There have been several facts that I found about the little boy over the past three days.

It would be a relief if the thing that he puts in his mouth is an eatable, but unfortunately, most of the things that the kid grabs was what he couldn’t eat.

Dolls, clothes, blankets, pillows, and even my hair.

When I or Felix look away from even for a moment, the kid moves silently, takes something in his hand and starts chewing it.

When I approach him belatedly, he smiles and shows off the spoils he found.

Whenever that happened, not only the spoils, but also his mouth would covered with saliva, and when I firmly say no and take away the objects, the child starts shouting,


And eventually burst into tears as if protesting ‘why I took away what he found.’

I felt like I became a bad adult who was harassing the purest child in the world.

Even after seeing Felix all day for about two days, the kid still kept rejecting him.

Whenever he tries to hug, he struggles as if he didn’t like

In addition, whenever we go out, it becomes hard to calm him down from crying when people approach him saying he was cute.

Three days later, fortunately, the little boy no longer refused Felix and got used to him.

However, when I went to the bathroom to wash up or tried to get some fresh air for a while, he starts crying.

Thanks to this, I couldn’t enjoy my free time except when the little boy was sleeping.

On an another note -The festival outside is so colorful and noisy!

I felt it from the time he spit out the soup, that the kid was very picky.

He always ate broccoli soup, and didn’t eat anything other than sweet potatoes.

Not only that, but he always tried to play only with the toys that he liked.

In addition, whenever he was hungry or sleepy, he always looks for me and starts whining, so it was quite hard.

He was such a cheeky kid that I wanted to give a smack when he cried or went crazy, but he was so cute like an angel when he smiles or sleeps calmly.

In addition, I was somehow proud of the fact that he followed me around as if I am his whole world.


When I told Felix about these facts that I found yesterday, he laughed.

Then, he murmured looking at me in a pathetic way.

– You look like a mother whose braging about her


He continued to say to me, who was furious at the words but couldn’t find anything to refute.

– You didn’t find anything important.

That’s true.

There was no important clue for us to find out about his family.

Felix went to the Security Guard station every day on my behalf, but there was no report of a missing child.

There was no place like a house where the child recognized or responded when we walked around the streets with him every day.

The thing became increasingly questionable.

“We might not be able to find his family.”

I looked to the side while lifting my heavy eyelids.

It was an action that hardened like a habit after doing it for three days continuously.

However, when I see the kid sleeping soundly next to me or playing with toys, I could somehow be at ease.

“Little boy?”


As soon as he heard my sound from the front, he looked forward at me.

The kid in Felix’s arms, who was feeding sweet potatoes, started shaking his body.

When Felix let go of the struggling kid, the kid quickly crawled to the bed, where I was sitting


The little boy grabbed the leg of the bed and stood up and looked at me.

Looking closely, not only the mouth area but also the cheeks and nose were also full of sweet potatoes.

I collected the sweet potato from his cheeks and nose and placed it in his mouth.

Seeing that the little boy bit my hand with his four teeth.

“It hurts, kid.”


“Is it good?”


“Do you know what day it is today?”

The little boy, who knew nothing, just jumped up and down and laughed.

Snow was falling outside when I turned my head towards the window.

“Today is Maxmas Day. It’s St. Max’s birthday.”

Thugged the little boy and patted him on the back.

The kid rubbed his cheek against the back of my neck, making a sound similar to the cat’s grumbling.

The sweet smell of sweet potatoes exuded from the child.

“You, I and Felix, can’t spend this year’s celebration with our family.”

Somehow, I felt depressed.

I don’t usually spend the holiday with my family, and Felix doesn’t go home saying he didn’t feel like going, but for the baby, this must be the first Maxmas day in his life.

I told the kid exactly what my mother said on Maxmas day when I was young.

“God bless you and May the protection of God always be with you.”

Thanks to you kid, I don’t feel lonely for the first time after 10 years on Maxmas day.


It’s been a long time since I had seen a white Maxmas day, so I couldn’t just stay in the accommodation.

We decided to take the kid out and play.

I was getting ready to go out by packing the snacks to feed the kid, while Felix was washing the kid in the bathroom.

