Chapter 643

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
At the moment, the spirit eating beast is only four or five hundred Zhang away from the three legged Topaz tripod. The whole appearance can be seen very clearly.

I saw that this ancient fierce beast was about two people tall, with green gem like scales all over his body.

Compared with the body, some of them are too big. The shape of the head is between the head of the snake and the head of the crocodile. The two eyes are green and sunken inside. It looks very fierce and sinister.

There is no big difference between the legs and the body, but the hands seem to be shrunken, curled up in the chest, and there is a stout short tail hanging below, which looks like standing on three legs.

Because the body of this monster is not much different from that of a monk. Moreover, it is upright to resist the sky, and its eyes are constantly flashing. It seems to be constantly calculating. It is very anthropomorphic. It gives people the first feeling that it is not a monster, but rather like a deformed monk.

No one thought that there would be a spirit eater hidden in the blue flame dove!

At the moment, seeing such a monster, Han Weiwei and Nangong Yuqing send out a cry of fright. At the same time, they suddenly feel cold.

However, this monster, which was full of green light and looked very gloomy and terrifying, just glanced at Weisuo and others coldly, and then his figure flashed. However, it moved sideways, avoided Weisuo and others, and shot towards Beiling city.

Seeing this situation, Weisuo and shuiling'er and Jiya looked at each other, and the startled look on his face suddenly became thick.

Then, without any hesitation, shuiling'er Zhenyuan, who had already commanded the three legged Topaz tripod, rolled out and urged the tripod Topaz tripod to catch up with the spirit eater.

In principle, the stronger the aura, the easier it is to attract monsters. Because the more strong the spiritual spirit of a monk's body, in the eyes of monsters, it is a more delicious and effective elixir.

Moreover, the beast tide itself is very strange. In the animal tide, the monster beast is more fierce than usual. If some monster animals feel that the friars are very strong, they may be afraid to retreat. But in the animal tide, almost all the monsters are fierce and fearless of death, as if the opportunity of revenge is completely arrived. They are not afraid of death, and they want to kill the monks in front of them crazily Tear it to pieces. Even some low-level monsters can't beat them. You have to rely on the quantity to exhaust your true yuan and magic tools, and you will die alive.

At the moment, the spirit eating beast directly bypassed Weisuo and others, and rushed to Beiling city not far behind, which only showed that the monster beast had the ability to judge the situation. Moreover, this fierce ancient beast could be advanced by devouring the body of a monk or a spirit stone, and the speed of its progress was amazing. If this kind of monster thinks that Weisuo and others are not easy to deal with at present, and is prepared to devour some low-level friars in Beiling city first, and then deal with Weisuo and others after improving their strength, their IQ is almost the same as that of friars.

"Be careful, it's a fierce beast in ancient times! At least level 7 or above! Kill it with all your might

The speed of the reincarnation beast was extremely amazing. It was not under the three legged Topaz tripod. Wei Suo and others just followed closely behind, and could not catch up with the front to cut it off. Seeing that the distance between the beast and the wall of Beiling city was less than 300 Zhang, Weisuo immediately gave out a roar.

"Spirit eater?"

"What, at least level 7 or above monster!"

The friars on the city wall had already thought that the monster must be extraordinary when he saw the running speed from the monster. At the moment, when he heard Weisuo's shrill voice, all the friars on the city wall suddenly turned pale, "boom!" At least 50 or 60 monks have inspired the most powerful magic weapons and magic weapons in their hands at the same time.

Most of the monks have one or two things pressing the bottom of the box. At the moment, so many monks stimulate the things at the bottom of the box at the same time. The power of all kinds suddenly converges into a terrifying torrent of more than ten meters around and rushes towards the spirit eater.

But seeing this scene, the spirit eater didn't seem to blink.

Seeing that the terrible torrent of light is about to impact on this beast, the monster suddenly glows with green light, and the whole body suddenly shrinks by half. Originally, the body size of two people is more than two and only about the size of an ordinary monk. At the same time, it seems that its body suddenly weighs hundreds, thousands of times, and suddenly falls down at an amazing speed.

In addition to more than a dozen flashes of light outside the monster, all the others dashed over the monster, only smashing the green shadow left by the monster when it fell at an amazing speed.


This group of green light was as easy as bumping into a haystack, and directly and forcefully passed through this section of the city wall. Behind the green light, the city wall with a radius of more than 67 Zhang was torn apart and collapsed.

Above the collapsed city wall, a monk of fennianjing, who seems to have achieved great accomplishments, has just risen from the sky, "pa!" "Pa!" The two monks on the left side of him had just risen from the sky. The monks who did not fall down with the collapsed city wall suddenly split into two groups of blood mist. The monk in the silver and white robe of fenminding state was suddenly bloodless. A white mask flashed on his body. At the same time, a blue talisman appeared in his hand. However, he did not have time to activate the talisman. The white aura mask outside his body had no defense ability, and was generally broken into pieces There was a green light in his chest, and the whole man was blown apart and turned into a blood mist.The spirit eating beast, like a ghost, just behind the killed fennianjing monk, opened his mouth and inhaled all the blood mist in his stomach. At the same time, the two hands, which looked a little shrunken, suddenly had a green light and made a silk cracking sound.

