Chapter 523

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"What kind of elixir is it?" Weisuo and the old man in green looked at each other and couldn't help looking at the bird.

This Yang fat bird suddenly to that string of blue and black fruit a burst of fierce point.

Weisuo and the old man in green looked at the string of blue and black fruits carefully.

I can see that the shape of the fruit is like a peach, but the size of the fruit is only the size of a soybean, a total of more than a dozen fruit appearance, the stem and leaf is also blue black, with a faint aroma of wine.

The stems and leaves seem to be very brittle, where Weisuo breaks, the juice has solidified, like a layer of blue and black crystal, shining.

"Gollum Gollum!"

This Yang fat bird is very human-oriented, holding a wing to the elixir and nodding its mouth from time to time.

"Do you mean you're going to swallow this plant right away?" Wei Suo looks at Yang Zhi bird to ask.

Yang Zhi bird nodded again.

"In that case, I'll give it to you." Weisuo reached out a little and flicked the elixir at Yangzhi bird.

Yang Zhiniao grabs his two claws with great excitement and shakes his head and tail to Weisuo. You are really a good boss, and you flatter with meat.

Then the Yang fat bird immediately pecked.

"Ba Da Ba Da" was just a moment's work. Not only did he peck the blue and black fruits on this miraculous herb, but also the stems and leaves of this miraculous herb, and did not leave any juice.

Even the old man in green robe didn't know this plant. Wei Suo and the old man in green robe were very curious about what changes yangzhiniao would have after swallowing it, so they all looked at it in silence.


But almost in a twinkling of an eye, Yang Zhi bird, who had finished pecking the elixir, suddenly pulled out of his body and kicked his legs. All of a sudden, his whole body was very dangerous and stiff, and his tongue even spat out.

And even the tongue is blue and black.

Then, the bird fell to the ground with a stiff thump and rolled on the ground.

"This guy can't be mistaken. Is he poisoned?" Weisuo and the old man in green looked at each other and were stunned.

But after rolling for a moment, the bird stopped rolling again. With a sudden sound, it retracted its tongue.

Weissou breathed a sigh of relief and looked as if he was in better condition.

But then his eyes began to swell again.

"Well . er . er .。”

The bird is still lying on the ground, not to say, but also kept making this strange sound.

After calling for about half a stick of incense, the bird's feet pedaled, and there was no sound.

This time, when weisoton couldn't help it, a stream of real yuan wrapped around the bird. This bird is also a rare spirit bird. If it swallows things directly like this, it will be a great loss.

"I'm so sad Don't move me. Let me lie down again

But at this moment, a voice suddenly rang.

"Isn't it?" The old man in the green robe immediately exclaimed.

The bird is talking.

Weisuo was stunned.

Obviously, the voice was made by Yang Zhi bird. Besides, it was a sharp man's voice, but it was still a foreign accent in remote areas.

"This is the elixir that can greatly improve your intelligence and make you speak?" It took the old man about three breaths to accept the fact that the sound was made by the Yangzhi bird. He rolled his eyes and looked at the Yangzhi bird lying on the ground like a dead bird.

"This is the Purdue fruit, which can not only greatly improve the intelligence, but also improve me." Yang Zhi bird continued to send out a strange foreign accent, "I didn't expect that the taste was so bad. It was just like constipation all over the body. It was hard for me to die."

"Purdue fruit?"

Wei Suo couldn't help but think over the method Li ruohai gave himself to cultivate Yang Zhi birds. In Wei Suo's impression, it seems that there is no such miraculous medicine in it.

It seems that this kind of elixir should be of ancient level, and Li ruohai may not know it.

"Are you advanced now?" Weisuo looked at Yangzhi bird and couldn't help asking.

The conversation with a bird has already made Weisuo feel strange, especially with a bird lying on the ground like a dead bird, mud, and a foreign accent, which makes people feel a little strange.

"Boss, yes, I have advanced, and now I am a very powerful bird."

"It's just a step up. It's less than level six at most. It's so powerful." The old man in the green robe curled his mouth, and felt that the bird of Weisuo was as easy to be complacent as Weisuo.

"This is not the same, although my current strength is really only six levels in the middle, but my head, it is a group of light.""A mass of light?" The old man in green felt that the Yangzhi bird was a little mysterious.

