Chapter 2140

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
However, when the king of desert cancer looked back and wanted to find the door again, he saw nothing at all.

Lin Tianyu's voice sounded again and said, "here, I am the Supreme God, submit to me."

Cancer king saw that the door had disappeared.

Moreover, this meeting, Lin Tianyu once again asked it to submit.

All of a sudden, it completely infuriated cancer King's ferocious nature as a fierce beast.

It suddenly turned his head and glared at Lin Tianyu fiercely. Then, he rushed to Lin Tianyu. Looking at that posture, it is clear that this time, it has made up its mind to kill Lin Tianyu in any case.

Lin Tianyu looked at the cancer king who suddenly and ferociously rushed to him and said, "why, don't you want to surrender? You want to show off? Give it to me

The cancer king, who was originally attacking Lin Tianyu, was directly set in place with the word "Ding" in his mouth. However hard he pushed his killing legs, he could not move any further.

At this time, the cancer king still had the ferocious nature of the beast, and even, in his eyes, there was a clear flicker of fear.

However, this is clearly not to the extent of its complete submission.

Lin Tianyu looked at the cancer king for a while and then said, "give it to me!"

Then, visible to the naked eye, cancer king is directly by a strong force, to the ground. Several times cancer king wants to wave his crab leg to stand up. But it can't do it at all.

Finally, can only be helpless belly stick to the ground, can not move.

Cancer King's eyes inside the color, also become more afraid.

Even, when looking at Lin Tianyu, it is no longer the feeling of looking at a tiny human being. It felt vaguely that this was the man he could not provoke.

Lin Tianyu approached the cancer king and said, "now, may I submit to you?"

But cancer king still did not express the foreign service.

Although it is completely afraid of this human. Let it just surrender to a human being. It's still reluctant.

Lin Tianyu said again: "pressure!"

With the word export, the cancer King's whole body is subjected to an unprecedented pressure, constantly began to squeeze its body. Soon, cancer King's body, there are already a line of cracks, blood four flow.

Lin Tianyu was very calm: "when did you choose to surrender? Let me know."

Said, no longer care about that head of cancer king.

Let that pressure continue to pressure cancer king.

After a while, this cancer king is not only the surface of the body appeared a series of cracks. Even, the cancer King's body, under such a pressure, has begun to deform.

Lin Tianyu looked at the cancer king under such a pressure, and he was a little worried.

If you squeeze it down like this again, it will not be the cancer king who will die here directly.

Lin Tianyu spent so much trouble, it is not just to kill this cancer king. He's going to take over the cancer king.

Only by taking this cancer king, can it give orders to stop the attack of those cancer outside.

Otherwise, with the ferocity of these desert crabs.

Don't kill all the people outside. They don't stop.