Chapter 524

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
It's not a monster.

The shadow is at least thousands of feet around. Even the most huge golden winged Kunpeng in ancient times, it is impossible to have such a big body.

From a distance, the huge shadow looked like a mountain range, but it didn't look like it was weird.

Because there is one end, accounting for a small half of the whole shadow, is up, hanging in the air.

"Isn't it?"

"I'm scared."

When Weisuo continued to fly forward and get closer, he could see the shadow clearly. The old man in green robe and Yang Zhi bird took a cold breath.

Weisuo's eyes were frozen.

This shadow, which looks very large from a distance, is a mountain range.

Specifically, it's a broken mountain range.

Now, the mountain range is like a piece of meteorite debris, obliquely inserted on the ground, half of which is buried in the soil, half of which is close to the land, and the other half is poured into the air.

Around this huge fractured mountain range, there are circles of wavy gullies and debris.

These gullies are obviously caused by the shock wave caused by the impact of the mountain on the ground. And the fractures on the edge of the mountain range, including these wavy gullies, look very new. It is obvious that this fractured mountain range was involved in this inexplicable space together with Weisuo when the black light diffused out like tide.

How terrible is this power to roll in half of the mountains like a fragment and smash it here?

"We are in lingmiao valley. What kind of prohibition has been triggered outside? And because many of the prohibitions in Qingcheng ruins have been damaged, they have caused a lot of chain reactions." The old man in green puffed. Under this kind of power, I just broke two ribs, which is really good luck.

"Look, there seems to be a lot of buildings on this mountain range." Yang Zhi bird also called.

Weisuo's eyes at this time had already flickered, and rose.

There are indeed many remains of temples in this mountain range, and at a glance, the remains in sight are extremely old, which gives him the feeling that this mountain range is one of the many walled lotus peaks around Qingcheng ruins, even if it is not one of the mountains in Qingcheng ruins.

"Be careful, there are still some prohibitions in this, which have not completely lost their power!"

Soon, the old man in Green let out another exclamation. From the sky down, there are many places in the broken mountain like a giant ship of God in the mud. There are several kinds of shining lights.


All of a sudden, there was another look of disbelief on his face. After a slight twitch, he flew down towards a part of the mountain range.

A moment later, weisseau pauses over the ruins.

Among the ruins, there stands a broken Purple Palace!

The hall is not very tall and covers only a few hundred square meters. It looks like the zhenzang hall and has only three floors.

However, even though the whole temple is half damaged and there are many large and small holes formed by weathering, there is no seam in the whole building. It gives the impression that the whole building is carved from a huge purple mountain stone, and it is directly carved into such a temple.

Moreover, there is a purple light curtain outside the temple, which is flickering.

The front, back and left of the hall were originally like several large ponds. I don't know what to plant, but now they are all dilapidated and can't see the original appearance.

After stopping at the top of the hall, Weisuo patted on one of his nabao bags, but he took out a piece of green fragment.

"What? Is this place recorded on the fragments of the map we have At the sight of Weisuo's look, and seeing Weisuo take out a piece of such a green remnant, the old man in green robe, who was also at a loss, immediately responded and let out a cry of surprise.

"On the hall of Tao! I can't believe that this place is involved. " On Weisuo's face, there was no expression of joy or depression.

It turned out that Wei Suo and the old man in green robe had two pieces of maps of Qingcheng ruins.

However, after careful study, Wei Suo and the old man in green robe found that these two pieces of map were both a part of Qingcheng ruins recorded. Because it is only a fragment, the front and back directions can not be inferred, and it is not even sure where the two maps record the Qingcheng ruins.

Moreover, even if we know that the two pieces of maps record where Qingcheng ruins is, and there is no map of other places, it is extremely dangerous to enter the places recorded in this map.

So these two pieces of map have no effect on this trip. Originally, Weisuo kept these map fragments, which was to see if he could find other map fragments in his future experience and see if he could make a slightly complete map.However, what surprised him at the moment was that the chaotic prohibition in the Qingcheng ruins had unexpectedly involved such a place.

