Chapter 844

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
"Ah "Mingning's body is split into several pieces, but all the flesh and blood are blooming with transparent crystal light, as if burning up, and did not die.

"How can mingning be directly vomited when the other party drinks it! Even casting is interrupted! What kind of technique is this! The power is far beyond the true words of merit and virtue! "

"Mingning was beaten to pieces

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked. All the people were pumping air.

"Hole empty footwork Is this the hole empty footwork? Who are you? " With the green bamboo stick in his hand, Dalao made an upward stroke, and a large amount of blue light rushed out, shaking out the terrible power, as if holding up a sky in an instant.

This seems to be a secret skill of melting Dharma. It combines the power of his own technique with the power of the green bamboo stick in his hand. His green bamboo stick is not ordinary. At the moment, the power of the blue sky almost keeps Wei Suo in the air.

"What's your vision? It's obviously the footwork of killing a dog. It's my secret skill of dayingfeng." But at this time, Linglong Tian's voice suddenly rings out not far from elder Da Luo's back. She walks towards elder Da Luo, as if she and elder Da Luo want to be brothers and sisters and enjoy the battle side by side.

"This man is an ordinary disciple of dayingfeng. Who is it? How dare you speak to elder Darrow like that

"What's going on here? Who the hell is this Many of the monks who saw this scene were going crazy. A Weisuo appeared in dayingfeng, which had already made their brains lose the ability to think. Now there is a disciple of dayingfeng who can flatten a blue sky on the top of the mountain. It is the old God who is there. He also says that elder darao has bad eyesight.

Almost at the moment when Linglong heaven approached Dalao, a bright light flashed in his eyes, and suddenly a white light turned into an amazing white waterfall, just like a silver dragon rushing into the sky and rushing towards Linglong sky.


With a flash of gray light, Linglong day went straight through the white waterfall and arrived at the elder's side.

What made the elder Dalao and many of the elders of the Supreme Court and the disciples of zhenzhuan completely changed their color. The brilliance of the elder Dalao was completely destroyed, and the blue sky of the power and terror suddenly disappeared.

"Is this a dog beating stick? Let me see." What's more, it's hard to imagine that elder Da Luo was really patted on the shoulder by this "Da Ying Feng disciple", and then even the green bamboo stick in his hand was taken in the past.

"I may not necessarily kill you, but you are too vicious."

At the same time, Weisuo made a sound again, as if there were gods and Buddhas in all over the sky, countless Dharma clocks and * * were in operation, and a terrible invisible power hit mingning's fragmented body again.


Mingning's body was almost beaten into a blood mist, only a group of glittering things and the blue god Qin were shining brilliantly.


Weisuo once again displayed the great white Xumi mountain and continued to suppress it.

The void is shaking. The huge power will make mingning into the blood mist, the crystal light and the blue divine Qin are all pressed to stay in the void. All the people on the scene did not expect such a thing to happen, and they had no time to stop it.

"It's too bold of you to be involved in my family of merits and virtues!"

At this time, a clear and dignified voice burst out of the void. This voice is the voice of the Lord of merit and virtue.


A layer of bright light rain suddenly shakes away from the void.

A terrible wave directly shocked all the people, and the unique breath of shenxuanjing power completely overwhelmed Wei Suo's Da Ti Xumi, making people completely flustered and suffocated.


An eye suddenly opened from the blood mist of mingning, with the supreme divine power, just like the master of gongdezong at the other end of the void, he took a look at Weisuo, and a black crystal light wrapped with black divine lines was directly nailed to Wei Suo's body like an eye.


On Weisuo's body the silver divine light blooms, issued the knock God iron sound.

A cloud of blood mist came out of weissou's back, and a penetrating wound the size of two fists had been made in his chest and back, and his spine was broken.

Mingning is extremely important, which is likely to impact on Shenxuan. There is also the mark of the master of merit and virtue. It contains something similar to the gate of Zhenwu. At the moment, it is like the master of Gongde is killing the enemy across the endless void.

"Lord!" Such means are shocking and awe inspiring, and many disciples of Gongde sect can not help shouting. The body has been hit such a wound, the spine has been broken, and the internal organs have been severely damaged. No one can insist on this kind of injury.


But to everyone's dismay, Weisuo's casting did not stop at all. The astonishing huge white Xumi mountain covered the sky, and it was still suppressed without stopping."You The leader of Gongde sect made a voice of astonishment and anger. It seemed that he had never thought that Wei Suo did not respond to such a blow.