"It's a group of light now, but after two days, I'll know it too..."

"The light of what bullshit is clear, so do you." The old man in green felt that the bird's head was burned.

"To put it simply, I feel something now, but I haven't understood it clearly, but after two days, I should be clear, and then I can practice."

"Do you mean that you will understand the method of cultivation?" Wei Soton's heart moved because he had heard Li ruohai say that once the spirit birds like yangzhiniao reach a certain level, they will understand the unique cultivation methods like friars, which can absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, and the speed of upgrading is much faster than before.

"No accident, it should be like this." Yang Zhi bird said.

"What kind of elixir is it? Is it only useful for Yangzhi birds? " The green robed old man blinked his eyes and did not despise the Yangzhi bird, because he was very clear about the meaning of a monster who had understood the unique cultivation method. A demon beast who knows self-cultivation can advance faster than a monster who doesn't know how much faster. Looking at the Yangzhi bird still lying on the ground, the green robed old man then asked, "and how do you know that this is Purdue fruit, who told you this insight, and how do you have this accent?"

"This kind of elixir is called puduguo. I know it by nature. I only know that it can improve my intelligence and upgrade me. I don't know if it is good for others."

"Born to know?"

"Yes, it's not right when I'm a bird. It should be when I'm an egg. When I was born, these insights were already in my head. "

The old man in green robe was speechless for a while. It seems that the inheritance of the monster can't be understood by the monks. Many times, this natural inheritance is like nature.

"As for why I have such an accent, because I used to be on the edge of the cold land, and the monks there also have this accent. Later, I followed huoyun immortal and arrived at the cloud spirit land. " Yangzhi bird seems to have finally eased her breath and slowly got up from the ground.

"Then you are born to know a lot of things. Do you know where there is a possible exit from such a place?" Looking at Yangzhi bird, the old man in green robe is not used to talking with a bird.

Before and that enchantress deer, at least the family still looks like a monk.

"How can I know such a place? I can only wait for the boss to take me out." Yang Zhi bird immediately shook his head.

"Do you have a name?" Weisuo looked at the Yangzhi bird and couldn't help asking. Now his Yang fat bird can speak. When asked about it, he can't call the bird directly. What's the matter with you? Always have a name.

"I don't have a name. Anyway, boss, you have only one Yang Zhi bird. You can call me Yang Zhi bird. "

"No name, just take a name, Xiaobai and Xiaohei can do it." The green robed old man curled his lips.

"That won't do." I saw the Yangzhi bird immediately shook his head, "according to our Yangzhi bird's habit, we should marry a wife before we can have a name. If my wife's name is Qingqing, I'll be Yangqing. If my wife's name is Bingxuan, I'll be Yangbing... "

"Do you still have this habit? Have a wife before you have your name? And a taboo for a wife? " The old man in green robe couldn't help rolling his eyes. "It's not similar to what's your surname. Are you all henpecked?"

"Who said that." Yang Zhi bird is very proud of a shake of the head, "we Yang Zhi bird but respect the husband, as the saying goes, three days do not fight, go to the house to uncover tile, if the wife dare not obey, we will be a fat beat."

“… ..。” The old man in green was speechless again.

"Do you recognize the remaining miraculous herbs?" The advancement of yangzhiniao was also a surprise to Weisuo, but now the most important thing is to try to get out of this place. So Weisuo didn't want to waste any time or say more. He ordered some of the remaining miraculous herbs.

"I don't know about the rest of these plants." Yang Zhi bird immediately shook his head.

"Let's go and find out the place." Weisuo put the remaining several unknown elixirs into the white jade pill bottle. Then the yangzhiniao was very sensible and drilled into Weisuo's chest, and Weisuo continued to shoot out in front of him.

Along the way, the debris of various buildings is becoming more and more dense, and the cracks in these buildings are also new, and it is obvious that they were involved here with weissou.

After flying for half an hour, Weisuo even saw a large piece of soil rolled from the valley of miraculous. From the above Weisuo also got a small purple ginseng with half effect of purple fox flower.

Seeing more and more debris of various buildings in sight, Wei Suo's face became more and more suspicious.Then he flew away for nearly two hours, but Weisuo stopped suddenly.

In the distance ahead of him, a huge shadow appeared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!