Chapter 645

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
Water candle demon is a level 8 medium level water monster. The spirit of water in the demon pill is amazing, which is very useful for Wei Suo's cultivation.

This demon Dan was rolled over by the water spirit son, Weisuo didn't stop at all and collected the demon Dan.

"Weisuo, there are too many friars. If you cast this way, you will be hurt by mistake." At the same time, his side of the kya is a white face said so.

The intelligence quotient of this spirit eater is not lower than that of the friars. As soon as Yangzhi bird and qingluan appear, the spirit eater immediately feels the fatal danger and plunders into the more densely populated area of friars.

From the previous situation of dealing with this monster, although the magic power of this monster is worse than that of the water candle demon, its defense and physical vitality are extremely amazing. At least all the magic weapons must be put out together with the four people's golden elixir power. Otherwise, if it is as heavy as before, the monster may escape He escaped and returned to what he is now.

As the old man in green robe and qilongshan and others know, this famous ancient fierce beast, although the first level was only seven levels low, it was much more difficult to deal with than the ordinary eight level monster.

If Wei Suo and others put their best efforts to kill them, at least 60 or 70 monks would be killed by them.

"I'll do my best to dispel these monks!" Shuiling'er took a look at the ferocious appearance of the devouring spirit beast among the friars, and a trace of resolute expression flashed in his eyes.

Almost at the same time of her voice, there was a tsunami like sound of real element flowing out of her body.

A circle of transparent water lines burst out of her body, just like the shock wave generated by the explosion of the annihilation gold elixir triggered by Weisuo just now, and instantly swept a thousand hundred square meters around her.


There was a sharp cry of surprise. Almost all of the monks in this area, except for some monks who had more than two or three levels of cultivation in their mind state, all the rest of the monks were pushed to the north by a strong thrust and threw them out.

Moreover, these friars seem to be thrown away by the real wave. The transparent water lines like tides have no destructive effect, only the powerful thrust of the real waves. Among the thrown friars, except for a few of the monks with lower accomplishments who were knocked unconscious by a rush, the rest of the friars just couldn't control their body shape and were taken out without being strict Severe damage.

The green light of the spirit eater is like a rock in a huge wave.

The power of this kind of power is naturally impossible to make the monster of this level unable to control its body shape directly.

But when it saw the emptiness around it, the head had always been a bleak face, as if it had always been a winning monster, but its face was also very personified.

"Well..." At the same time, Shuiling Er, who cast this Taoist technique, snorted, and his aura was slightly scattered. It is obvious that the true element mobilized by this method has exceeded the limit of her cultivation at the moment. The huge flow of Zhenyuan has also caused a lot of damage to her body.

"Kill!" At this moment, how could Weisuo not understand the intention of shuiling'er, and a thundering cry came out of his mouth.

One after another rippling with the brilliance of powerful power, and the light and shadow formed by the golden and Danxia light suddenly and violently impacted on the body of the spirit eating beast whose face changed greatly.

"Pa!" With a crack, the green crystal light cover and its body were directly destroyed.

"Not good!"

But at the same time, a green crystal ball general demon Dan is also flying out, at the same time, violent explosion.


A group of green light with countless dazzling beams swept hundreds of square meters in an instant.


Some of the friars of Fen Nian state, who were in the middle of it, were blown into fly ash by the dazzling light just in time to make a half scream.

"Pa!" "Pa!"

The green vigorous wind and colorful glow wrapped around the tripod Topaz cauldron burst into pieces. The huge power was not stopped until it hit the huge Yihuo Honglian on neilijiya's body.

"Yang Zhi bird! Qingluan

Ji Ya and Nangong Yuqing and others at the same time issued a startled exclamation.

Yangzhi bird and qingluan, who had just participated in the killing of spirit eating animals, were flying back and forth in the flames of the explosion. Their green light flashed and looked very miserable.

Weisuo's face turned ugly in an instant.

Self exploding demon pill!

This head devouring spirit beast is actually a direct self exploding demon pill, and the speed of this kind of monster self exploding demon pill is far higher than that of ordinary demon beasts.

Now it's not just Yangzhi bird and qingluan. Weisuo's heart biting insect is also in the power range of this spirit eating beast's self exploding golden elixir!

He had planned that if the spirit eater was still alive after being smashed to the ground, the heart eating insect would just sneak in. His heart eater was just sneaking under the spirit eater.As a result, the intelligence quotient of this devouring spirit beast is extremely astonishing. It is impossible to resist it. It directly explodes the demon pill!

At this point of view, Yangzhi bird and qingluan are both uncertain. If the heart eating insect is also killed by one blow, Weisuo will definitely vomit blood directly.

"Good! It's not killed! " The old man in the green robe, after making an air-conditioning sound, made such a cry in weissou's ear.

Yangzhi bird and qingluan are flying backward like broken kites in the air. After a while, their bodies are moving, some of them are shaking and unable to control the appearance of their figures.

