Chapter 561

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"You want to blow yourself up? I'll have to agree with that. "

When Weisuo killed the eagle nosed friar directly, there was a dangerous smell on the head of the golden harrier. It seemed that there was a destructive power that was brewing. But Weisuo didn't even blink his eyelids. He reached out a little, and several small light symbols shot out of his fingertips and hit the real Jinyao.


Jinyao real man immediately gave out a pig like scream. The dangerous smell from his head disappeared instantly, but his whole person was violently convulsed, and his skin was covered with tiny oil droplets.

"Well, my method is called burning blood sky lamp. It ignites your qi and blood with black evil fire, and then slowly boil your bones and meat into oil. According to your cultivation, it should be able to last for more than 30 days. Then you can slowly boil all the things in your body into oil, and you will die when the oil is exhausted." Weisuo looked at the immortal Jinyao, who was constantly screaming like a pig. "If you don't feel good about it, I still have some ways to make your God's sense of pain increase many times."

"Ah, you will regret it! I'm very kind to Li freehand, and he will take revenge for me! "

"I'll never let you go as a ghost."

"I curse you, I am tortured to death by life, and torture for thousands of days, thousands of days!"

“… ..。”

At first, Jinyao immortal kept screaming, yelling and cursing Weisuo, but Weisuo didn't say a word, just looked at Jinyao real person without expression.

After about a stick of incense less than the time, Jinyao real man has no time to curse, just keep screaming.

After about one incense stick, the monk, who was yellow and crystal like a friar with a layer of butter, finally collapsed and cried, "can you let me go as long as I give you all the things in my body and the cave?"

"It's impossible to let you go." Weisuo said without hesitation: "but I can let you die happily."

"Good! I said, I said everything. Just give me a good time The real Jinyao screamed for a moment and then called out. Friars like him are not afraid of death, but Weisuo's method of slowly boiling his body into oil is too cruel for him to bear. Moreover, from the means of Weisuo, he also knew that in Weisuo's hands, he could not be spared.

"Well, tell me all the magic tools, treasures and skills you know about you and in the cave." Weisuo looked at Jin Yaozhen without expression. "After you finish, I will give you a good time."

"The white bead that you just took away is Dongtian Bone Bead, the magic weapon of semi metaphysical stage. I didn't have time to fully stimulate the power The protective array of my cave is the seven cloud moon array... " Jin Yaozhen's body convulsed violently. He screamed, but he kept talking.

"He is an ordinary golden elixir. He can only say that he will kill himself if he is unjust. He just hit me."

In less than half an hour, jinyaozhenren said all the techniques he knew, and Weisuo searched his cave thoroughly. For Weisuo, the things on the golden harrier are of little effect. In addition to the white bone bead that just blocked Wei Suo's dark emperor's sword, the golden harrier has only one silver flute like magic weapon which is inferior to the power. His skills are only at the lower level of the ground level, and the skills are not higher than those of the higher level. Such a Jindan friar is not as good as Huang Yazi killed before Wei Suo. His cave is just a dozen stone chambers with no special arrangement.

"I have told you all I know. Please give me a good time! Otherwise, I will not let you go

After Weisuo searched the cave of Jinyao immortal, Jinyao immortal screamed madly. At this time, his mouth and tongue are boiling out yellow oil.


Wei Suo didn't have any extra action. He reached out and put a few light amulets into Jinyao immortal's body. After that, he directly took out the blood eating sword and inserted it into the chest of Jinyao immortal.

At present, his blood eating Sabre is just empty. Although the cultivation of Jinyao immortal is much worse than that of Xuanwu immortal, he is also a Jindan friar, and his blood beads and power are higher than those of Taoist level.

As soon as the blood eating knife is inserted into the heart vein, the vitality of Jinyao immortal will be cut off.

Wei Suo, however, points a piece of his own record of Jinyao immortal's skills and techniques. Qingfu and the silver flute shaped magic weapon found from Jinyao immortal are in front of the Yellow robed old man and the two young people.

After searching Jinyao immortal's cave, we didn't see any female nun's body. However, we learned from Jinyao immortal's mouth that the nun's body had been burned by his two disciples.

"This man killed one of your companions. I killed him as revenge for you. If you die, you can't be reborn. These things of him can be regarded as compensation."

"The elder is very kind to us. Otherwise, we will not be able to avenge the little girl and be killed by this man. How can we take the things of the elder?" The old man in yellow robe seems to have been ten years old when he heard the news of Nun's death. However, when he heard Wei Suo's words, the old man fell to his knees and kowtowed to him."It was your daughter who died in their hands?" Weisuo a daze, hand a wave, a real yuan will yellow robe old man to hold up.

