Chapter 644

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Kill the spirit eater first

Weisuo's face turned ugly in an instant, and at the same time, he let out a sharp roar again.

The water candle demon and the wild ancient giant claw are all level 8 medium level monsters, and their strength is equivalent to that of the triple and quadruple of the golden elixir. In front of such level demons, the rest of the friars in Beiling city are as vulnerable as scarecrows.

If they are gathered together by these three eight level monsters, then Weisuo and others can not be enemies, only remove them one by one.

At present, although the strength of the spirit eater is close to level 8, and the strength of the three beasts is still the lowest, if it is allowed to kill some monks and devour some spirit stones, its strength will rise even more terrifying than the other two.

What's more, if they can't show the strength to kill level 8 monsters, the morale of the whole Beiling city will certainly disintegrate, and the friars who feel that there is no hope will run away.

"Pa!" "Pa!"

Jiya and others almost all have the same idea as Weisuo. At the same time of Weisuo's howling, like the last round of attacks, white ice dragons have exploded around the spirit eater.


At the same time, countless rays of sunlight are blooming from shuiling'er, Jiya, qilongshan and Qingping.

"Four Golden friars! We still have hope! "

In the eyes of countless monks who were full of despair, light suddenly appeared again, as if they had come to life all at once.

Four golden elixirs rise!

Shui ling'er, Ji ya, Qi Longshan and Qingping have all witnessed Li's fierce battle with the water candle demon before. They are very aware of the powerful power, defense and physical body of this eight level medium level. The magic weapon on hand may not be able to kill the spirit eating beast quickly, so in this case, the four people sacrificed the golden elixir at the same time.

When the four friars were in full bloom at the same time, the spirit eater was still slightly frozen by the cold air, but there was no panic in the eyes of this ancient fierce beast.

"Poof!" At the same time, the whole body is suddenly heavy, a hundred times, a thousand times, falling down, but it seems that the escape speed is several times faster.

According to its prediction, most of the attacks launched by Weisuo and others at the moment are likely to fall back into the air and cannot be hit.

But what makes it a little stunned is that the imaginary power did not attack immediately. Under the flash of white light, Weisuo and others suddenly disappeared from its sight.

Above its head, however, there was a powerful aura wave.

Before waiting for it to have any extra action, a magic method and magic weapon's brilliance, as well as four groups of huge golden elixir powers, have been severely impacted down. Before it hit the body, the ground below was pounded by the power power, and it sank a foot deep.

"Pa!" There's a bang.

The green crystal light cover of the spirit eating beast was split in an instant, and the whole body was smashed to the ground by incomparable power.

I saw the beast deeply into the ground, with it as the center of the ground, appeared a pit more than ten feet deep. The green gem like carapace of its body has been broken, which is bloody. The whole body and head were crushed in general. It seems that most of the bones in the body have been smashed by the full force of Weisuo and others.

This kind of injury, for the rest of the monsters, must have died directly.

"Not dead yet?"

"how strong is the vitality of this monster?"

but what filled the eyes of Weisuo and others with an unbelievable look was that the spirit eating beast, which looked as if it had been trampled flat, was snatched out without stopping under the flash of green light.

Then, a burst of fright to break out of the scream sounded, Weisuo and other people's faces suddenly become abnormal ugly.

Under the package of green light, the flesh and blood of the beast grew rapidly. Moreover, the intelligence quotient of the beast was very high. It was actually plundering towards the city wall where the monks were concentrated. This made Wei Suo and others unconsciously afraid of killing many monks by mistake, and they could not help but stagnate slightly.

Although the head eating spirit beast looks as if it can't hurt any more, its escape speed has not slowed down at all. In this blink of an eye, the head eating spirit beast has already rushed into the area near the broken wall it just hit.

At the moment, most of the city walls surrounding the whole Beiling city have been strangled with the blue flame dove and the poisonous arrow badger. Countless black lights and blue flames shot from the outside of the city. The friars near the city wall did not have any advantage. As soon as the spirit eating beast was snatched back, the monks in that area were in a panic. Before the spirit eating beast was killed, at least 20 or 30 monks screamed and were killed by the flying Biyan dove.

After taking a deep breath, Wei Suo's face was cold as water and nodded to shuiling'er and Jiya.

Shuiling'er and Jiya's faces immediately showed some intolerable looks, but shuiling'er bit his teeth and didn't stop at all and chased after the spirit eater.Naturally, they could see that Weisuo meant to sacrifice some friars in order to kill the monster. No matter for them or for Weisuo, it's natural that they can't bear it, but there is no way to do it at this moment. If we can't kill this monster as soon as possible, more friars will die in the hands of this demon beast, and it is likely that because of this, they will not be able to defend the northern spirit city at all.


But at this time, Weisuo and others suddenly heard the south side of the city wall, issued a burst of earth shaking screams.

Turn a head to see between, Wei Suo wait for a facial expression, immediately again ugly several minutes.

It turned out that although the huge claw of the ancient wasteland was still thousands of Zhang away from the southern city wall, at the same time, the huge claw continued to move forward, but at the same time, it waved two front claws, and directly dug up large blocks of earth, like the roof of an ordinary square house, like a stone cart, towards the southern wall.

A huge piece of earth, stone, roaring in the air, the momentum is very amazing.

