Kwon looked back at me, "What did you do?"

I chuckled and shrugged my shoulders. "Serves him right," I muttered again before looking back at Kwon. I could tell he was amused but I saw a hint of mischief in his eyes. "So you were saying?"

Kwon looked up again before sitting up straight and continuing our conversation, "As I was saying, my triumphs compelled me to be on top, I searched for…"

"ANGELA!" Jeu called for me.

Kwon looked back up and called, "Over here, Captain."

I scrunched my forehead, "Your story…" I reminded him. I can't believe he had to stop on the good part.

Kwon held his hand up and signaled for me to wait, "Captain first."

Jeu quickly jumped off the Captain's Cabin deck by the wheel to where we were. He landed on his feet like it was nothing. I could not help but be impressed. I quickly scolded myself for admiring the captain. His eyes were fixed on me. He did not even spare Kwon a single glance.

"Angel," he began.

"Yes?" I asked innocently.

He cleared his throat and frowned. I closed my eyes a bit as a small mischievous smile formed my lips. Jeu's discomfort and his disgusted face was very entertaining to me.

"I just came out from the room," he began.

I nodded in agreement, trying my best to keep my enjoyment to myself. From the corner of my eye, I could see Kwon turned into a very attentive audience. He was looking forward to what will happen next.

"Yes, I saw that," was my response. "Is something the matter?" I asked feigning ignorance.

Jeu scratched the side of his forehead before exhaling loudly. "The room is a mess," he finally blurted out.

Kwon put his hand over his mouth to cover his laughter. He looked at me and wagged his pointer finger at me. Jeu saw the movement so he looked at Kwon.

"Was I interrupting anything?" he asked with his irritated voice.

Kwon looked up at him, unsure of how to respond to Jeu, so I took it upon myself to answer the captain's question. "With all due respect, Captain… As a matter of fact, you were. Kwon was telling me his story so I could completely pass my initiation from him," I said with my voice laced with false reverence.

Jeu looked back at me and gave me an unhappy smile. Upon seeing this, Kwon stood up. My neck was also beginning to strain looking up so I did the same. Now, I was face to face with Jeu.

"Kwon joined us because he could not beat any of the crew," Jeu said quickly wanting to address the issue of the room.

But since my mischief already began, I purposely lingered on the "Kwon" topic to irritate Jeu more. "Is that so?" I peered over Jeu's shoulder to look at Kwon. "And you were so obsessed with winning," I said and stepped to the sides and positioned myself in between the two men.

I saw Jeu frown from the corner of my eye. He hated being set aside, especially with the current issue. Plus, now he had to turn in my direction so in the end he was facing Kwon. Kwon looked at Jeu first who crossed his arms, before responding to me.

"Well, that was not entirely true. I could beat Emil," Kwon said.

Jeu scoffed, "Emil does not fight." I looked at Jeu behind me and he explained further, "He was formerly a priest and he has a knack for sailing ships and driving fast." Then, he looked back at Kwon, "Besides, tripping him does not count as a spar."

I giggled as I turned to Kwon, "Would you look at that? You were at the bottom of the crew," I taunted him.

Kwon laughed mockingly as a response. He shook his head and looked at me directly in the eye. "Not anymore. You're here now and you could not beat me," he said.

I grimaced and rolled my eyes. That was true. So I am currently the lowest rank in the crew. 

"So, about the room?" Jeu reverted back to the topic.

I exhaled, "What about it?"

"It's a mess," Jeu told me.

"What do you mean?" I asked to prolong Jeu's agony.

"There was water spilled on the floor. You did not make the bed. The books were tossed here and there. As a matter of fact, everything was tossed here and there. You did it on purpose, didn't you?" he accused me.

I gaped. I was fully aware that what Jeu was telling me was the truth but I won't admit to it. "I beg your pardon."

Jeu scratched his forehead, "Pardon not given. That was a lot of mess. You have to clean it up."

I rolled my eyes, "I was not asking for a pardon."

"You just said, you beg my pardon," Jeu retaliated.

"That was not supposed to be taken literally as it was not what I meant," I countered.

"But, you should apologize because you obviously have done those things purposely," Jeu argued back.

I crossed my arms, "How dare you accuse me?!"

Jeu smiled at me ever so sweetly, "Go ahead then Angel, why don't you deny it?" he challenged me.

I was stunned for a second, not because I do not know what to say but Jeu's smile caught me off-guard. Even if his smile was not meant to be taken positively, it still had that effect on me and I scolded myself again for admiring it.

"See? You can't deny it," Jeu said right away.

I narrowed my eyes, "I DID NOT DO ANYTHI---" was my rebuttal but before I knew it, I was falling on him. Kwon pulled the string on my ankle so I could lose my balance before cutting it off and walking away laughing.

It was happening too fast! Jeu held my waist so his body could cushion our fall. Then, THUD! We were laying on the deck floor with my body on top of his. And my lips for the love of mercy, landed on his…. AGAIN!!!!! I blushed profusely. I placed my hands on his chest to push myself up. But Jeu was too quick. He knew we were already alone, so he held my head in place and pressed his lips against mine. He gave me a quick kiss before letting me go.

"You!!!!" I began. My face was definitely hot. I must admit that I was angry but at the same time, a part of me was pleased. That fact was enigmatic to me.

Jeu placed his hands under his head and smiled, obviously pleased with what he did. "Now, that I did on purpose."

I groaned, "Obviously." I put my hands near his stomach and pushed myself up.

Jeu groaned in pain but laughed after. I was about to walk away when he called my attention.

"Angel, you have to clean the mess," he told me.

I looked back, "And if I don't?"

He chuckled unaffected as if he now had the upper hand, "The crew will continue to put you in compromising situations like these with me."

I put my hand on my hips, "And why is that?" I asked.

Jeu sat up. He held his hand up towards me so I could pull him up. I looked at him confused, "Because you see, the crew is loyal to me. Now, would you mind helping me up so I can help you clean the mess." I rolled my eyes before doing what he told me. Then, we walked to the room to clean up the mess I made. 

That night, after eating another deliciously bizarre meal, I walked out the deck. There, I saw Kwon by the ratlines cleaning one of his daggers. I went straight to him to call him out on what he did to Jeu and me.

"I could not believe you did that. Why did you?" I asked right away.

Kwon chuckled knowing what I was talking about, "Because I know the Captain will be pleased."

My eyebrow arched, "You'll do anything to please your Captain? You'll follow him blindly?" I challenged him.

Kwon gave me a small smile, "I might like you as a member of this crew, Angel. But, let me get this straight. My loyalty is towards Captain Jeu not you. You see, I owe Captain my life. He saved me countless times and showed me grace when I did not deserve it. This crew is my new family and if perchance this crew meets its demise, I will gladly take the first bullet." He left me after saying that.

I sighed. The sound of the squeaking hammock took my attention.. Jeu was humming on it as he looked up to the sky. Who are you, Captain Jeu?