Chapter 520

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Weisuo's head is constantly roaring, the whole person seems to be thrown to and fro by the incomparable huge waves, the sky whirling floor tiles, in front of him is a piece of black, can't see anything at all.

And the most important thing is that his divine consciousness could not be separated from his body, and was completely confined in his body by an inexplicable force.

All of a sudden, Weisuo felt light around his body, and then he fell down without any support.

Suddenly a little light, but before Weisuo see anything, "bang" a dull sound, Weisuo has been heavily fell to where.

This fall was very heavy. It was estimated that at least he fell down from a place tens of feet high, which made Weisuo's eyes black and almost closed, and his whole body was in a tearing pain.

"How are you, vesuo?"

The green robed old man's voice, which was very urgent, rang in Weisuo's ears.

"It's OK. I can't die."

After a long breath, Weisuo sat up.


After turning around and looking around, Wei Suo, who was sitting on the ground, immediately became a look of scolding.

Where he is now, the sky above his head is full of thick clouds, and there is no end at all.

The ground was covered with prismatic gray stones, and there was no end at all.

The clouds on the top of the head are all dark blue, and like the previous lingmiao Valley, the clouds are fixed, but there is an occasional flash of light blue lightning, falling to the ground.

If he had seen such a sight in his usual life, weisseau might have thought that there was an astonishing range of prohibitions.

But the smell of this place is just like that of lingmiao valley.

So Wei Suo intuition can be sure that this place is also a space opened up in a certain space gap.

He was actually from a space gap, was rolled into another space gap.

And this space, however, is much wider than lingmiao Valley, and it looks even more weird.

"We seem to have been dragged into another space breach, weissou." The figure of the old man in green robe could not help but emerge from Weisuo's arms with a sad face.

Weissou had already seen it, so he didn't speak for a moment.

No matter whether this place is arranged by this ancient ancestral gate, or it is just the inexplicable space that is just involved, it must be very dangerous to fall into such a place.

But compared with the direct fall, it is much better.

It's better to live now than to be dead. That's what I can think.

The scene of the whole space collapse in lingmiao Valley just now is too terrible. It is totally beyond the ability of a monk of his level to resist. It is good if the space cracks are not directly crushed into pieces.

I don't know whether Li ruohai and others fell directly or, like him, were rolled to some other place.

After taking a deep breath, Weisuo, whose face was very ugly, slowly rose to his feet.

The pain in his left rib was more than a burst of pain. Under Weisuo's inner vision, he couldn't help but look up at the strange blue sky above, and there was a bitter smile on his face.

At present, the true element and divine consciousness in his body are working as usual. It seems that there is no problem in casting Dharma in this place, but under the internal view, he finds that his ribs are broken.

His body is much stronger than that of ordinary friars. In addition, Weisuo's body is several times stronger than that of ordinary friars. If you hit him with a blunt weapon, you may not be able to break his ribs.

At the moment, he broke two ribs directly. It seems that the height of the fall was much higher than he imagined. Fortunately, he didn't land on his head. Otherwise, I'm afraid it would be more than such damage.

After a pat on his pocket, Weisuo took out a red pill and swallowed it.

At this time, he seemed to be suddenly surprised, and quickly turned around.

After a glance, there was a surprise in his eyes.

A group of some dim yellow aura, not far from his side, swayed towards him.

In the package of dim yellow aura, it was his Yang fat bird.

Just when lingmiao Valley collapsed, he didn't have time to put away the Yangzhi bird, which was curled up to his chest.

At the moment, the Yangzhi bird was not lost, but fell with him to this inexplicable place. Moreover, it seemed that the Yangzhi bird was frightened and dizzy, but it did not suffer any damage.


Weisuo's eyes suddenly flashed again. His figure moved and swept to the front of the Yangzhi bird.

The rocks on the ground here are all gray, but not far in front of Yangzhi bird, there is a piece of yellow crystal."This is..."

As soon as he reached it, Wei Suo immediately found that this piece of yellow crystal tablet was a relic of Qilong mountain, but now it has been cut into smaller pieces, about one sixth of its original size.