The Yellow robed old man nodded his head, and the old man burst into tears.

"These things, in themselves, are of little use to me; they are of some use to you." Wei Suo and nun Xiu couldn't help but look at each other, then said to the old man in yellow robe and two young people with sad looks, "we will use the identity of Jinyao immortal and his disciples for the time being. The news that immortal Jinyao and his disciples will not die in our hands will be spread out."

"I pledge with my life that I will never reveal anything about today." The Yellow robed old man swore, "otherwise, I will be tortured, and I will not be able to survive or die."

"The two of us will not reveal it with our lives. Otherwise, we will be tortured, and we will not be able to survive or die. " After swearing, the two young men said, "is there anything else you want us to do? Even if we fight to death, we will repay our benefactor. "

"If you really want to repay me, how about doing one more thing for me?" Said vissault, with a slight pause.

The Yellow robed old man and the two young men looked at each other without any hesitation. They said, "what do you want us to do, just say it."

Wei Suo nodded, took out a piece of green jade talisman, wrote something in it with the means of Zhenyuan coagulant, and then pointed the blue jade charm to the Yellow robed old man, "this is what I want you to do for me. Now that you have made clear what is in it, you can destroy the jade amulet. " At the same time, Weisuo took out a spirit stone bag, which contained many spirit stones, and pointed it to the Yellow robed old man.

The Yellow robed old man immediately received the blue jade talisman and the spirit stone bag in his hand, and immediately looked up to the contents of the blue jade talisman.

Just a moment later, the Yellow robed old man immediately handed the blue jade amulet to the two young people. After looking at it for a moment, the two young men nodded and handed the blue jade amulet to the yellow robe old man. The yellow robe old man carefully looked at it, confirmed that he had remembered it thoroughly, and then he stretched out his hand to pinch the green jade amulet into powder.

"This magic weapon should be of some use to you. I'll leave it to you. " Weisuo looked at the old man in yellow robe crushing the jade talisman, reached out and patted it. However, he took out a top-grade defense magic weapon and handed it to the old man in yellow robe.

"We will remember your kindness." The Yellow robed old man did not refuse this time, but accepted the defense magic weapon. Then the three of them paid a salute to Wei Suo, and then they flew away towards the sky.

"Before I got to Beiluo City, I would take advantage of you and be your master." After a look at the three people left dunguang, the nun said this to Weisuo, and immediately squeezed out a formula.

with the as like as two peas in her hands, a transparent mask like a cicada has appeared in her hand. When the woman put her hands on her face, her face became quite the same as that of the golden harrier.

"You can actually draw the breath from people's body, not only the body appearance, but also the breath on the body?" Wei Su be struck dumb as like as two peas as like as two peas. The figure and breath are just like the golden harrier. The spirit of the whole body is condensed into a golden kite.

"Although my skill is good, it can be seen that there are several monks in xuanfengmen who have practiced some unique Qi watching skills. What's more, I can't do it with others. Once I do it, my face and body shape can still be maintained. However, the aura outside my body will become my own aura and will be seen by others. " The voice of the nun turned into the voice of the golden harrier.

"It's just that I can't help you to change your appearance, and I also swore that I can't pass on the skill to others." The nun Xiu looked at Wei cableway apologetically, "you have to deal with Yi Rong Dan."

"It doesn't matter. No matter how powerful xuanfengmen is, you can't even know the appearance of such a small role as Jinyao immortal disciple." Wei Suo himself took out a Yi Rong Dan, Zhen Yuan a package, applied to his face, but it is similar to the eagle nosed friar. The name of the eagle nosed friar just now, Wei Suo, has been asked from the mouth of Jinyao immortal. His name is Liu Yuanhao.

"By the way, what did you tell them to do just now?" The nun looked at weissou and suddenly thought of something and asked.

"Is to deal with Xu Qianhuan forced me to go out." Weisuo said with a smile, "they will do it. There will be no danger."

"I think they just looked at it for a while. Your strategy seems very simple?" The nun looked at Weisuo suspiciously. "If you ask them to do it, can't you tell them verbally? It's still mysterious. What is the strategy? "

"Ha ha, some words just don't mean to export." Wei Suo ha ha a smile, way: "anyway, you will soon know."

"Hum! It's mysterious. I won't listen if you don't tell me. " The nun glared at Weisuo, a little puffed up, and swept out.“…!” Weisuo shivered again. He thinks this guy is a little sissy again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!