Chapter 845

Name:Path to Heaven Author:Innocent
They were in the ruins of an ancient building.

It is estimated that this piece of ancient architecture has been more than ten thousand years old. The patterns on the ruins have been completely weathered and can not be seen completely.

From the perspective of the remains of the building, it looks like an ancient Taoist temple. Among the collapsed stones, there are ancient trees and thick vines, which exude a strong sense of desolation. The ruins seem to be small, only a thousand feet away. Their positions are in the center of the ruins.

Among the gongdezong, Wei Suo inspired Sanqing to flee northward. If he went ten thousand miles north from gongdezong, it should be in the wasteland between cities.

However, the smell of this place made Weisuo and Linglong Tiandu feel very strange for the first time. It was not in the wilderness between the cities, but in the wilderness outside the sky.

Wei Suo and Linglong Tian looked at each other in the face, and then they all moved and swept up towards the top, hoping to see clearly the situation around them.

But their figures just moved, and they just swept up less than a hundred feet toward the top. The void above was suddenly separated, and countless golden transparent crystal lights came out from it.

At the same time, the empty space close to the ground below always emits countless golden transparent crystal lights at the same time.


Weisuo did not have any hesitation, directly step out, launched the hole empty footwork. Although he did not know what the situation was, the sudden change gave him a very bad breath.

As the sun shines through the void, Weisuo and Linglong sky disappear in the same place.

But then, two people directly in front of several feet of the figure out.

Weisuo and Linglong Tian's faces suddenly changed.

At this time, the transparent golden crystal light from the upper and lower void has formed an egg shaped transparent golden light mask, which completely covers the two people.

This transparent golden light mask is obviously some kind of extremely strange prohibition. Weisuo's "hole empty footwork" has been put into effect. However, in this prohibition, one step out is only a few feet, almost like penetrating through the void in place and then coming out.

At the moment, when I was in the air of tens of Zhang, I could see that there were wild mountains and forests all around, and the scenery didn't seem to be in the sky at all.


Without any hesitation, Wei Suo's breath was surging, and he directly applied the great Xumi.

But what makes Weisuo gasp is that the part of the huge white holy mountain which was formed by tathissumi and the transparent golden light mask directly disappeared. A huge white mountain was suppressed and disappeared in the transparent golden light. The huge power of this method is not destroyed or offset, but as if the transparent golden light shield is like a gate to the void, and the huge white holy mountain directly penetrates into the void.


With a bang, Weisuo made another dark emperor sword, but just like before, the dark emperor's sword Qi just disappeared in the transparent golden light mask, as if penetrating into other void.

"What is the prohibition?"

Linglong day is also uncertain, gray aura on the body, towards the transparent golden mask approaching the past.

Weisuo had always suspected that her gray bracelet was a real immortal, and even the secret power of the supernatural power could be counteracted. However, when she touched the transparent golden light mask, the gray aura from her bracelet actually penetrated into the transparent golden light mask, just as though it had penetrated into other void. However, the transparent golden light mask was not affected at all.

Weisuo's figure moved. Not far from Linglong's body, Weisuo made a bronze flame. However, it was placed in nabao's bracelet. Only the ancient axe shaped magic weapon of the spirit rank was used as the standby spirit stone.

As soon as the magic weapon was in the transparent golden light mask, it also immediately penetrated into it, and then there was a faint sound like a broken sound.

Weisuo's face showed a slight hesitation, but then, he stretched out his hand again and reached for the transparent golden mask.

Obviously, he found that the magic power and magic power could not seem to threaten the transparent golden light shield. He wanted to test it with his physical strength.


Just as if he had broken the iron, Weisuo's fingers had just reached into the transparent golden light, and then they were crushed, revealing flesh and blood and broken bones. Wei sore a painful, stuffy hum, and withdrew his hand. After the beginning of his mind, the spirit of the sacred wood continued to flow out of the essence of life, and his hands soon resumed.

This time, he had already felt that inside the transparent golden light mask, countless void cracks were mixed together, and the power was more terrible than when the transmission array collapsed. I don't know how many times. This kind of power is either the supreme secret skill of Shenxuan's four fold and five fold power, or someone has set up a strong array to restrain it. Otherwise, even if it's a great power with double cultivation, it's impossible to play such a power and imprison him and Linglong heaven.