However, the voice stopped. The suppressed power broke the crystal light and the blue divine Qin in the blood mist. Mingning seemed to utter a scream, and the eye blooming in the void was also scattered.

"Shua!" At the same time, there was a vertical eye in Weisuo's eyebrows, and the endless white light burst out from his vertical eye. In a moment, all of them were submerged in the sea formed by the white light for more than ten miles.

"The emperor's eyes are destroyed! This is the supreme secret of the emperor! This man can do this

"My God, what kind of technique is it that can isolate perception?"

"Where is he?"

For a moment, countless people screamed.

"And a lesson for you." But they were all silenced by a quiet voice from weisseau.

Wei Suo step out, directly to the side of Linglong day, his voice sounded, at the same time, the teacher who had said to suppress him Chen MI was shocked all over, and his mouth was full of blood.


Linglong day directly tore open the piece of refined gold in the package, and a small bench like green platform was taken out by Linglong day and put into Weisuo's hand. "You've been wronged, old man." At the same time, she knocked out the elder Luo, who was unable to use her real yuan and could not use her magic power, and threw it out from afar.

Without a trace of stay, Weisuo a real yuan into this piece of "Sanqing cross virtual platform".

"Sanqing cross virtual platform" immediately sent out a blue light, countless light symbols in the rotation, forming a towering blue light column, a force of unspeakable space, from the void.


Wei Suo and Linglong Tian's figure disappeared in the light column of Sanqing's crossing empty platform.


The void vibrated again, and a red flame, which was even more amazing than the speed of a meteor, broke out from one of the thirty-three Buddhist holy mountains of gongdezong as if it had opened the heaven and earth.

The whole Dami peak has collapsed, and huge cracks have appeared on the mountain. The huge rings of blue magic light on the mountainside are all torn to pieces, and the huge green gold platforms suspended one by one fall down.

Almost all the elders and the old Dongs held up a circle of brilliance and joined hands to protect the gongdezong disciples in damifeng.

This is obviously an amazing prohibition of the gongdezong, or some kind of amazing secret skill, which was issued by the old antiques at the bottom of the box among the 33 Buddhist holy mountains, or the master of the Gongde sect in his rage, which was triggered by some method.

But the red flame of the fire slowed down.

When Wei Suo and Linglong Tian were in the original position, the green small stool like "Sanqing crossing virtual platform" had exhausted its power and turned into a pile of flying ash.

Half of the amazing fire red flame penetrated into the void and exploded into a huge red lotus. The lotus petals were like giant blades spinning in the void.

But Wei Suo and Linglong Tian's figure has completely disappeared in the damifeng.

"Elder Darrow!"

The old man, who had a pavilion shaped treasure flower, yelled and rolled up the dazed elder.

"Big Ti Xumi!"

When elder daruo was struck by the light, he woke up in an instant. With a flash of dim yellow eyes, he seemed to have understood something. For no reason, he called out the four words of "Da Ti Xu Mi".

"Mahayana Dharma sound!"

"That is the strongest understanding and inheritance of Mahayana, the Dharma sound of Mahayana!"

"He got the Mahayana Dharma voice of Mahayana, the founder of the seven treasures dense land!"

Immediately, the elder Luo was incoherent and lost his treasure. If he wanted to vomit blood, he repeatedly beat his chest and yelled.

"Mahayana Dharma sound!"

The face of the old antique, whose body was transformed into a treasure flower of the size of a pavilion, was completely white.


Many of the rocks on Dami mountain have cracked and rolled down.

"Hole empty footwork It is said that Liu Zhenyu, the eldest disciple of emperor Tiandao, also fell into the sea of extinction. Is it him? " Many people think of the name of the "God of death".

"But how could he have been mixed into our gongdezong? How could he have been passed down by tathixumi and Mahayana Dharma sound?" These rolling boulders of damifeng seem to fall on the hearts of all monks present.

"He still got these two inheritances!" At this time, Mingde, who was silent in the air, was also surprised. Unlike other important figures in gongdezong, he was surprised, but his eyes were filled with unspeakable joy.


Almost at the same time, a flash of blue light, countless light symbols dissipated in the void, Wei Suo and Linglong Tian's figures appeared in one place.


As soon as Weisuo and Linglong day appeared, they looked around for a while, and they both looked at each other with , the fastest update of the webnovel!