Chapter 562

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Woo Hoo Hoo!"

A thick black cloud was flying away in the sky, making a sound like the roar of a wild wolf.

Above the black cloud stood two friars, the nun and Weisuo, who dressed up as the golden harrier and the eagle nosed friar respectively.

This black cloud is called Sirius smoke, which is the magic weapon of jinyaoren. If it stops exciting, these black clouds will condense into a black crystal the size of a palm, which is also very unique.

After leaving jinyaozhenren's cave, Wei Suo and nun Xiu inspired this magic weapon, and they flew straight to the direction of Beiluo city.

According to this direction, I would fly through the vicinity of grey moth City, and then I would be wild all the way. I would not pass any city along the way.

At the moment, the sky is clearly visible, only a few hundred miles away.

"Here it is! Wei Suo, this is the Xingfeng robe of xuanfengmen. Only the elite disciples of xuanfengmen who have made great achievements will be rewarded with such a vestment. A disciple with such a robe has the same status as the elder and can directly deal with the disciples outside Xuanfeng gate. "

All of a sudden, the nun's eyebrows jumped slightly, whispered to Wei Suofei and quickly said, "you should be careful to cover up your accomplishments, don't be seen by him any flaws."

"Xuanfengmen actually sent out so many people."

At this time, Weisuo had already seen a blue and silver flash of escape light from the sky, like a meteor, drawing a long track and cutting towards the smoke of Sirius.

The brilliance of the blue and silver color was emitted from the monk's robe. It was obvious that the robe itself was a magic weapon for flying away.

"Two Taoist friends, please wait for a moment."

The xuanfengmen elite disciple flew straight to Wei Suo and the nun in front of him and stopped.

"Fen Nian Jing Wu Chong, the elite disciple of this super sect, is really incomparable with ordinary sects."

With a sweep of Wei Suo's Qi technique, he can see that the cultivation of this elite disciple of xuanfengmen has reached the five levels of Fen Nian state.

When watching Xuanfeng gate recruit disciples before, Wei Suo heard that the monks along the way said that Xuanfeng sect was very strict with its disciples. It was very difficult for them to recruit disciples and become inner disciples. The number of inner disciples who fell in the test every year was amazing.

But Wei Suo was also very clear that the number of xuanfengmen, a super large number of disciples with 100000 disciples, was too large. The number of elite disciples, to say the least, was hundreds. Now an elite disciple who comes out at random is the five fold cultivation of Fen Nian Jing. This kind of strength is really amazing.

Moreover, this disciple of xuanfengmen is only about 30 years old, and he is very young. It seems that there are stars flowing in his blue star wind Dharma clothes. His face is also a sword eyebrow star. At a glance, it is also of extraordinary momentum. It is the unique noble flavor of the large sect disciples.

"Xingfeng robe, you are a disciple of xuanfengmen." The nun looked at this extraordinary xuanfengmen disciple and frowned, "I don't know what's blocking my way. What's the matter?"

"Oh? Is it the real Jinyao from Jinyao mountain The xuanfengmen disciple saw the golden aura outside the nun's body, but immediately made a salute. He said, "I'm Zhao Rufeng. I'm a disciple of xuanfengmen's inner courtyard. The reason why we blocked the real person's way was that our famous opponent of xuanfengmen escaped. I was ordered by the eldest martial brother Lin Taixu to investigate here, which caused inconvenience to the real man. I'm really embarrassed."

Xuanfengmen is also divided into inner mountain and outer mountain.

The outer mountain is the outer gate disciple, the inner mountain is the inner gate disciple, and the inner courtyard is the elite disciple trained by xuanfengmen because of its amazing talent, great contributions to the sect, or what kind of fortune it has got.

"The elite disciples of this super clan are really different. It's just that although the people below do a good job and have great bearing, people like Lin Taixu and Xu Qianhuan are too overbearing. However, this is also a different position. In a position like theirs, it is really necessary to have such prestige. Otherwise, it will be difficult to establish prestige and hold down so many disciples. "

Seeing this xuanfengmen disciple so polite, Wei Suo's heart immediately appeared in such a thought.

Obviously, this xuanfengmen disciple is so polite to nuns, not because he is afraid of the strength of "Jinyao immortal", but because of his own way of doing things.

The more so, the less trouble will be caused. This kind of large-scale door is even more terrible.