What's more, the earth and stones are covered with poisonous arrows, badgers and other monsters. Even this wild and ancient giant claw will be a few rhinoceros directly as a boulder general smashed over.

Although these huge earthwork and stones were also torn apart by the colorful lights pouring out of the city walls, many monsters fell on top of them in the rain and were safe. These monsters fell directly into the friars' array, which immediately and thoroughly plunged the thousands of monks into chaos. At least hundreds of monks were killed and injured in this moment.

This head exudes the towering prestige, the body incomparably huge ancient giant claw, obviously also is the intelligence quotient is not weak.


At the same time, several stone throwing carts in Beiling city collapsed under the attack of biyanjiu.

"It's over! Beiling city is completely finished! "

"Beiling city can't be defended! Let's run! One by one to escape, and to stay here must be to die. "

"It's over. We're all going to die here."

Many monks even flew out directly and began to flee for their lives.

The whole Beiling city is about to collapse. Even Han Tianmo and Li Hanlin on the south wall of the city are completely pale. At the moment, they have been defeated like a mountain. Their yelling and even killing some fleeing friars can not contain the panic caused by the approaching of the wild ancient giant claws.

"Yangqing, you and qingluan come here to help kill the spirit eating beast!" In this case, Weisuo gave a sharp roar again.

There must be no accident in killing the spirit eater.

At the same time, Weisuo also released the heart eating insect and the color butterfly of the Dharma king.


But at this time, a strange scream, suddenly in the side of the air ring up.

"What kind of monster is this?"

"Ah! This is at least a monster of level 7 or above

A monk who had just uttered a exclamation was broken into pieces in a white light.

The body is like a melted candle, the facial features are not very clear, at this moment only vaguely can see two water candle demons, which are also white eyes, are approaching.

At this time, the water candle demon's eyes focused on shuiling'er and Weisuo's body, giving people a look of evil intention and a smile.

"Fuck you

At the moment, Beiling city itself is in danger, Weisuo himself has been extremely anxious, the water candle demon is haunted, endless pursuit from thousands of miles away, plus Li freehand at that time is leading this water candle demon away, at the moment, Li freehand is still in a state of uncertainty, and this head of water candle demon is such a look, weisoton fell into boundless rage.


Weisuo directly in the hands of the great elixir inspired out.

The originally smiling water candle demon saw that Wei Suo did not put him in his eyes at all, but suddenly felt the breath from the elixir, and his eyes solidified instantly.


The whole heaven and earth seemed to jump violently, and a group of terrible flames bloomed, and the mushroom cloud and shock wave formed by the terror power spread at the same time.

All the friars in Beiling city were shocked, and many monks who had been ready to flee for their lives were also shocked.

There were at least hundreds of blue flame doves in the sky, which were smashed into pieces by the huge flame. "Hiss!" A tattered white shadow, screaming out of the flames of the explosion.

But then, a number of amazing flame, without stopping impact on the body of the white shadow.

The ragged white shadow was blown apart with a fierce meal!

Originally, Weisuo was ready to kill the most threatening spirit eater, but the appearance of the water candle demon was too cheap, which made Weisuo furious and directly used the only elixir in his hand. The first eight level water candle demon was killed by Wei Suo's elixir, and the four golden elixir friars tried their best to kill the ordinary golden elixir!At this time, a strange song suddenly sounded from the North spirit city.

This sound sounds like the song of some kind of spirit bird, but it is extremely pleasant and loud. It is like a cave of gold and cracked stones, and it goes straight into the sky. It also exudes a strong sense of dignity and ancient famine.

At the same time, all the monsters flying in the sky, such as thunder owls and blue flame doves, were obviously stagnant, showing a look of fear.

At the same time, a blue and a yellow bird shot out of the northern spirit city.

Among them, the long tail of the blue spirit bird flutters and spreads countless blue flames, which are scattered in the sky like heavenly maids scattering flowers.

"Qingluan, this is the ancient qingluan!"

"Fengming, it's nine days of Fengming! In ancient times, qingluan was the real blood of the Phoenix clan! "

"Qingluan is a real nine level monster! Is it actually accepted by these monks? Beiling city is saved. "

Bursts of unbelievable exclamations exploded in Beiling city.

The monks in Beiling city didn't know that most of qingluan's accomplishments had been passed on to Yangzhi bird. At the moment, they didn't even have the strength of level 8. But at the moment, Weisuo's elixir and qingluan gave them strong confidence. Almost all the friars in Beiming city fell into madness, and all of them had no idea of escaping. They killed the monster of Zhou.

"I didn't expect that this qingluan would help us so much at this time!"

"Kill!" Weisuo also did not expect such a change, his cold eyes full of murderous air, once again gathered on the soul eating beast that kept grazing among the friars.

Just in this moment, this sinister spirit eater, shining green all over, has killed more than ten friars, and is constantly devouring the flesh and blood of those monks and the spirit stones taken out of their bodies. At the moment, it looks like it's in good shape.

"Weisuo, this is the demon pill of water candle demon."

At this time, a transparent wave of light, will be a fist size, rippling amazing water spirit of the white demon Dan rolled to Weisuo in front of.

The surface of this white demon pill is smooth and round, as if covered with a thick layer of wax oil. It turns out that although the body of the water candle demon was smashed to pieces, the demon pill was not damaged and was rolled over by shuiling'er. , the fastest update of the webnovel!