At this time, shuilinger Zhenyuan lost too much time to urge the tripod Topaz tripod. However, at this time, a silver light was emitted from the tripod Topaz tripod without any pause. Then, a piece of silver haze rolled up the Yangzhi bird and qingluan. At this time, Hunyuan yinwa, dressed like a little girl, rescued Yangzhi bird and qingluan under the imperial envoy of Han Weiwei.

"Yang Qing, how are you?"

At the sight of Yangzhi bird and qingluan, Han Weiwei immediately took a cold breath. At the moment, Yangzhi bird and qingluan are just like burnt hens. Many of their feathers are black, and there are several holes in Yangzhi's body.

"I .。” Hearing Han Weiwei's voice, yangzhiniao puffs, as if she can't go on, and is about to die.

"Wow You don't want to die! What should I do if you die? I blame you. What are you doing in front of me? My body is stronger than you. " At the sight of Yangzhi bird's appearance, qingluan, however, suddenly fell on it and began to cry.

"Dame, I'm so hurt that I can't breathe. I don't really want to die. You cry. If you cry again, I will beat you! No matter what your body is, I am a man No, I'm a male bird. Of course I'm in the way. " Qingluan so a cry, Yang fat bird immediately smoked a few times, grinning in general, angry curse.

"Woo Hoo!" Yangzhi bird scolded ferociously, but the qingluan did not say anything, and sobbed beside it.

"So you can't die?" Han Weiwei couldn't help asking.

"Grandma, a self exploding demon pill, does not hurt the fatal place, probably recuperate for a month or two, it will automatically recover." Yang Zhi bird replied.

"The spirit eater is so hard to deal with and so ferocious."

Weisuo's face softened a lot when yangzhiniao said so. He felt that although the Yang Zhi bird's injury was really serious, it was still alive and stable, and there should be no problem. And at the moment, his heart eating insect, under the command of his mind, has already rushed towards him.

Now, under the self exploding demon pill of the spirit eater, there is a big pit with a radius of tens of Zhang.

But his heart eater was still alive and was crawling out of the pit.

It should be at the time when the spirit eating beast explodes the demon pill, his heart eating insect is also very quick to escape under the surface. However, more than ten feet below the ground of Beiling City, there are extremely tough Qingwu rock layers, so his heart eating insect did not escape deeply. At the moment, Weisuo could feel it. His heart eating insect also had several tentacles broken by explosion, and the damage was not small.

If he had suffered such damage, he would have been shocked and angry. But at this moment, the heart eater can survive safely and the damage is not too heavy, which is a great relief to him.

"The monster was killed by them too!"

"It's hard to imagine the magic power of the great monk Jindan!"

The hundreds of friars who were forced away by shuilinger's technique just now stood back. At the moment, they saw the spirit eating beast self exploding the demon pill, while Weisuo and others were safe and sound, which immediately sent out the loud cheers.



But at the same time, a greater roar and a thunderous cry burst out from the south.

Wei Suo and others' eyes swept, and their faces changed dramatically.

A section of the city wall with a length of 100 Zhang was actually fragmented and collapsed.

This city wall is exactly where Han Tianmo is. Previously, there were many bright moon like thunder balls shining above, almost blocking all thunder owls and biyanjiu falling from the sky. But now, as soon as the city wall collapses, these shining thunder balls also disappear. And a huge blue beast, from the collapse of the city wall with a very brutal situation arch out.

At least dozens of monks were knocked out by the huge monster, and many of them were directly twisted into two pieces by the crab claw like claws of the monster.

Wild ancient giant claw!

This wild and ancient claw has also rushed to, directly broke the hundred Zhang city wall. As soon as the city wall was broken, countless poisonous arrows and badgers swarmed in, and countless black lights shot. But in a flash, at least hundreds of friars fell down in that area.

"All back to the inner city wall defense!" Han Tianmo's howling sound is ringing again at this moment.

Han Tianmo has not yet fallen!"Go Wei Suo is also a sharp drink, three feet Topaz big Ding toward the wild ancient big claw shot away.

The crack made by this ancient giant claw is too large. Moreover, the speed and quantity of these poisonous arrow badgers are so fast that they rush into the river like a tide, and thousands of them are instantly poured in. At the moment, Weisuo and others still have a long way to go. They have to cross a small half of the city to get there. During this period, at least thousands of poisonous arrow badgers have poured in.

The inner city wall is very low, so many poisonous arrows and badgers are pouring in. In addition, the sky is full of monsters such as biyanjiu. Even if Han Tianmo doesn't fall, Beiling city will not be able to resist the monsters in a well planned way. It must be a situation of complete chaos and self-defense.

But at the moment, Weisuo has no choice. He can kill this ancient claw quickly. Without other high-level monsters coming, he may still be able to use the teleportation array. Otherwise, under the rampage of this ancient giant claw, the complete collapse of Beiling city will only happen in an instant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!