After taking a deep breath, Weisuo tried to run the earth mother Scripture.What made his brow even tighter was that the ancient earth mother Scripture could be used normally, which brought him a very strange feeling. It seems that the vitality and power of heaven and earth outside the transparent golden mask can be penetrated, but the power inside can not be broken out, and is directly consumed in the light wall of the transparent golden light mask.

"It seems that we have been schemed by Mingde, and he is really not kind." The sound of Linglong Tian gnashing his teeth to Weisuo's ear. The situation at this moment is obviously arranged by someone, and it is impossible to accidentally run into such a prohibition.

Weisuo did not reply, the first time will not extinguish the bottle first sacrifice out. Then he took out the ghost pot, dropped a drop of fire dragon blood into it, and summoned the green robed old man out.

"When you have time to explain what happened Have you ever seen such a ban? This kind of forbidden technique and magic weapon can't be destroyed. Inside, it looks like a void with countless space cracks. In my flesh, it is broken. But it doesn't seem to block the penetration of heaven and earth's vitality and power. " Without any hesitation, weisseau asked the old man in green to help identify the prohibition.

"We're completely locked in it?" The green robed old man also immediately exclaimed, "I have never heard of such prohibition."

This kind of prohibition is really strange for the old man in green robe. There is no large array arrangement on the ground and around it. There is no luminous Rune around it. The array seems to be directly arranged in the void.

And even if it's a space type prohibition, with Weisuo's magic power at the moment, it should be broken by force. At present, the forbidden power is too powerful, and it certainly can't be arranged by ordinary golden elixir.

"Steely girl, what else can you do to break this prohibition?" Weisuo took a deep breath, calmed his mind and asked Linglong Tian. At the same time, he looked around and felt that there was no friar around.

"There must be no problem for Sanqing to cross the virtual platform, and he can't predict which direction we're going to escape in, and how can we arrange in advance." After cursing, Linglong Tian shook his head and said, "I have no other way to break this array."

"Then we have to wait." Weisuo said, with a very gloomy face. Since such a design is designed to deal with them, it will certainly not be as simple as imprisoning them. Sooner or later, it will certainly appear.

"Why, is there nothing else to take out?"

Wei Suo and Linglong Tian just waited for less than half a stick of incense. Just outside the transparent golden light mask, less than 200 Zhang away, a group of golden light suddenly appeared, and at the same time, a somewhat frivolous voice came out. This voice is the voice of the male monk. Judging from the voice, this person should be young.

Golden light is a golden gourd the size of a house.

The golden gourd is refined from a kind of peculiar Golden Jade, which emits a peculiar Tao Yun. The translucent gourd has some texture like natural metaplasia, which makes the golden gourd not refined by a monk, but like growing on some magical plant.

This golden gourd is directly out of the void, which was previously perceived by the exquisite heaven, but was not perceived at all.

"This is the empty golden gourd!" At the sight of the gourd, Linglong Tian suddenly felt a great tremor in his body. The sound was transmitted to Weisuo's ears, which gave Weisuo the feeling that Linglong Tian was completely frightened and frightened. And even if the face of those supernatural powers, Linglong day has never been so frightened.

"Empty golden gourd, do you know the origin of this thing?" Linglong day's reaction immediately let Weisuo heart some hair, immediately also nervous transmission asked.

"Empty gourd, this is the magic weapon of void Taoist! No wonder the ban is so weird This is the inheritance of void Taoist! " The voice of Linglong day is shivering.

"Void Taoist is the strong man of your time?" Asked vissault at once. Linglong Tian was not afraid of shenxuanneng even when she was in danger with him. That's because for the monks she had seen, the general Shenxuan power was nothing. Now she was so frightened, this void Taoist must be very important.

"The void Taoist was a strong man who had succumbed to the wasteland clan at that time, and the emperor respected a great power. Moreover, his skills and techniques were all related to the force of space. For the way of emptiness, it was not comparable to that of ordinary monks." Linglong Tianmu light looks at the golden gourd in horror and transmits the sound to Weisuo's ear.

"Is it the strong one of the ancient barbarians?" Weisuo immediately took a deep breath. Having been in contact with Linglong Tian for such a long time, he was very clear about what the lingzu and huangzu meant. In addition, there were many amazing people who had never appeared in the records. That group of people completely exceeded the cognitive existence in the ordinary monastic world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!