But suddenly, I heard a loud sound coming from the bathroom.


“Ely ! Catch him!”


Little boy?

As I tilted my head and looked towards the bathroom, saw the little boy crawling out with a lot of foam on his body.


As soon as I saw that, I touched my forehead without realizing it.


Without knowing how I felt, the little boy crawled towards me like an arrow as soon as he saw me.

The place where the kid passed by was covered with bubbles and water.

The plump arms and legs, the belly that popped out, and the plump hips were also full of bubbles and water.

It looked like he felt the cold.

The little boy stopped for a while and soon started sneezing.

A runny nose came out of his cute nose.

I became startled by the appearance.

“You shouldn’t come out of the shower in halfway, kid!” What if you catch a cold?”

I now understand, why they call Parenting as a war.

Because there is no end to it.

The day before yesterday, he rubbed his cheeks covered in soup on my clothes, and yesterday, Felix’s book got covered with saliva, and today he ran away while taking a bath!

As soon as I ran fast and grabbed the slippery little boy’s arm, Felix ran out of the bathroom with a towel and hugged him with a towel.

His gaze looking at me was not good.


In the meantime, the kid who fled looked very upset that he got caught.

Felix grumbled as he wiped the kid’s nose with a towel.

“I told you I will clean him using magic spell.”

After the poop diaper washing magic, we usually handled most of the little boy’s things with Felix’s magic.

Not only diapers and clothes were washed, but also water and soup were heated using magic.

Very occasionally, in order to stop the whining of the child, Felix lifted him in air using magic.

The little boy’s bath was also of course one of the magical tasks.

Until today, when I asked Felix to wash the kid by himself.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know that he would run away like this.”

I just thought that the little boy would have fun playing with bubbles.

Felix, who heard my defeated voice, did not say anything anymore, but magically dried the little boy and my clothes.

Since it was refreshing, the little boy put his finger in his mouth and shook his body back and forth.

It was decided unconditionally that in the future, the little boy’s bath will be taken care with magic.

After many twists and turns, the three of us came out after getting ready.

White snow poured from the sky and snow piled up gently on the floor.

The streets that turned white were already crowded with people.

Most of them were families who came out with their children.

The children were running around with their hands above to catch the snowflakes, or they were having a snowball fight with the snow already piled up on the floor.

Next to them, I could see the children’s parents being friendly and scolding the children not to run around since they might get injured.

Every year I get jealous, whenever I see this scenery on Maxmas day.

But today, I was a little relieved that I was not alone.

Even though it was not my family, this time I didn’t feel jealous or bitter.

Thugged the little kid a little more into my arms.

Even though the weather was so cold that white breath came out, it was not that cold to me thanks to the hot human stove kid.


Since the stars were amazing, the little boy kept looking up at the sky and muttered something.

When snowflakes fell on his forehead or nose, he shook his shoulders because of the cold and frowned, but when snowflakes entered his mouth, he mumbled and shouted.

It wouldn’t taste like anything, but the kid was still sticking out his tongue and turning his head around to eat the snowflakes.

“Let’s go to the plaza.”

Felix came close to me, murmured, and walked quickly toward the square even before hearing my answer.

Every time we went out, as soon as he heard the sound of a couple or a family, he doesn’t seem to want to go side by side with them.

“ Hahahah… You don’t want to go next to them, because, you are afraid that when they see the three of us, they might call you DAD…right.?”

While I was questioning Felix, the little boy laughed at the sight of a snowflake that fell on his tongue.

I put the little boy’s hat, which was about to come off, back on properly, and then started walking behind Felix.

At first, it was easy to walk, but as we went deeper into the streets, it became difficult to break through the gaps between the people who filled the streets with the little boy in my arms, so I couldn’t easily follow Felix.

But without knowing that Felix kept walking in the front.

“You punk. Go alone and fall.”

About the time when I started to swear by the selfish and vulgar behavior of Felix, he came back to me as if he had heard my murmur.

He looked at me as if he was annoyed, but slowed down his pace to make it easier for me to follow him.

Thanks to that, I was able to walk smoothly along the road.