Chapter 2141

Name:Peerless Blade God Author:Yang Huo
However, although the cancer king is about to be crushed to death by the force in the space of Tiandao.

But Lin Tianyu did not want to withdraw the idea of strength.

However, he knew that if he wanted to subdue such a fierce beast king as cancer king, he must completely subdue it once and for all. Otherwise, as long as you give it a breath, the next time you want to take it, it will be more difficult.

Under that constant pressure, cancer King's body has been completely deformed.

It is estimated that if it is pressed down, it will become a pile of minced meat.

Lin Tianyu also hesitated.

Is this really a cancer king who would rather die than surrender?

But at this time, an idea passed into Lin Tianyu's mind.

"Surrender! I will submit to my master

Ha ha ha

It was a real success.

That's exactly the idea that cancer King sends out.

Lin Tianyu also quickly contacted the knife and let it completely remove the squeezing force. However, just now, the cancer king was injured too seriously under such a crushing force. To this meeting, with that squeeze force completely removed, cancer king is directly a body tilt, fell on the ground.

However, the supernatural beast is the divine beast in the end.

Although the injury was so serious. However, as soon as the squeezing force is gone, it is slowly recovering.

Looking at this fallen cancer king, Lin Tianyu frowned again.

Such a look of cancer king, how to order those all the cancer.

It looks so weak, I'm afraid not to wait for it to order other cancer. Those cancer will attack it in turn. With the ferocity of desert cancer, if you find a chance to kill the king. They certainly will not miss this opportunity. Then, the other cancer will compete for the king.

If cancer king wants to order all desert cancer, it must be in good condition. With the majesty of cancer king, it can play a role.

It can be seen from the recovery speed of this injury.

It may take another day to get the cancer king back to his old style.

One day, but can those who are fighting outside, can they wait a day?

No way.

You can't do this. Wait.

Lin Tianyu thought about it and called out: "knife."

In front of him came a boy named Lin Tianyu.

The little boy said, "master, is there anything else I can tell you?"

Lin Tianyu said, "Xiaodao, can you help him recover the injury on his body as quickly as possible?"

Lin Tianyu said, pointing to the desert cancer king.

The knife looked at the desert cancer King's body, all over his body. He felt some flesh ache and said, "the way is there. It's just that I have to divide some of my Tao principles which have just been condensed into a few more to give it."

Naturally, Lin Tianyu knows the Tao in xiaodaokou very clearly.

Because he used that rule himself.

Lin Tianyu said: "with the Dao principle, you can speed up the recovery of the injury on its body."

The knife nodded and said, "of course, it can speed up the recovery of his injury. And, almost immediately, it will recover. Even if this desert cancer absorbs the power of those principles, it will be blessed by misfortune and get a great chance. "

"Then help him recover quickly."

Lin Tianyu said it seriously, and Xiaodao didn't refute it.

Then, on a face of meat pain led to the road, into the cancer King's body inside.