"The whole body of lundao hall is carved with strange purple stone, and the purple light of protecting the hall seems to be to be cracked forcefully. It is suspected that% of the disciples of this ancient sect used the fighting method to discuss Taoism, and there may be residual skills." The old man in green looked at the map fragment unfolded on Weisuo's hand, and saw that the small purple hall and mark on the map were very consistent with the purple Temple below.

Wei Suo's two pieces of map fragments do not have clear marks like those obtained by Li ruohai and others. There may be something in them. In the records about this hall of lundao, it is written that there may be residual skills, which makes this hall one of the most likely places to have treasures among the two pieces of map on Weisuo's hand. Now it appears directly in front of you. Naturally, Wei Suo can't ignore it.

Because there was no other record of the temple on his hand, Wei Suo also put away the fragment of the map directly, and his figure moved and fell in front of the temple.

Although the whole fractured mountain range is obliquely inserted on the ground, it is not obvious to be in this huge fault mountain range, but the ground feels a little inclined.

Falling in front of the main gate of the temple, Weisuo saw that the main gate of the temple had also disappeared. It seemed that there was no special brilliance in the first floor at the bottom.

There are no plaques on the whole temple, only some mysterious and indescribable symbols.

Looking around, if there is no purple light curtain, the temple is all covered in it, there is no gap to enter.

"Hello, no name. Do you think this place is dangerous?" The old man in green looked at the purple light curtain and asked Yang Zhi bird.

"I'm not aware of any danger." Yang Zhi bird nodded very honestly and said.

Hearing Yang Zhiniao say so, Weisuo did not have any hesitation. As soon as he reached out, a burst of purple Zhenyuan burst into the purple light curtain.

With a dull sound of "puff", the purple Zhenyuan could not hit the wall, but the purple light curtain did not have any reaction, and there was no power to rebound out.

Seeing this, Weisuo's eyes flashed, and he reached out again. With a "hissing" sound, a dark emperor's sword was chopped on the purple light screen.

There was a slight sound on the purple light curtain, but a long gap was split for several meters, and then the gap was gradually narrowed and began to close again.

There was a flash of surprise in Weisuo's eyes.

It's not because the purple light curtain can be closed again, but because the power of the purple light curtain is so poor. Thinking about the previous prohibitions in Qingcheng ruins, all the powers are amazing. The power of the purple light curtain can't even reach the semi metaphysical level. It should be that the original prohibition here has also damaged most of them, and the power should be greatly reduced.

In this way, for the present Weisuo, it should not be too difficult to enter.

Looking at the purple light curtain closing slowly, Weisuo was not anxious. When the purple light curtain was all closed, Weisuo cut the purple light curtain out with a cut.

Then the figure of Weisuo had already passed through the gap and stood inside the curtain of light.

After standing in the light curtain, Weisuo did not stop at all. He pointed to the outside again, and a sword spirit rushed out of his body.

Seeing the sword spirit inspired in it, Wei Suo completely put down his heart and plundered it carefully towards the temple.

"These are all Starbuck gold!"

As soon as he swept into the first floor of the palace, Weisuo found that the interior, the ground and the surrounding walls of the palace were all covered with a layer of silver white gold. At the sight of this layer of fine gold, the old man in green robe immediately took a breath of cold air.

"Star barogen?"

Weissorton was also surprised.

He also knows that the star bailuojin is one of the refined gold from the outer sky meteorite, and its material is extremely strong and tough. It is no different from Taiyi refined gold. Even if it is a small piece, it is worth many spirit stones. But now the pure gold plated in this temple is three inches thick. The total amount of this kind of fine gold in the whole house is astonishing.

"Wait a minute. If you can, you can cut off the gold and take it away. The talisman refined gold is sharper than this kind of refined gold. You should be able to cut it with the dagger refined with it. " The old man in green robe looked at the white gold around him, and his eyes flashed, "there are so many star white gold, which can be used to refine the carcass of a large magic weapon."

"Let's see if there's anything else." Weisuo nodded his head. After careful scanning twice, he found that there was no other valuable thing in this layer, and then he carefully swept it toward the upper two layers.

The second layer is almost the same as the first layer, except that the ground and the walls are all plated with star platinum, it is also empty, and there is nothing valuable.But as soon as he reached the entrance of the third floor, Weisuo's brow jumped obviously. , the fastest update of the webnovel!