stopped!

"What is this?"

Originally, Panlong immortal and the ancient crocodile cave owner were staying in a forest 200 Zhang away from the canyon. At the moment, seeing the black light like the tide, the two people suddenly jumped up.

The master of the ancient crocodile cave immediately inspired his crocodile like magic weapon to escape and fly back.

However, the speed of their escape is not comparable to the speed of the diffusion of the black light.

The two people's escape light almost just appeared, showing an accelerating trend, and the black light in the rear has swept into the two people in the future.

"Old shouweng! Black woodcutter! You .。”At this time, Panlong immortal and the ancient crocodile cave owner also saw that there were three escape lights in front of the mountain forest, which were extremely panic. At the first sight of these three escape lights, the real man Pan Long uttered a roar.

At one glance, pan long recognized the identities of these people. At the same time, they also reflected that they had been lurking behind them. They were definitely looking for opportunities to deal with themselves and the ancient crocodile cave owner.

But his roar is not over, he and the ancient crocodile cave master have been completely engulfed by black light.

"What the hell is this?"

"Ah! I can't run away! "

The Gnome friar, the black robed Friar and the very cautious old Confucian scholar couldn't escape after several screams, and then they were drowned by the black light.

The black light, which was like a tide, had been expanding for at least 60 or 70 Li before it retreated like a ebb tide.

But Pan Long immortal, ancient crocodile immortal and dwarf Friar and so on, are all missing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!