The next day, I woke up at the sound of someone yelling. "Land ho! Land ho!" I stretched my limbs out and sat up. My eyes were welcomed with cleanliness and I remembered how Jeu and I had a cleaning session the day before. I took a deep breath and got up. I made sure that I fixed the bed just how he wanted it or else I'll hear from him again. His obsessiveness with cleanliness was unrivaled. 

I was still yawning and I stretched my arm again as I walked to the wall partition that separated the tub to the bedroom. But, I was in for another embarrassment when I behold that Jeu was soaking in the tub with nothing on. I squealed and quickly covered my eyes with my hands. I heard the swooshing of the water after.

With eyes still closed, I asked right away. "Oh my goodness! What are you doing here?"

I heard him chuckle before responding, "Isn't it obvious? I was taking a bath." After that, I heard another water swishing that sounded like he was getting out of the tub.

I shut my eyes tighter and started to step back. But, that was again a wrong move on my part as I stepped on something and was slipping backwards. A pair of hands caught me right away so I opened my eyes in reflex and surprise. Jeu's face was too close I could feel his breathing. And for heaven's sake,  his half naked body which was still moderately wet was somewhat pressed against some parts of me. Good thing, I felt the towel around his waist or else, I would've died of embarrassment.

"You seem to love falling into my arms," he told me.

There! I felt my cheeks becoming hotter so I knew I'm red as a tomato. What is it with this man that I always end up being tangled in situations such as these with him? My heart began to race and I could not, even to save myself, move.

Jeu seemed to take pleasure on my short moment of bewilderment because he smirked before saying, "Did I make you weak on the knees, Angel?"

That brought me back to reality and I quickly pushed him away which was again another wrong move on my part as the towel that was covering his lower half came undone. The ground should have swallowed me right that instant because as a reflex my eyes wandered to… AHHHHH!!!!! I quickly spun around and covered my eyes. How could I ever take that picture off my memory?

Jeu laughed at my reactions so I quickly ran back to the bed. I took a deep breath. What in the world is going on? I hoped that this was all a nightmare and then someone would wake me up from this embarrassment.

I heard Jeu walk out the bath area and heard his footsteps coming closer. "STOP!" I said immediately. He did. "Are you decent?"

Jeu chuckled. "Does that even matter? You've seen everything already," he teased.

"No, I didn't!" I tried to deny it but I know he knew that I did.

I did not know if it was mercy but he replied with, "I'm decent. You can open your eyes now."

I sighed in relief and turned to him. He was now wearing a clean white shirt and a pair of tan trousers. He looked fresh and he did smell good. I clenched my fists tight and reminded myself who I was since I seem to forget when I'm around him. And again, for so many times already, I'm being drawn to him just like a moth to the flame and my watchfulness falters. He was slowly breaking through the defenses I brought up around me.

I quickly shook my head. "You know I was here. Why were you taking a bath?" I asked him… more of scolded him.

"I take a bath everyday," he informed me as what had happened just a while ago did not have an effect on him. 

My mind was beginning to get distracted with the water dripping from the ends of his hair and my heart began pounding again, "Get a grip!" I muttered to myself softly.

Jeu might have heard me but he did not tease me this time. Instead, he smiled and said, "I took my bath earlier than what I was used to and made sure you were still sleeping in hopes that I would not disturb you and have some privacy."

I blinked multiple times. "I think we should come up with a schedule on when we do things so as not to have a repeat of that," I replied nervously.

Jeu agreed. "If that's what you like," he said as he walked to the door. I was about to let out a sigh of relief but he looked back before he opened it. "Although, I do not mind at all."

"Pervert," I quickly uttered.

Jeu laughed, "The tub is already draining. There is more water in the barrels if you need to take your bath. I promise I'll take precautions so I won't walk in on you," he winked before he left.

I screamed inside. That was beyond embarrassing! My knees finally gave out and I sat down on the bed. I covered my face as if it would take my embarrassment away. My moments with Jeu felt like how I would feel if we had met when I was still innocent. I tapped my face repeatedly hoping that I would wake up from whatever this was. Then, I took a deep breath and walked back to the tub. There was no more water in it so I filled it up again before soaking in. The water calmed my nerves and I was beginning to relax.

However, fate seemed to mock me as the moments from a while ago replayed in my mind. It was embarrassing indeed so I submerged myself in the water in hopes to hide my shame.. Oh I wonder what awaits me this day? Still, I knew whatever it would be, even if it was the most dreadful initiation ever, it would never be worse than what had transpired between Jeu and me this morning.