The square, which we arrived a little later, was cheerful with the heat of the festival.

The most cheerful place was in front of the so-called Baby Angel Fountain, located in the center of the square.

Water did not come out of the chubby baby angel statue holding a bow and arrow because it was winter, but instead, cheerful music came from the band in front of it.

People gathered around it and danced cheerfully to the song.

Whenever people clapped to the beat in the middle of the dance, my shoulders moved without realizing it.


The little boy was more excited than me as he tapped my shoulder with his hand and shook his body up and down.

People looked at us and laughed when they heard the little boy’s laughter higher than the sound of the violin in the band.


With Felix’s help, I pulled a little boy out of the Kangaroo bag, which we bought to carry the little boy, instead of my arms.

While I was organizing the bag, the kid who was held by Felix shook his legs harder.

The cheeks, which had been reddened by the cold air, became even redder.

“Kid, shall we dance?”

Once again, I took the baby from Felix, held him in my arms, supported his butt with one hand, and held his small hand with my other hand.

Whenever I took a clumsy standing position and spun around in place, the kid screamed.


It’s my first time enjoying a celebration with so many people, so I was also as excited as a kid, so I completely forgot Felix’s existence.

I remembered him and looked around only after a hectic triple turn.

He was watching us with his arms folded a little away from the dancers.

‘Is it just me? Why does it feel like Felix is laughing?’

But as soon as I beckoned him to come here, he frowned, so I thought I saw it wrong.

“We can just dance amongst ourselves. Right, kid?”


The front of the fountain filled with people was hot even in the cold weather, and me and the little boy danced there until sweat formed on our foreheads.

After dancing to my heart’s content, I approached Felix, who handed me the lukewarm water, which he had magically warmed up.

While I was drinking the bottle of water, Felix fed the child with a small spoon.

The little boy gulped down every drop from the spoon.

“Hi, baby”.

Suddenly, I heard a cheerful voice from the bottom.

Looking down, a girl who looked about seven years old was looking up at the little boy.

The brown haired little girl seemed to be interested in the little boy.

| crouched down on the floor and made it possible for the little boy and the girl to face each other.


Fortunately, the little boy was not afraid of the girl.

The girl opened her eyes wide as if surprised as she held the little boy’s hand.

“Wow! His hands are so small ! Argh…. He is so Cute!”


The kid laughed so brightly that he closed his eyes, perhaps because he understood that he got complimented.

“ I’m Sarah… what’s your name. Baby.?”

“ Babuuubu”

Sarah, the girl, looked at me, asking the question to the little boy.

The sudden question made me speechless.

‘Why are you looking at me.’

Even I don’t know his name, that’s why I’m calling him ‘Little Boy’ as convenience.

When I didn’t answer, Sarah asked me again directly.

“What’s his name?”

“Uh, um… That’s… well…”

“Doesn’t he have a name?”

“No! Of course he does. Why wouldn’t he have one?”

I looked up at the sky avoiding Sarah’s suspicious gaze.

I was in a knelt down position and Felix was still standing, so I could see Felix’s face next to the gray sky.

As soon as I saw his face, I opened my mouth without realizing.

“Felix! Yes, his name is Felix.”

And the moment I said that, I immediately regretted it.

Tom, Jackson, John. There are many common names, but why did I say Felix?

Felix frowned and stared at me.

Avoiding his gaze, I looked back at Sarah.

“Oh, it’s Felix! Hi Felix…you are so cute..!”


I caught my mouth, before the laughter could spill out of it, while the little boy waved his arm caught by Sarah.

Whenever the name Felix came out of Sarah’s mouth, really had to sweat while averting myself from the painful gaze coming from Felix.

At that time, I was worried that I would get an earful from Felix when we went back to my accommodation later.

Is it because of the atmosphere of the holiday, which I enjoyed properly after a long while, it was so peaceful and calm that I stopped worrying about Felix’s wrath.

I thought, this happiness, which I experienced after a long time would continue longer.

But it was entirely my misjudgment.

I forgot that I had experienced the most of the misfortunate things when I was at my happiest.


