New York City, ambrera company, underground laboratory.

When Victor Frankenstein and his assistant Adam came to chenmo's world, they joined the gene research department and studied the venom obtained from the waste land world with al.

It has to be said that a few days ago, after the Frankenstein Adam implanted the T virus, the cells in the body quickly revived, healed all the scars on the body, and produced the mental power.

In addition to the transformation of Adam by nano medicine, it basically didn't take a few days. He became a handsome young man and completely became normal.

In this regard, Dr. Victor is also very excited. At least the first man-made by himself looks like a real human.

"Dr. Victor, is there any progress in the study of venom?"

In the bright laboratory, Chen Mo stared at Dr. Victor working and said thoughtfully.

"Well, there has been some progress. Because this venom is an alien symbiont and can replicate superpowers, we implanted the X gene for experiments. "

Dr. Victor stopped his hand and explained patiently to Chen mo.

"What about the result?" Chen Mo smiles and looks at Dr. victor.

"As a result of 300 experiments and tests, we have successfully fused a power with human venom? As long as they are attached to humans, they can not only enhance human strength, but also use the power of venom for a short time. "

Dr. Victor looked at Chen Mo's interested appearance and couldn't help dancing.

"Well, can the venom replicate and mass produce this alien symbiont?"

Thinking of the value of the venom, Chen Mo asks what he is most concerned about.

Because venom is a biotechnology suit, it can increase the host. At the same time, if you have a power, it is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Yes! The original venom has been locked up by us as a gene bank, and the new venom has been cultivated by us to be more stable. "

Dr. Victor said with a smile, obviously full of confidence.

"Yes, in half a month, I want a set of venom armor. You can implant the ability of instant movement for me. This is useful to me!"

Chen Muruo looked at Dr. Victor thoughtfully and said his requirements.

With that, Chen Mo disappeared into the laboratory and went to altron to lock faith's position. Anyway, he was more relieved about his scientific research ability.

At the same time, when Chen Mo's eyes were on faith, the other party also found Batman's position, that is, in another bar of the blood family.

In a word, Batman is very powerful. Since he killed a group of blood clans with Chen mo the day before yesterday, he continued to destroy the vampire stronghold for a moment in the next few days.

And no blood race survived everywhere, so in the face of Batman's provocation, faith angrily asked his men to step up their efforts to find it.

Finally, when Batman attacked the blood industry again, faith took 200 people to block Batman's way and didn't give him any chance to escape.

At the door of the bar, faith looked proudly at the Batman inside and the ashes everywhere. His eyes were gloomy and terrible, like a tyrannical lion.

"You are the clown in Batman. Why can't you get along with our blood family." Faith looked at Batman and questioned.

"Hehe, what's strange about this? After all, I am the guardian of the night, and you are the destroyer of the night."

Faced with faith's question, Batman gave a sneer, and some looked at him with disdain.

"Those don't make sense, blade warrior, or Batman. Now I'll give you a chance to join our blood clan! " Faith walked slowly to the front and said softly in an induced tone: "think about it, human beings only have a life span of decades, but joining us can always maintain youth and become the supreme race! Replace mankind! "

Unfortunately, in the face of faith's induction, Batman looked at him like a fool, as if faith thought it was too simple.

Because on the face of it, the number of superheroes has become more and more. Superheroes exist in almost every city. Otherwise, the power of blood clan will not be further weakened. Until now, it is about to become extinct.

In particular, vampires in the Americas have basically become the soil for survival. Basically, every day, some blood families are destroyed by nosy superheroes for various reasons.

It can be said that at present, except that there are no superheroes in New York City, and there are blood clan elders who barely maintain the whole ethnic group, the rest of the blood clan have no power.

To make matters worse, Chen Mo also labeled New York City as his own when it was behind. It is estimated that Chen Mo will start annexing New York City in a short time.

"Stupid blood clan! I don't know who gave you confidence, but you can wake up. "

Batman looked at faith with disdain, threw out several bat darts, pulled out the folded samurai sword and rushed towards the blood clan.

"Shoot!" For Batman's attitude, faith knew that the plan to recruit him had failed, so he had to order his men to attack immediately.

"Poof poof!" Several silver plated darts, which accurately crossed a few radians, easily destroyed the three blood families protecting faith and turned them into ashes.

"What?" Feeling the deadly danger, faith subconsciously took a step back and hid behind his little brother to avoid becoming a target for Batman.

After that, faith's men shot Batman indiscriminately with small caliber pistols such as revolvers.

Strangely, when the bullets hit his suit, he was bounced back by the tough bat suit, which did no harm to Batman at all.

After all, the products made by Bruce Wayne's company are of guaranteed quality. If they are easily broken, he won't be called Batman.

Of course, later, Batman and Superman still had a fight, but Superman had absolute power to break the enhanced bat armor.

After watching Batman so powerful, faith could only leave some of his men to fight Batman, and he ran away with his little brother.

At least, although faith is arrogant, he also knows that Batman is not so easy to provoke, so faith is ready to find the ancient ceremony of sacrifice in the book of the dead, turn himself into the legendary blood god, and have the absolute power to surpass Batman.