At the moment, it's a nabao bag.

But in a flash, these two nabao sacs actually split in the green light, and the contents of the nabao sachets all gushed out like a fountain.

This ancient ferocious beast knows how to destroy the treasure bag!

But when the things in the nabao bag came out, the ancient fierce beast grabbed the two spirit stone bags in his hands, regardless of the rest of the falling things. Then, without any pause, the ancient beast directly tore up the two spirit stone bags, grabbed all the spirit stones in the two spirit stone bags into his mouth and chewed them like fried beans.

Almost in the moment that the spirit stone swallowed, the breath of this ancient fierce beast was growing, and its strength was obviously improving.

"As long as there are monks and spirit stones to eat, the growth rate of cultivation will be amazing."

"It's no wonder that the spirit eating beast occupying a spirit stone vein can kill all the families with many famous Golden elixir monks! The speed of this kind of cultivation is more terrible than the water emperor's formula of swallowing the sun! "

Seeing this scene, Weisuo and others naturally felt cold in their hearts. However, when the ancient fierce beast watched Wei Suo and others shooting at him, it was a strange smile of Jie Jie Jie, which did not stop at all, but flew towards the places where the stone throwing carts were located.

The catapults in Beiling city also kill monsters on the ground greatly. Most of the friars in Beiling city are also gathered on the wall of the outer wall. At the moment, the friars around the catapult are relatively thin and easier to kill.

The intelligence quotient of this spirit eating beast is not lower than that of a monk.

"This fierce beast is too cunning! If it goes on like this, if we allow it to improve its cultivation, then we will not be its opponents! "

"At the same time, we inspire the ice dragon to stop this monster!"

Seeing this, Weisuo immediately gave out a sharp cry.

"Pa!" "Pa!" In Weisuo's shrill voice, the white ice dragons exploded around the body of the spirit eater.

Frozen by the extremely thick ice, the spirit eater became a bit slow down.

Taking advantage of its dullness, the distance between the tripod Topaz tripod and the spirit eater has been narrowed to within 200 Zhang, which is in the casting range of shuilinger and Jiya.

"Hiss!" "Hiss!"

Several dark golden sword lights and dozens of purple crystal like fire lights suddenly rushed towards the beast.


A aura mask that looks like green crystal appears outside the beast. Several dark yellow sword Qi and the power from the purple heart lamp in shuiling'er's hand impact on it. In an extremely harsh cracking sound, the green aura mask splits in five parts, and the remaining power can make the beast fly upside down.

"Fortunately, the spirit eater has not been advanced to the point where it can't be dealt with at all." Green robed old hair out a surprise cry.

At the moment, although the spirit eating beast flying upside down doesn't seem to have much damage, its strength is certainly far more than the level seven demon beast's level, but judging from the demon yuan power that it has just blocked Weisuo's attack, the strength of this demon beast will not exceed the level 8 medium level. They should be able to cope with it.


"It was .!”

But at this time, the whole Beiling city suddenly sent out the shocking scream and the sound of cold air pumping.

Weisuo turned his head, and his face became extremely ugly in an instant!

A huge blue shadow appeared in the group of poisonous arrow badgers. This monster is six or seven feet in diameter. It exudes a terrible power and gives people an unimaginable pressure. Compared with this monster, the poisonous arrow badger under its feet is even smaller than an ant!

This huge blue giant shadow has almost no difference between its body and ordinary crabs, but it still has a long tail about 78 Zhang long, which is like a giant whip of blue fine gold.

Wild ancient giant claw!

This kind of monster is also a kind of monster that can't cast any skills, but can only kill in close proximity! But this kind of monster is a real eight level medium level, and the wild ancient scorpion a level of powerful monster!

Like the wild scorpion and the lava troll, this extremely huge beast is enough to make many monks lose their fighting spirit.

At this time, in the direction of Wei Suo and others who had escaped, a distorted white shadow appeared in the distant sky at the same time.

The body of this white shadow also exudes the evil spirit of terror.

Water candle demon!

This water candle demon flies and comes at the same time, and is still sucking the air around. Almost when Weisuo and shuiling'er see the monster, the monster also finds Weisuo and shuilinger, whose spirit is obviously shocked and very excited.This water candle demon seems to be the water candle demon that Wei Suo and others met before. It seems to be the body of water spirit root of Weisuo and shuiling'er and the extremely pure spirit of water spirit in their body, which leads it all the way.

Three head eight level monster! , the fastest update of the webnovel!