Chapter 560

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
With a flash of white light, Weisuo's figure stood in the air 50 or 60 Zhang away from the monk.

Both sides of the shoeholder's face were completely red and swollen, with watery light. The swollen eyes turned into flesh eyes with a seam.

The Friar's teeth were all knocked out by Weisuo's two slaps in the face. Both sides of his face were swollen, and his swollen eyes turned into flesh eyes with a slit.


The Yellow robed old man and the two young men both took a cold breath, and their eyes were full of unbelievable looks.

Everyone knows that it is much more difficult to slap each other in the face than to kill them.

Moreover, the friar had no power to fight back at all. He even had no time to use his magic weapon and magic method, so he was slapped two times by Weisuo.

When the old man in yellow robe and the two young people were both cold-blooded, the nun's mouth was smiling. It seemed that she had expected such a result.

The shoeboard face monk was completely stunned.

All of a sudden, he was a little bit beaten up, a little unable to respond.


After staying for a while, he opened his mouth and spewed out a mouthful of blood, which was full of teeth.

All the teeth of the shoeboard face friar had been knocked out, and his face was not a shoeboard face, but a round fat face.

"You A mouthful of blood spurted out, and the monk trembled all over his body. It seemed that he was very angry and wanted to start.

"Your face doesn't look as good as before. You'd better change back." But Weisuo is a look that doesn't care. Under a flash of white light, Weisuo appears in front of the friar again.

"Ah" a scream, see Weisuo step on the monk's face.

A clear footprint appeared on the monk's face and was trampled down.

"It's strange how it looks like the puffy round face before, or I'd better get it back." And looking at the friar was trampled a little flat face, Weisuo said to himself.


Even though the shoehorn faced friar was slow to respond, he knew that Weisuo was not his match at all. If he didn't have eyes, his face would be beaten into the round pig's head.

"Who in the end is he? Even a monk with three levels of mindfulness has no power to fight back in front of him, and he has no time to display his magic weapons and magic methods?"

The Yellow robed old man and the two young people were shocked and surprised at the same time. The more powerful Weisuo was, the more hopeful he was to help them rescue the monk who was captured by Jinyao immortal.

"Who wounded my disciple?"

Soon after the shoeboard face monk scurried into the mountain forest below, a cold hard drink started.

A monk dressed in bronze Taoist robes and his hair wrapped in a white jade hairpin rose up.

The monk's face is more than 40 years old. His cheekbones are high and his face is very dark and sharp. His aura is golden, forming the shape of a golden kite.

At the sight of the friar, the Yellow robed old man and the two young men all shrunk and their eyes showed a look of fear.

Obviously, the Jindan friar who appeared was the great monk Jinyao in their mouth.

"It's easy to say. It's me who hit the guy just now." Weisuo's figure moved, but blocked in front of the Yellow robed old man and two young people.

"You are the helper of these three people. Do you want to stand out for them?" Jin Yaozhen looks at Wei Suo and nun Xiu with a cold face.

"No more nonsense." Wei Suo calmly looked at the golden Harrier, "you hand over their companions, we will not trouble you."

"Do you trouble me?" Jinyao real man sneered, "I want to see what you have to rely on, dare to say such words to me."

"So I have nothing to say." Wei Suo didn't say much about it. A huge pressure suddenly pressed on Jinyao immortal. At the same time, a huge dark gold sword Qi burst out from his body, and it was in front of him.

"You ! "

the body of Jinyao real man was shocked, and his eyes flashed with fright.

"Pa!" When Wei Suo killed him in front of him, he only had time to sacrifice a white bead the size of a fist.

With a bang, the white bead can block the dark golden sword spirit. But at the same time, a golden magic wand like magic weapon appeared in Weisuo's hand. With a roar, a thick flash of lightning flashed on the body of Jinyao immortal.


There was a layer of bronze aura on the bronze robe of Jinyao immortal, but it just flashed for a moment, and the aura broke up immediately. The whole body of Jinyao immortal was also blackened by lightning, and constantly shaking.

