Three days later, the blood clan settled in the blood temple.

Faith looked frantically at the center of the altar. The twelve elders who were tied up and constantly cursed him showed a proud smile.

Yes, three days ago, after a war with Batman, faith ended in a disastrous defeat and had to flee back in frustration.

As a result, after coming back, the dissatisfaction of the elders was inevitable, so in the end, fisso simply locked them up and prepared to use them as sacrifices for the blood god ceremony in advance.

Because faith knew that only if he became the God of blood, he would have unparalleled power. At that time, although he could not rule mankind, he could at least occupy New York City and expand the territory of blood clan survival.

Originally, faith was going to wait a little longer for the blood god ceremony, but now there are strong enemies, so faith can't wait that long.

Moreover, for the legendary blood god ceremony, faith had long found the blood of a blood family called the day walker. With the sacrifice of twelve purebred vampire elders, he would be a hundred times stronger than now.

It has to be said that the day walker is a kind of half vampire, a blood family that can survive in the sun. In order to find his blood, faith finally found a little black boy under countless hardships, and successfully extracted enough sacrificial blood from him.

However, the little black boy he found was not so lucky. The original blade soldiers existing in multiple timelines disappeared into the sand of time.

"Master, you can start. You are about to become the supreme blood god!"

Faith's men looked at faith and said respectfully.

"Good, put in the blood of the day Walker we collected before!" With that, faith gave the order.

At this time, after faith gave the order, his men poured the preserved blood of the day Walker into the altar of the blood god ceremony, allowing the blood to flow gradually along the track of the ceremony.

According to the records of the book of the underworld, the blood of the day Walker flowed along the ancient Rune track, divided into twelve drops of blood and flowed towards the positions of the twelve elders.

Looking at the flowing blood in front of him, the twelve elders quickly struggled to prevent the opening of the ceremony, but they were soon found by faith's men and caught the drop of blood with their foreheads.

At this time, the whole blood temple was quiet and looked at the altar ceremony quietly. The eyes of the whole blood clan are full of respect and faith, as if waiting for their own Lord to come.

Strictly speaking, there are no strong people in the blood clan, especially the blood clan at the ancestor level, so when faith wanted to carry out this ceremony, he was enthusiastically supported by his subordinates.

At the same time, on the dome of the altar, under the flow of blood, it gradually gathered towards the center of the groove. As long as the rune is constructed and a drop of blood drops, faith can become a blood god.

Soon, the rune was quickly filled with blood, the whole ceiling also built an abstract picture, and the blood in the center was about to fall.

At this moment, a mysterious force is gradually forming, as if hidden in the rules of the world.

"Finally succeeded. I'm faith and the God of blood!"

Faith raised his head, looked at the blood gathered, and couldn't help getting excited.

The rest of the blood clan are also extremely looking forward to this moment. They hope that faith will become the God of blood and find a new living space for them.

Then, the blood finally dripped down and was firmly caught by faith's forehead.

In an instant, at the beginning of the ceremony, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and a huge thunder light also hit the lightning rod of the blood temple and passed down along the iron chain.

When the lightning passed down, the whole temple glittered with dazzling light, and the twelve lightning struck the forehead of the twelve elders.

Suddenly, the twelve elders uttered a scream, and gray bats hovered in the temple, as if they were looking for something.

After the complete sacrifice, the twelve elders also completely disappeared, turned into the purest energy and flew towards the position of faith.

In almost a few seconds, the gray bat disappeared into faith, and a huge force was completely integrated with faith.

"Roar!" After the successful integration, faith made a ferocious roar, and at the same time, he also sent out amazing pressure. Such a level of power even made the blood families in the blood Temple tremble.

"Blood god faith! Blood god faith!... " After the success of the ceremony, countless blood families enthusiastically cheered to celebrate the complete birth of their God.

When the blood temple made a deafening sound, Chen Mo came here calmly, looked up at the blood temple in front of him and showed a smile.

"Who?" Just after Chen Mo arrived here, the two blood families guarding the door suddenly gave a scolding sound and looked at Chen Mo in front of him vigilantly.

They know very well that faith is carrying out the blood god ceremony. It's best not to be disturbed by any outsiders. Otherwise, if he falls short, it will be a great loss to the blood family.

"Hehe, of course it's me. I'm human?" Facing the questions from the two vampires, Chen Mo just said with a smile.

"Hum!" Looking at Chen Mo's indifferent expression, the two blood families showed a trace of anger. Before they could hesitate, they ran in the direction of Chen Mo, as if they wanted to catch the boy who didn't know the greatness of heaven and earth.

However, as soon as they reached out, Chen Mo's hands erupted into an electric light. He only saw countless slender electromagnetic flying needles, which pierced them like a rainstorm.

"Ah! You! " After the electromagnetic flying needle was turned into a hedgehog by them, the two blood families looked at Chen Mo incredibly. Unexpectedly, he suddenly changed so many steel needles.

Because the blood clan has strong vitality and self-healing ability, at least under such a blow, it will not see God directly like ordinary people.

If you take out these steel needles and add a little blood, you may recover quickly. In general, blood clan still has a little advantage over ordinary people.

Chen Mo looked at the two miserable blood families without expression and said to them faintly:

"Well, it's hard for you. Compared with this, I'll go to see your blood god faith. By the way, let him be my man. After all, my Apocalypse organization needs talents. "

Then, ignoring what they thought, Chen Mo took out the Thor hammer from the storage space and went straight into the blood temple.