Chapter 776

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
The scene was quiet.

Everyone is waiting to see if Lin Tianyu can come up with a good idea.

Lin Tianyu said: "I have just synthesized your opinions. The first one is that we can't attack directly. It's too much for us to afford.

"We can try to avoid hard hitting. Didn't we just take a branch in front of us? Then, we can pretend to have escaped from that branch to join this branch. As long as we camouflage enough, we should have a chance to approach or even enter the branch rudder.

"And those of us in disguise, of course, have to be all elected elites. As long as there is such a chance, I believe there will be a great chance to capture the Golden rudder master of this branch. Then, they sent people to destroy the strongholds, while the others, in the midst of the chaos, attacked them from below. In this way, we can also greatly reduce our casualties. "

When we heard this, we were also worried.

After all, it's a sensitive time to fight down. Now it's disguised and then mixed in. It seems that the hope is not too great.

In addition, this method is also used to make the front branch rudder.

Can this method still work?

One of the golden elixir of Tiandu kingdom said: "I think this method proposed by leader Lin is feasible. What's more, even if something goes wrong, we, the great monks of the golden elixir, have a chance to retreat again. "

The others nodded.

Indeed, if the first to go up, only some golden elixir, even if there is any mistake, return, or full of possibility. Therefore, there is no big loss.

"Good! It's settled. Act now

Immediately, among these people, he found out a figure and appearance, all of which were similar to the three or four golden elixir friars from the Chang helmsman in the front branch rudder. Moreover, this golden elixir is just a physical practitioner. Therefore, Lin Tianyu immediately passed on that he could control the changes of facial muscles through body repairing meridians, and the method of changing the face was given to the opposite party. After further modification, he was as good as the leader of the Chang helmsman.

Then, he picked out ten strong golden elixir monks and changed their clothes. Some even deliberately made some blood stains on their bodies. It showed that he had been through a hard fight.

Then, he repeated the thought out speech in advance and set out.

A group of twelve men headed for the helm.

When we got to the outside of the branch rudder, there was still a hundred meters to go. The helmsman Chang had already jumped out of the crowd. By the way, the sub rudder called out: "golden helmsman, Chang someone is here. Please open the door and let me in. Chang, however, has great news to bring to you. "

At this time, in the high place inside the branch rudder, a man of extraordinary bearing came out and said in a loud voice, "is the opposite one the helmsman Chang?"

The helmsman Chang stepped forward two steps and said, "the gold helmsman is Chang Mou."

The Golden rudder Master said, "helmsman Chang, why did you come to my small branch. Now, at such a critical time, aren't you supposed to be in your branch and keep your branch well? "