Without a moment's pause, the white light flashed. Wei Suo came to the Jinyao immortal's body and shot several blue threads of light from his hands, which penetrated into Jinyao immortal's body.Jinyao immortal's body became stiff and his scattered aura disappeared. It seemed that Zhenyuan was crushed by Wei Suo Zhen.

"It turns out that he is also a great monk in the golden elixir period!"

"Even the real Jinyao couldn't resist even one face-to-face. He was captured alive! What kind of magic is this

The loyal yellow robed old man and the two young men gaped, unable to believe what their eyes saw was true.

"Who are you? Do you know what is the relationship between me and the elder Li Shuyi of Youming palace?" Jin Yaozhen's body is stiff, his face is burnt black, but he makes a roar. In the case of being defeated by Weisuo, he is to move out the name of other great friars to oppress people.


Weisuo took a look at the monk who was still dying, but said nothing. A small black flame flew out of his hand. It just wrapped around the right hand of Jinyao immortal, and his right hand turned into ashes.


Jin Yaozhen screamed, his eyes filled with unbelievable look.

Weisuo's move is obviously to tell him directly, but no matter what kind of relationship he has with any elder.

"If the people inside want to live, all of them will come out to me. Otherwise, don't blame me for being tough." Weisuo's voice, rolling down.

Almost at the same time that Weisuo's voice disappeared, the two monks, whose faces were full of horror, fled from the forest below.

The two friars were a shoehorn faced friar who had just been beaten into a pig's head by Weisuo. The other was a friar with a hook nose in a gray robe.

Both of them were disciples of Jinyao immortal. Seeing that even Jinyao immortal was directly captured by Weisuo in front of him, where did they dare to resist.

"And their companion?" He asked, looking at the two monks, who were pale and trembling.

“…。” The two monks looked at each other, but they were afraid to speak.

"Say it Weisuo looked at them and said a word coldly.

"Has been killed by him." The shoeboard face friar shivered all over his body and ordered a glance at the friar with the hook nose beside him.


The bodies of the Yellow robed old man and the two young men were all in a violent flash. Two lines of old tears flowed from the eyes of the Yellow robed old man, while the teeth of the two young people were gurgling and their eyes were filled with towering anger.

"It's none of my business. My master ordered me to remove it. Moreover, the nun herself has been raped by him. In shame and indignation, she has bitten off the root of her tongue, only to breathe The eagle nosed friar heard the shoe puller face friar say that, and immediately defended with fear.


Weisuo and the nun looked at each other, and there was a cold light in their eyes.

As a matter of fact, they had already predicted that the Yellow robed old man and the two young men's companions were more or less dangerous. For the golden elixir of Jinyao immortal, the general friars of zhoutianjing were just like mole ants. In the end, the Yellow robed old man and the two young men might kill them at will. How could they spend any effort to control a low-level monk? Take a good look Watch.

If you kill them all, you can cover up what you have done. You will not be afraid of any future troubles in the future.

However, Wei Suo and the nun did not expect that the Yellow robed old man and the two young men's companion were a nun, or they were raped and killed.

"Good. You can die first."

Weisuo stretched out his hand a little, and a thin sword light directly penetrated the heart of the shoeboard monk.

A bloody light came out from behind the shoeboard face friar. As soon as the shoeboard face monk's body became stiff, he was directly killed and lost his vitality.

"You dare to kill me! You will regret it Feeling Wei Suo's killing intention, Jinyao real man roared again.

"Is it?" Wei Suo had already prepared to kill Jinyao immortal, but when he heard his roar, he changed his mind and reached out a little. A thin fire line, thinner than the hair, shot into the Jinyao immortal's body, and instantly swam along the Jinyao immortal's meridians.


The whole body of Jinyao real man was stiff again, and his facial features were completely distorted. The blood in his body, instantly, was completely boiling by this fire line, baking every meridian in his body.

"Don't kill me! As long as you spare my life, I can take you into the cave below. Give you all that is in him and in him. " Weisuo's eyes turned to another friar with a hook nose, and the friar, seeing Wei Suo looking at himself, immediately cried out in fear.

How you know more than your master Weisuo gave a sneer. He didn't talk nonsense to the friar at all. The same sword light penetrated the heart of the eagle nosed Friar and killed him directly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!