In a villa in the suburb of Haitian city --


Li Tian, the owner of the Li family, dropped his purple coral tea cup on the ground, and his face muscles beat.

"What did you say? Who hit you? It's that bastard again. How can it be? How can it be? I really think the Li family is easy to get into trouble? "

Looking at his little son's swollen face, even the watchdog didn't recognize him and almost bit him. Li Tian was furious on the chest.

Someone dares to beat his son.

Especially when he knew that Lin ruofeng was the one who beat his little son, he was almost furious.

"Tu Da!"

Li Tianshen cried.

"The old slave is here!"

Tu Da came to Li Tian like a ghost.

"Now the wind is over."

Li Tian's eyes twinkled with crazy light and said, "can you still contact your martial brothers? I'll kill Lin ruofeng, no matter what the cost. "

"Good! I'm going to contact my brothers! "

Tu spoke in a deep voice.


in the past two days, Lin ruofeng has not returned to Xiaolin village. He has been staying in Haitian city.

Every night, he and Su Yiyi linger until midnight.

The reason why he stayed in Haitian city was not lust for beauty, but promised Wang Yan to demonstrate how xiaoqingcai danced.

To this end, Lin ruofeng specially prepared a very large basin, filled with soil in the basin, arranged a small spirit gathering array, and then planted small vegetables.

In two days, the cabbage has grown a lot, and the swing of the leaf is also very obvious.

It's time to show how vegetables dance.

In the past two days, there is a very hot topic in Haitian University, that is, the famous dancing vegetables on the Internet have appeared in the canteen, and they are officially on sale at noon today.

As for the canteen for sale, it turned out to be the canteen where the poisoning incident happened.

Is that true?

Or is it just a gimmick for the canteen to attract students?

Opinions vary.

However, at noon today, some students found that a simple high platform was set up at the entrance of the canteen.

What's going on?

Think of these two days in the campus spread things, although there are many people do not believe, but there are still part of the lively do not dislike things big students came to the canteen door early, surrounded the high platform.

At 10:30 at noon, Wang Yan appeared at the gate of the canteen. Looking at the crowd in front of the canteen, she was excited.

Today, she specially ordered the chef of the canteen to cook a lot more food. She wanted to fight once.

"It's half past ten now. Can it be done?"

"That's right. If I don't show up again, I'm going to have dinner. Is the demonstration of dancing vegetables a kind of hype in the canteen?"

"I'll go. If it's fake, I swear that I will never step into this canteen in the remaining three years of Haitian University."

Under the stage, there was a lot of discussion.

Just when some people had already left, Lin ruofeng appeared.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Lin ruofeng jumped onto the high platform with a microphone in his hand, just like a host.

"Why? Isn't that the head of Xiaolin village? "

"Yes, that's him. I remember. His name is Lin ruofeng."

"It seems that the dancing vegetables are planted in Xiaolin village. The canteen invited him here. Is it true that the canteen is going to sell dancing vegetables?"

College students are a group of idle egg pain people, is undoubtedly the highest degree of attention to the network group.

Therefore, as soon as Lin ruofeng stood up, he was recognized.

"Well, thank you all."

Lin ruofeng said with a smile, "it seems that I have become a net star."

As soon as Lin ruofeng's voice fell, a burst of laughter came from below.

"You are already a net star."

"Yes, now everyone calls you brother Qingcai."

"Brother green vegetables?"

The corner of Lin ruofeng's mouth twitched and said, "who's the name? Stand up for me. I promise I won't kill him."

Words fall, the following is a burst of laughter.

When the roar of laughter faded away, Lin ruofeng said, "well, no bullshit. When you come here today, you must want to see how xiaoqingcai dances, not me. So let's skip the foreplay and go straight to the theme."

Lin ruofeng waved his hand, and two canteen masters came up with a big basin.

At this time, the big basin is covered with a red cloth, and the big basin is tightly covered.

After putting the big basin on the high platform, the two canteen masters went down."Cough, please open your eyes."

Seeing that most of the students were staring at the big basin in front of them, Lin ruofeng said, "the time to witness the miracle is coming."

After that, Lin ruofeng directly took off the red cloth on the big basin.

After a short silence, there was a sudden burst of noise in the crowd.

Because they really saw the dancing vegetables.

The real sense of seeing and watching the video is totally different. It's just like watching the making love between the dust machine and the real weapon. It's a truth that the feeling is different.

It's magic to watch the video on the computer. Now it's more magic to see the real one.

As a result, people took out their mobile phones to take photos and videos, and posted them to their circle of friends.

Yao Dan, one of the flower of Haitian University.

At this time, she is reading in the school library, at this time, one of her pursuers sent her a small video.

Yao Dan chuckled, ready to close QQ, but at this time, her pursuer sent her a message.

"Dan, in front of the canteen, dancing vegetables, live version."

See this news, demon Dan heart move, she thought of the last two days in the campus spread about the news of small vegetables.

So, with a curious attitude, she reluctantly used 4G traffic to open the video.

After watching, the beautiful eyes of the boss, eyes full of incredible look.

So, she hastened to clean up, she will go to see the dancing vegetables.

However, before leaving, she did not forget to upload this little video to her circle of friends.

In Haitian University, there are many pursuers of Yao Dan, and many men set her as a special relationship person.

So as soon as the news of Yao Dan was released, many men saw it.

"Wow, the goddess is moving."

"Wow, the dancing real life version of xiaoqingcai. It seems that the rumors of these two days are true."

"Wow, the goddess has gone too. I'm going too. I'm going to meet the goddess by chance."

It can be said that in the campus, the spread of information is too fast.

Within a few minutes, the news spread all over the campus.

As a result, the library, playground, dormitory, as long as there are people, you can see the flow of people gathered, all toward the canteen.

Soon, outside the high platform, it was surrounded by three layers inside and three layers outside.

All the people who come here are worthy of the trip, because they are seeing the dancing vegetables.

"Click, click!"

The continuous sound of taking photos makes Lin ruofeng feel like a big star.

Looking at the time, at 11:30, the demonstration has been for an hour. By this time, all the students should have come.

There's no need for further demonstration.

So, Lin ruofeng covered the basin with red cloth, held the microphone, and raised his voice and said, "OK, so far for the demonstration. At noon today, the canteen has already launched this mushroom dance vegetable. Students who want to taste it should seize the time." After Lin ruofeng's reminder, everyone reacted one after another, and then swarmed to the canteen.