Chapter 777

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
Helmsman Chang didn't speak. He sighed heavily first.

Then, Chang rudder Master said: "gold helmsman, don't mention it! You are in bad luck

The Golden rudder master on the opposite side said, "helmsman Chang, what's going on? Tell me. "

The helmsman Chang sighed again and said, "my branch rudder is gone! I have nowhere to go. I'm here to take refuge in you

"What's going on?" The Golden rudder Master said, "is it possible that the branch of Chang's helmsman has been beaten down by the other party?"

"Who said no," said Chang. Damn it, the one who attacked my branch rudder was actually led by monk Yuanying's great ability. Fortunately, someone often saw the opportunity fast enough and slipped early. Otherwise, you will not see the Golden rudder. "

"Ah! So it is

The gold rudder main side to reply, the edge of the corner of the light, swept the branch gate on both sides, buried under the hands. At this time, the people below made a sign to the Golden rudder master that everything was ready. The gold rudder Lord nodded with satisfaction, and his face showed a faint smile.

Then, the golden helm Master said, "since the helmsman Chang is in such a difficult situation, I have to help you. Good! Open the door and let the helmsman come in. "


The door of the branch rudder opened in the soft sound.

At this time, a Jindan friar in Tiandu national army sent a message to everyone and said, "attention! It doesn't seem right. "

Lin Tianyu said, "what's going on? Just now, I also clearly felt that something was wrong. "

The other side then whispered: "just now, when the golden helmsman was talking to us, he inadvertently glanced at the place where the branch rudder gate was located. If I'm right, there must be an ambush waiting for us behind the gate

Lin Tianyu suddenly understood and said, "no wonder I just felt something wrong. i see. By the way, just now, I felt something wrong. It was the golden helmsman who suddenly laughed. It was a sinister feeling

Therefore, at present, all of us were given a voice warning. After entering the door, they immediately launched the most powerful undifferentiated attack on the back of the gate.

After listening to the transmission, everyone knew it from the bottom of their hearts. In the reminder, all the people did not even nod their heads. Try to keep the same as completely not found, and then, before the other party is ready to attack himself and others, give the other party a fierce.

Slowly, twelve people, gradually close to the gate.

In the transmission, it has even been agreed that all the people will suddenly attack the left side and strive to cause the greatest damage to all the people on the left side in an instant. Moreover, it is estimated that this completely sudden attack should give the opponent a little time. Then, some people turn back to block the attack on the right.

Then, twelve people, getting closer and closer to the gate.

From the gate, there are still 30 meters, 20 meters, 10 meters


Twelve people rushed out together. Then, all the weapons were in hand. They flashed into the gate, and all of them launched a fierce attack to the left.


At the back of the gate, when the ten golden elixir monks hidden on the left did not respond, a wave of attack launched by the twelve directly knocked them all to the ground. Even, several of them were seriously injured in the sudden attack. And none of the rest of them were hurt.