It took five more days before all of Beckforth's troops and their allies in all of Francua were subdued. Most of them surrendered right away after learning that Prince Eric was no more. These soldiers admitted that they were just doing their duties because they were loyal to their country and were following orders. Others who were loyal to the prince either committed suicide or fought back so the Francuan troops did not have a choice but to end their lives.

As for us, we stayed in the manor grounds. The palace sent blanket-like materials and wooden poles so we could set up tents. They also sent huge jugs of water and food rations so our family's former servants would not go hungry. Some of my father's private guards who survived joined the soldiers in helping the other citizens who were affected by the war. I told the servants that they are already free but they did not want to leave me by myself nor do they want to leave my father's grave. Besides, most of them are families and they do not have any other home except for the manor.

I took a deep breath as I watched them try to build something with what was left of the manor. Jacob sat beside me.

"That's a very deep breath. Are you alright?" he asked me.

I automatically leaned on his shoulder, "I've decided to leave them the land. They deserved it. I'd be going to the Queen in the morning and will tell her of my decisions."

"And?" Jacob asked.

"And…" I sighed "... if you want to, I'll come with you. If not, I'll go on my own adventure."

Jacob smiled, "Of course I want you to come with me."

I gave him a faint smile, "I'm dying to hear the 'but' part."

Jacob put his arm around me, "There's no BUT part. I already told you of my intentions and those intentions have not changed."

"However…" I began for him.

"It's NOT HOWEVER. I want us to get married in Canupeer," he said and tangled his fingers with mine. "For the meantime, you would stay there with Stella while I go back to Filiphin with Dylan."

"Why?" I asked.

Jacob took a deep breath and held my face, "Editha, Filiphin is in a stage of uncertainty with regards to politics. We were able to win the revolution but since the government is still young, the leaders could NOT find a common ground," he began to explain.

I took his hand off my face and smiled, "Go on.."

"They want…" he sighed again. "... they want me to rule and create a monarchy because of my lineage…"

I chuckled, "But…"

He chuckled, "BUT, I have no wish to be king as I know that you do not wish to be queen either."

I beamed, "I'm a pirate."

He smiled, "That you are. And so am I. The life I imagined and planned for us is…

".. to sail all the oceans and map the places we discover. Help those who are oppressed and live simply," I continued for him as it was my desire as well.

Jacob was teary-eyed as he gazed upon me. He nodded, "Still, I have a responsibility to Filiphin and I want to make sure that Dylan is prepared to assume leadership before I leave."

I nodded, "That's understandable. I'll come with you."

Jacob held my hand and put it close to his heart. He shook his head, "I can't… let you come with me."

I scrunched my forehead, "Why not?"

He sighed, "You're going to roll your eyes at this but please listen. You are my only weakness. As I have said, the politics in Filiphin is unstable. I could not guarantee that ALL of the Filiphinos will be loyal to me or my family." He swallowed hard. "As much as I do not want to separate with you, I have to make sure that you are out of harm's way. If they use you to get leverage on me  and something bad happens, I don't think I could forgive myself. I can't have another repeat of what happened with Prince Eric."

I gazed upon him lovingly, "I love you," I could not help but say.

Jacob chuckled, "Does that mean you concede?"

I pursed my lips and thought, "To some parts, yes."

It was Jacob's turn to scrunch his forehead, "Now, I'm dying to hear the 'but' part."

I chuckled and held his hands tightly, "I liked the idea of marrying you in Canupeer. And, I would stay with Stella for a bit. BUT, my staying there will depend on if I'm with child... if what happened between us that night and the nights after we get married…"

Jacob laughed, "You know it's not just going to be nights…." he cut me off.

I covered my face with my hands as I blushed at his comment. I shook my head before I faced him again. Jacob gave me a kiss on the cheek. I held him by the shoulders to make him behave, "As I was saying, if I conceive, I will stay with Stella and wait for you as you wish. However, if I do not, I want to begin the life that we wanted already. I want to sail and make something of my time."

Jacob gave me a disagreeing look before saying, "That will defeat my purpose. I already said that I don't want you to be in harm's way."

"I won't be in harm's way. I know how to defend myself," I argued.

Jacob looked away, obviously irritated by my decisions, "I don't know what to say. I don't like it."

I rested my chin on his shoulder and linked my arm to his, "You know I can't stay. You can't deny our similarity. Adventure pumps in our veins. We could not stay put. That is the reason you do not wish to be grounded by a title, and it is the same with me."

Jacob was quiet for a moment. I knew he hated the idea. He sighed again, "Is it alright if we talk about this some other time? I'm feeling a bit angry about this," he told me honestly.

I smiled and diverted the topic right away, "How are your injuries?" 

Jacob looked at me and kissed my forehead. "I love you, Editha."