Sarah and her friends, who had been playing with the little boy left, when he began to whine, and we headed to the restaurant to have lunch.

Felix and I didn’t had our breakfast, so for the lunch we ordered meat pie and pork ribs.

The little boy who must have been hungry because of the dancing enjoyed the soup with chicken breast torn into small pieces and ate up to half a banana.

For dessert, I also enjoyed the cheese cut to the size of my little fingernail.

The kid, who was drowsy in my arms with his plump belly bulged more, began to whine again as soon as we left the restaurant.

Looking at the time, it was the time when the little boy always took a nap.

I felt it over the past three days, but the child’s body clock was more accurate than any other clock.

I followed Felix carefully along the still bustling streets.

In the meantime, the child did not hide his discomfort.


“Yeah, yeah, hang in there. We’ll soon reach the accommodation, where you can have your nap.”

I comforted the little boy by patting on his back, while he rubbed his eyes against my shoulder.

The child whined so badly whenever he was sleepy that it made the whining when he was hungry felt cute.


“Ah….it’s there, it’s there….. If you keep doing this, I can’t walk properly……. Ouch!”

While I was walking slowly, carrying the baby, a healthy man hit my shoulder and just walked as if nothing happened.

Even though he hit my shoulders so hard, he didn’t even had the courtesy to look back, let alone apologize.

No matter how busy you are. It’s rude.

However, today is a holiday, so I forgave him with a broad mind.


This time, a woman bumped on the back and ran.

No apology was heard from her either.

As soon as I was about to soar with anger due to the series of bumping, I suddenly felt that the atmosphere around me was cluttered.

It was only then that I could not hear the voices of the people, which I couldn’t until now since I was trying to soothe the whining child.

“Hurry up and run run run……!”.

“Call the guard……someone call the guard!”

“Hurry up Move…move…move….!”

The people started running from both of my sides.

I couldn’t even think about turning back.

I don’t know exactly what happened, but I could tell that the situation was urgent.

Perhaps the little boy also felt serious atmosphere, that he no longer whined.

Thugged the little boy with my arms tightly.

Felix couldn’t be seen anywhere.

He had gone ahead while I was slowing down for a while.

But I had no time to stand still and find him.

I tried to speed up and run along the people who were busy moving.

But even before I took my first step, a hand protruding from behind caught my arm.



A low, cold voice similar to that of a beast was heard right in my ears.

It was a cracked voice as if it came from scratching the vocal cords.

At the same time, a sword as cold as his voice touched my neck.

Maybe it was not a well maintained sword, since there were rough scratches on the sword.

It wasn’t sharp, but it was threatening enough.

His hands and arms were full of wounds.


The little boy raised his head fearlessly and shouted at the man behind my back.

“No, kid!”

I quickly pulled the little boy’s head into my arms and whispered.

Immediately after that, the man behind my back grabbed my arm harder and the sword touching my neck started penetrating in to the skin.

The blade was duller than I thought, so it didn’t cut my neck, but I thought that the blood would start coming, if he put a little more strength.


My heart started beat so fast that I could hear the sound of my heart.

Why is this happening all of a sudden…

Why did such an emergency, which has never happened in my 18 years of life, happen today when it was most peaceful and happy day in my after a long time.

Who the hell is this guy?

Why did he aim for me among all these people?

I was concerned more about the child in my arms than all these questions.


Thugged the frightened wriggling little boy harder.

The child’s body temperature spreading in my arms and the sweet banana scent from his cheeks calmed my rampaging heart.

Wake up, Elena. No matter what…you have to

protect the kid.’

An unknown emotion, which I had never felt in my life started filling the calmed down heart.

I might be incomparable to Felix, but I’m also a student of Larbredor Wizard Academy learning magic.

If there is a gap….

If the sword pointed at my neck could move away for a moment, I could escape using magic.

I walked backwards as the unidentified man led me.


Suddenly, a few steps away, I could see Felix’s face calling me with a stiff look.

Even though he was quite far away, it looked clear, as if he was right in front of me, while biting his lower lips.