Prince Eric chuckled and raised up the sheath of his sword, "You're not the only one who uses the sheath for battle." After he said that, the sheath broke.

"Impressive," Sandlot commented.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He raised the sheath in the last minute to minimize the damage of Captain Jacob's attack," he replied.

I looked back at Jacob worriedly. Jacob sighed and gripped the handle of his sword tighter. He did not seem worried. As a matter of fact, it looked like he expected it. Without warning, Prince Eric attacked. Jacob blocked with his sword and pushed the prince off of him but the prince delivered another swing. Soon, I noticed that Jacob was on defense and kept stepping back.

Then, BANG! It was too quick again. Prince Eric with his other hand took his gun and shot at Jacob when he blocked. Thankfully, Jacob dodged it. Prince Eric kept on firing shots at Jacob as the latter dodged as fast as he could. However, the prince was adamant in ending Jacob's life as he combined his sword attacks and gun fires. Jacob was forced to be on the defensive mode and I could tell that it is what Prince Eric wanted.

What I feared the most happened a moment later. Prince Eric disarmed Jacob. Jacob fell back on the ground but made sure the prince went down with him. Eric pulled the trigger. BANG! Then, there was a deafening silence after. Everyone became tense at once. 

We did not wait any longer. I saw Prince Eric's shoulders move and then we heard his laughter. NO!!!! Did he kill Jacob?

"Jacob, I despise you," the prince said and coughed out blood.

I got confused so I looked at the two closely. Jacob was under him. I saw blood but I was not sure who it belonged to. Jacob moved his hand in a twisting motion. More blood came out from Prince Eric's mouth.

"For all the pain you caused her," Jacob said and pulled out the hilt. It was his broken sword from the beginning of the fight. He was able to get a hold of it when he fell on the ground.

He pushed the prince off of him and that's when I saw his hand holding on to Eric's gun. He forced it away from Eric's hand before throwing it away. I finally understood what happened! Jacob was holding the barrel and was able to redirect it away from him when Eric pulled the trigger. His hand was left bloody though because the bullet might've scraped it as it passed through.

Jacob quickly stood up and watched as the prince tried to catch his final breaths. Eric looked at him with eyes filled with disdain! "For all the pain I caused her? Who? Editha or Yazmine?" Eric asked him while he bled.

"Justice served," Jacob replied. "For all of them… those you killed and hurt but especially Editha."

Prince Eric widened his eyes in anger as his body convulsed. Then, he was still. His eyes were still open but he was gone. Jacob sighed at the sight of Prince Eric. He knelt down and closed the prince's eyes.

"FIRE!!!" I heard someone cry from the Beckforth's troops. We immediately ducked and fired back. 

That's all we could do! I watched in terror as Beckforth's troops came closer and closer to where we were. My crewmates were taking some hits as well. They were just scrapes for now but still, the moment those soldiers come close, it will be the end of us! Paco threw out the last of our explosives. It took out some of the Beckforth soldiers but those who weren't taken out continued on their pursuit.

We thought we were goners but then there was another war cry! Francuan soldiers chased after the Beckforth troops. I sighed in relief as the last of the enemy soldiers in the manor grounds dropped dead while the others surrendered. 

Then, I saw the familiar figure of Prince Bernard riding in our direction. When he reached me, he dismounted. 

"I was informed of what had happened. Forgive me if I had come later than expected," he told me and sighed as he saw the current state of the manor. "Lord Richard?"

I shook my head. "He did not make it. Thaddaeus, one of my crewmates, made sure his corpse was safe."

He nodded. Jacob walked towards us and introduced himself, "Jacob Alon, Your Highness. I am her husband," he said and motioned me.

I widened my eyes as I turned to Jacob. My face was red with embarrassment. I could not even deny what he said. I looked back at the Crown Prince and opened my mouth. However, nothing came out.

Prince Bernard chuckled. He held out his hand, "Finally, in the flesh. I've heard so much about you. The lost heir of Filiphin?"

Jacob accepted the Prince's handshake, "I am NOT the only heir."

Prince Bernard smirked and then looked at me. "Husband, eh? I did not recall being invited to your wedding," he teased.

Jacob answered for me, "It was unofficial. But, it would be an honor if you would make it to our ceremony."

Prince Bernard smiled, "I'll certainly wait for the invitation." Then he looked back at me, "I will be sending food rations for your people. Mother would insist that you come to the palace for the night."

I shook my head, "I should be here with my people. I will be alright. Please, tell Queen Catherine that."

Prince Bernard nodded then tapped Jacob's shoulder, "Thank you for helping us defeat that vile prince. Some of the soldiers will help with the clean up. We will make sure all the corpses are gone before nightfall."

"What will happen to Beckforth and all the overseas territories?" Jacob asked. His voice filled with concern.

Prince Bernard smiled at him, "I'll try to get some information and I will call for you to inform you," he said before he left us and ordered his man to gather all the corpses for mass burial.

Thaddaeus came back with my father's remains and we had his funeral right away. We buried him beside what was left of the manor. Everyone helped in building a magnificent tombstone. It was already sunset when we finished and the last of my tears fell.

I felt Jacob intertwined his fingers with mine as he held my hands. "Your husband is here," he teased to make me laugh.

I closed my eyes and I couldn't help but chuckle, "I can't believe you told the Prince that."

"We were married in Palavana," he told me and winked.