However, Wei Suo was also very clear that this was what he would do if he faced a monk of a certain level. If he faced a monk who didn't even have a sense of mind, he would not be so polite as he is now.

"I see. Is that all right now?" The nun nun also pretended to be afraid. After all, the elite disciples of xuanfengmen didn't dare to offend Jin Yaozhen's free cultivation of this level.

"I don't know what is the relationship between this Taoist friend and the real man? The Xuanfeng disciple named Zhao Rufeng apologized: "I'm sorry. I'm ordered that every monk who passes by this place should inquire about it and leave a record. Otherwise, if there is any omission, I will be punished if I compare with the elder martial brothers.""This is my disciple, Liu Yuanhao." The nun, who did not want to cause trouble, immediately replied.

"Well, there's nothing more to worry about. If there are any inconveniences, I hope you will forgive me. " Zhao Rufeng took out a piece of jade talisman, and then he nodded with a smile and moved aside.


Wei Suo and nun nun didn't say much. As soon as they drove the smoke out of the sky, they shot out directly, far away from the xuanfengmen disciple.


Two days later, a thick black cloud whistling away over a wasteland.

In front of this black cloud, there is a large green color.

"This is what Beiluo city looks like."

On the black cloud, Weisuo gazed at the city in a large green area.

After two consecutive days of flying away, Wei Suo and nun Xiu arrived at their first destination, Beiluo city.

During these two days, Wei Suo and the nun nun also went through an examination. The interrogator was also an elite disciple of xuanfengmen. According to this estimation, there were at least dozens of elite disciples arranged by xuanfengmen along the sky.

For xuanfengmen such an array, Weisuo felt that Lin Taixu used too much power to deal with himself. But what he didn't know was that most of the reason why Lin Taixu did this was because of the nun beside him.

At the moment, the green Luo city is a city built on the plain. Different from the several plain cities that Weisuo had seen before, this one, which looked as large as Lingyue City, did not have any tall and thick walls.

Because the city is surrounded by hundreds of miles, all are covered with a green vine.

The main stem of this green vine is as thick as an adult's thigh. It is intertwined with each other and its height is as high as two or three people. Its stem and leaf are covered with many sharp long spines.

This kind of strange green vine is called green poison vine. Its juice and sharp spines are highly toxic. Ordinary friars who are accidentally pierced by skin should go to the city to take special antidote pills. Therefore, such a vast wasteland full of such plants forms a natural barrier for the city.

Generally, the friars who have feidun technique and feidun magic weapon can fly directly to several specified entrances of this city. Among the green vines in the area of hundreds of miles, there are many wooden roads higher than the green vines. Low level monks who can't fly away and do not have flying escape magic weapons can walk through these roads to enter the city.

If there is a large-scale animal tide coming, as long as you burn these wooden roads with any fire, the periphery of the city will have a great hindrance to the monsters.

Flying closer, you can see clearly that the buildings in the city are not gorgeous, they look simple, they are all made of some rocks, and there is nothing special about them.

The northeast corner of the city seems to be the gathering place of the square city. Many monks come in and go out, which is very lively.

Weisuo and the nun flew directly to the entrance of the city in the northeast corner and landed.

After talking with the two friars at the entrance of the city for a few words, a friar soon walked with them towards the northeast corner of the city.

The friar, who led the way, wore a black shirt and was a big man with a shrewd face.

This man, named ludxiu, is also a person who helps people to lead the way and collect some spiritual stone fees. For this kind of friar, Weisuo is also very common, to a new city, hire a monk like this, can also save a lot of time.

He didn't want to waste any time in Beiluo City, so he didn't look for a place to live. Instead, he asked the monk to take him and the nun to jiguxuan.

"Two elders, this is jiguxuan."

Because the nun still looks like a real golden Harrier, and her aura condenses into the shape of a golden harrier. Therefore, the monk who leads the way is more and more awed. She doesn't dare to talk nonsense. In a short time, she brings Weisuo and the nun to a square built of white marble.

There are three layers in the front and the back. The front two are one story buildings, and the last one is a three story temple.

At the entrance of the main hall, there was no waiting staff. There was only an ancient plaque with three characters of "Ji Gu Xuan" carved on it.

"Real man, you are a day early."

While Wei Suo and the nun were looking at the famous square city, a friar in splendid clothes came out of the place. Seeing the nun at once, he was slightly stunned and said this in a low voice. , the fastest update of the webnovel!