In the blood temple, after the ceremony, faith completely became an immortal blood god, and his momentum was countless times stronger than before.

However, after faith successfully became the God of blood, the thunderbolt of lightning and the scream of blood clan broke out outside.

"Who?" When he felt that the people outside the blood temple were unusual, faith raised his head and looked at the door of the temple.

Soon, faith saw an Asian man smashing his men out with a strange hammer. Almost everywhere he went, a blood race could resist his power.

"What are you waiting for? Shoot quickly!"

Knowing the strength of the enemy in front of him, looking at the stunned blood families in the blood temple, faith couldn't help roaring.

Because the enemy has hit the door of his house, and no matter what the other party's purpose is, it may be their enemy, so faith looked at his men like this and was a little angry.

"Bang bang!" After being awakened by faith with the roar of blood god power, the other blood families also took out weapons to destroy the invader.

However, in the face of the intensive attacks of the blood clan, Chen Mo did not dodge. Everything close to him was controlled by his power and directly accelerated to throw it to them.

When many blood clans knew that the shooting was invalid, they threw away their weapons and ran recklessly towards Chen Mo's position, trying to prove their strength in front of faith.

However, their ideas were good and right, but they still underestimated Chen Mo's strength. They were almost knocked down by Chen mo before they got close.

"It seems that we have to fight with him before we can know his identity."

On one side of faith, looking at Chen Mo's unstoppable attack, he couldn't help showing a trace of expectation and wanted to use his blood god power to test the strength of the other party.

Compared with faith's meditation, Chen Mo walked towards him without delay, and there was no blood family one meter close to him.

Without a minute, after dealing with all the rebellious blood families, Chen Mo stood on the altar and looked at faith in front of him expressionless.

"You are faith. It seems that you have just become a blood god, but your strength is not too strong?"

Chen Mo looks up at faith and says with some disappointment.

"Hum, who is your excellency? How dare you come to the holy land of our blood family. " Faith asked him coldly, obviously very dissatisfied.

If it hadn't been for that, faith knew that the other party was strong and probably would have sucked up the other party's blood. He couldn't have talked nonsense with him.

"Superhero, you can call me that, or super villain, that's all."

Chen Mo waved to faith and said it didn't matter at all.

"Hum, I don't care if you are a superhero or not. You must pay the price today."

After being beaten in the face by Chen Mo, faith rushed at Chen Mo without hesitation, trying to kill him and maintain his dignity.

Looking at the broken sound around him, Chen Mo didn't use the power of Thor's hammer, but raised his left hand and released a dense electromagnetic flying needle.

In an instant, when Chen Mo released tens of thousands of electromagnetic flying needles, the advancing faith had become a sieve. Unexpectedly, after faith became a sieve, his action was still not limited, and those steel needles recovered immediately under faith's blood god constitution.

Almost along the way, countless steel needles fell to the ground like rain.

"Blood control!" Before and after reaching Chen Mo's face, faith roared and used the talent of the blood clan.

In less than three seconds, Chen Mo could feel the change that his blood seemed to flow back. He just smiled disdainfully at faith's attack, and directly shook faith's power away with his electromagnetic force.

"Damn it!" Feeling his strength and unable to manipulate his blood, faith opened his teeth and wanted to bite his neck.

Because faith is quite confident about his bite force. Even if the so-called superhero is strange, at least he can suck up his blood by relying on the constitution of the blood god.

"Click!" As faith gets closer and closer to Chen Mo, Chen Mo gently lifts the Thor hammer and releases an electric light.

"Ah!" Just for a moment, faith's body became dark and gave off a burnt smell.

But Chen Mo knows that such damage is not worth mentioning for faith. At least he has integrated the power of blood God and his self-healing power has completely surpassed Wolverine.

Then, after recovering his injury, faith rushed towards Chen Mo all the time, as if he wanted to solve this thorny enemy.

"Boring tricks!" Seeing that faith still didn't give up the attack, Chen Mo reluctantly shook his head, raised the Thor hammer and began to liberate the power of the neutron star.

Speaking of it, Chen mogang is just playing with faith. By the way, check his strength and see how valuable each other is.

As a result, after fighting with him, Chen Mo knows the strength of the other party. If he is serious, faith's strength should surpass Green Lantern and Batman, and ordinary enemies can't fight faith at all.

When the neutron star power was just liberated, the advancing faith movement suddenly stalled. Then, he fell to the ground and was pressed by the gravity field.

Except that faith lost the room to resist, the other blood families did not escape this range and were completely suppressed by Chen Mo's power.

"All right, faith, the game is over! Don't make meaningless resistance! "

Chen Mo slowly came to faith, stepped on his face and said something boring.

"What the hell do you want, asshole?" Faith growled at Chen mo.

Because he had just become the God of blood, he was hit by such a strong enemy, so the arrogant faith couldn't accept it for a time.

"I don't want anything? Just want to take a man. Of course, you can refuse, but I have another way! "

With that, Chen Mo gradually put his hand on his shoulder, injected a special electromagnetic force, and implanted electrons into all faith's cells.

"Damn it, what are you doing?" After feeling the subtle changes in the cell, faith struggled desperately to avoid such things.

"Ha ha, of course it's a special force. If you don't obey, you will touch it and dissipate in the world."

Chen Mo looked at faith and smiled meaningfully.