Weisuo reached out and took this piece of yellow crystal tablet in front of him.

Then he did not know what to think of, and then looked at the blue sky above, and then tentatively put a stream of real yuan into the yellow crystal tablet.

Before in lingmiao Valley, when the fragment of yellow crystal tablet was cut by space crack, it had lost its aura. But at the moment, a little surprise flashed in Weisuo's eyes. With his Zhenyuan's penetrating into it, the yellow crystal tablet fragment was emitting light yellow light again.

But there was a look of disappointment in Weisuo's eyes.

No matter how much attention he paid to Zhenyuan, maybe it was because the fragments of the yellow crystal tablet were too small, the light yellow light emitted by it could only cover a small area at most. Even if Weisuo curled up, at most, only a small part of the people could be under the shadow of yellow light.

In this way, even if there are such import and export as lingmiao Valley, Weisuo can not rely on the fragments of the yellow crystal tablet to get out.

Because Weisuo's real magic sealing technique no matter how can seal the wound, it is impossible to cut off most of his own body and seal it.

But naturally, Weisuo would not throw away the piece of yellow crystal tablet which looked very mysterious, and flew around again. After confirming that nothing else had fallen, Weisuo put the yellow crystal tablet into the nabao bag.

Now we can only see what kind of place this is and see if there is any way out.

Next, Weisuo waved to yangzhiniao. In order to prevent the prohibition similar to the true magnetic abyss, he did not offer any magic weapon to fly away. He just let yangzhiniao stay on his shoulder, and then he used his own method to fly away in a certain direction.


After a full day, Weisuo, whose face became more ugly, stopped.

The cloud above his head was still thick and thick.

Because of the feeling that this place is very broad, so Weisuo has been in a direction, straight forward. And Weisuo made some marks all the way, and he was sure he wasn't going around in the same place.

Even if he didn't sacrifice the magic weapon of feidun, with Weisuo's escape speed, he would fly away at least ten thousand miles a day.

but after flying as like as two peas, the eyes of the man are still identical.

This unknown place is so vast that I don't know how big it is.

as like as two peas, the surrounding scenery is almost the same. It is the same blue sky and under the gray hills. There are no trees, flowers and grass. It seems to be a complete desert.

When he stopped, he took a look at the gray, flat, desert like ground that still could not be seen at the end, and he couldn't help but fly up to the blue clouds above.

The blue clouds are at least 3000 feet above the ground.

But when it was hundreds of feet away from the blue clouds, Yang Zhi bird felt the danger, and immediately began to be nervous, pointing at Weisuo and telling him to stay away.

In fact, even if there was no Yang Zhi bird, Wei Suo did not dare to get close to this place, because the breath from the whole blue cloud also made him feel the destructive power. Obviously, the power of blue clouds is not something that his magic power can fight against. And look at all the blue clouds are tightly frozen together, trying to find a way out of the blue clouds is certainly not feasible.

Holding the thought that he could not see any way out for a moment and wanted to try anything, Weisuo fell on the gray stone ground again.

Then, Weisuo carefully took out his door flying sword and dug it down like a spade.

In the face of Weisuo's practice, the old man in green robe is also bitter.

He felt that it was impossible to dig such a place to find a way out. However, he knew nothing about this kind of place and wanted to see what it would be like to dig down. So the old man in green robe said nothing, but watched Weisuo go down and dig.

Weisuo dug all the way down and dug out all the plain gray rocks without any aura.

After digging down to a depth of more than 1000 Zhang, the "ground" was actually dug through by Weisuo.

As soon as Weisuo was swept out of the hole he had dug through, he had a silent look on his face.

, as like as two peas, is also a gray sky and a blue cloud.

This gives people the feeling that the unknown place here is like a vast flat gray cake, suspended in a big blue cloud, and it makes Weisuo feel confused that which side is the top of the head and which side is the sole of the foot.In order not to let himself in this kind of environment completely deranged madness, Weisuo is from the hole he dug back to the original place.

Then, Weisuo bit his teeth again, looked at the direction, and flew straight ahead.

He didn't believe that this kind of place was too big to be marginal. , the fastest update of the webnovel!